Mix It Up to Avoid a Rut: Flywheel Review
Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like you’re just going through the motions of your workouts? Or, if you’re training for a race this fall, do you ever get exhausted from the constant grind? Maybe every once in a while you simply find yourself feeling a little uninspired to hit the gym or run the same old route in your neighborhood, yet again.
We all feel like that every now and again. Don’t panic; it’s normal. That’s why it’s great to hit the reset button from time to time to keep your fitness fun, motivating and varied.
As part of my training for this September’s ESi Ironman 70.3 Augusta, my workout schedule includes biking 3 times each week (in addition to lots of running and swimming). During the busy weekdays when I can’t always get out on the road to ride, I spend a lot of time on my trainer. (For those of you who aren’t into cycling or triathlons, a trainer is a contraption that you can hook your bike to and ride it just as you would a stationary bike. This is the one I use.) Boring is an understatement when it comes to the trainer. I watch TV shows I’ve missed while riding to pass the time, but an hour literally feels like a lifetime on the trainer.
So I decided it was time to shake things up a little.
I recently met a new friend through blogging: Amy. Amy is a fit mom of 2 who works full-time, runs her household and … trains for triathlons (in all her spare time, ha!). She’s an awesome athlete and she suggested I join her for a class at Flywheel.
So earlier this week, I dragged myself out of bed at 4:45 a.m. to do just that. And I’m so glad I did. It was just what I needed to get excited about weekday cycling again.

Flywheel describes their company as being dedicated to re-inventing the indoor cycling experience through camaraderie, technology, music and fun. I’d describe it as a 45-minute spin class on steroids – a high-intensity workout with a crazy-awesome level of competition that keeps you digging deep from start to finish. They currently have studios in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte, Seattle and South Florida. Flywheel’s philosophy is NEVER COAST (which I love by the way). And there was absolutely NO way to do any coasting in this class.
Here’s what I loved about my Flywheel experience:
- It catered to my every need. From signing up online to reserve my class and getting to pick my bike online, to having free bike shoes and towels waiting for me upon arrival, the Flywheel team has thought of it all. It’s nice to have everything there waiting for you, which saves time packing a big bag full of stuff the night before and hoping you haven’t forgotten anything. The bikes were nice as well. Flywheel says they’re custom-made and are tailored to offer maximum comfort and encourage maximum performance.
- The atmosphere rocked. From the minute the class started, the energy was insane. The bikes are all set up stadium style, so you’re never staring at someone’s ass back the whole time. I had a great view of the mirrors and our instructor, Jeremy, who suggested what resistance levels and RPMs (rotations per minute) we should strive for. The room was dark and the music was awesome. Apparently Flywheel has an in-house DJ who leads the music experience, and each instructor choreographs their classes with playlists that change for every ride.
- The competition kept me fighting for my best performance the entire workout. Other than a race, this was the first workout I’ve done where you actually compete with those around you. Flywheel has large screens at the front of the class where your stats are posted showing who is leading and where you fall in the pack. (You can choose to not have your stats listed if that makes you uncomfortable. You also don’t have to use your real name.) I ended up being 5th in the pack at the end of the class. By having my stats up for the class to see (and knowing I didn’t want Amy to think I was a slacker), I pushed harder than I ever have in a normal spin class, where it’s easier to dial back when you start to get tired.
- You can track your detailed progress over time. One of the things I was most impressed with was that Flywheel emailed me all my stats right after my class and uploaded them automatically to my online profile. You can see your metrics for every ride, including RPM’s, torq, speed, power, distance and estimated calories, and track your performance over time. Here were my stats for Wednesday’s class:
- It helped me fit in more strength training. As part of my 2012 race goals, I’m trying to incorporate more strength training into my weekly regimen. Since I already have 3 sports to juggle, making time to fit in strength training can be challenging. I loved that we did about 5 minutes of arm work as part of the class. There are weight bars (4 pounds and 2 pounds) that are attached to your bike. Toward the end of class, the instructor led us through some shoulder and bicep work, which was a nice surprise. I’ll take it anywhere I can get it!

The only downside to Flywheel is that it’s expensive. If you already have a gym membership and are paying for race registrations, a running club and/or other workout classes, this may not be doable for your budget. Individual classes are $25 each, or you can buy a package of 5, 10 or unlimited monthly classes for a lower rate. I bought a 5-class package and got a free FlyBarre class, which I’m dying to try. (FlyBarre is a combo of yoga, dance, circuit training, pilates and strength building to tighten everything from head to toe. I’ll let you know how I like it when I try it!)
So the next time you’re in a rut, consider changing it up! Whether it’s taking a new exercise class like Flywheel, or trying a new running route, meeting a new friend/group to workout with or trying a new DVD, be sure to keep your workouts and training fresh so that you’ll stay motivated to keep it up!
Have you tried Flywheel or a similar type of spin class? If so, what did you think? What other interesting workout classes have you tried?
i’ve tried flybarre but not flywheel! and it’s been on my list. but i’m not a huge lover of the bike so I’m not sure I would love my stats being posted. flybarre was cool-much different than purebarre and i wasn’t expecting that.
Flywheel was great for me given my triathlon training. But even if you don’t love biking, it’s worth trying if you’re looking for an awesome cardio workout and a fun atmosphere. The good thing about the competitive screens is that you DON’T have to include your stats for the room to see if you don’t want, but you can still get them sent to you after the class so you can see them. People can choose what they’re most comfortable with, which is nice. I’m dying to try FlyBarre and now I have a class credit. Let me know if you want to go with me for my first class 🙂
Great blog about FlyWheel – such a great place. And Thank God that picture is blurry, eesh. We need to “run” to a night out and get a non-sweaty picture for your blog :-)! You, of course, look fabulous. You should write a blog about how to look great in running pictures – you have some awesome ones!
Awe! Thanks Amy. You are WAY too kind. And thanks for introducing me to this new workout. I think I’m going to be addicted. If only I could wear make-up my running pics would be so much better … but then again, that would be a little too ladylike for this rUnladylike gal 😉
I love spinning and that sounds like spinning X10. Would be amazing!
Flywheel sounds great. I hope someday they’ll make it to the west coast. 37 mph! Awesome!
Thanks Debbie! I’m not even quite sure how 37 mph was possible but I gave it all I had 🙂
This looks like so much fun! Looking forward to seeing what happens with barre as well.
I don;’t think I have anything similar near me, but I’m going to look now 🙂
My co-worker, Ann, is obsessed with this place. It was good to hear a review from a triathlete though. I’ll have to check it out.
We should pick a morning and go together. You would love it!
Great review! I don’t generally love spinning, but I REALLY like FlyWheel so that’s my exception. You should try a Jesse class – he is AMAZING!
It’s such a great workout. I live in Atlanta but am traveling to Chicago this week and NYC next week and plan to try a FlyWheel class in both those locations. Can’t wait! I’ll be in NYC August 1-3 for BlogHer. Let me know if you’re taking a class one of those days and we’ll have to meet 🙂
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