Triathlon Race Day Checklist
My bags are packed. The training is done. And I’m finally headed to Augusta for tomorrow’s half Ironman. For those of you who have a triathlon coming up or if you’re someone who’s thinking about making a transition (no pun intended) from running to triathlon, here’s a sneak peek into my race day bag. This handy triathlon race day checklist can be scaled up or down depending on the distance of your race: sprint triathlon, Olympic triathlon, half Ironman or Ironman. Now, let’s just hope I didn’t forget anything!

Before the Race
- Pre-race food (I pack a banana and Macadamia White Chocolate Clif Bar to eat about 2.5 hours before the race. A little coffee is also nice to have to make sure all pre-race porta potty visits are completed successfully *wink*.)
- Tri-suit (I wear a Sugoi tri top and 2XU tri shorts.)
- Body glide or aquaphor to lather on all the areas where you think your tri-suit could rub
- Garmin/watch (I am now using the Garmin 910 … finally!)
- Hair ties (if applicable)
- Camera (that you can give to a spectator before the race or put in your swim gear bag to check)
- Timing chip (provided in race packet at registration to wear on your left ankle during the race)

For the Swim
- Wetsuit (if the water temperature is colder than 76 degrees F)
- Aquaphor (to lube up all the areas where your wetsuit might rub, e.g. neck, armpits, etc.)
- Plastic grocery bags (to help you get your feet through the legs of your wetsuit)
- Goggles
- Anti-fog wipes for goggles (and sunglasses), such as Foggle
- Swim cap (provided in race packet at registration – some people like to wear 2 caps but I just wear 1)
- Pre-race fuel just in case (e.g. gel, sports chews, etc.)
- Water/sports drink
- Flip flops to walk to the swim area (You’ll want to wear a cheap throw-away pair, give them to a spectator or put them in the swim gear bag if that is offered.)

For the Bike
- Bike pump (remove from transition area before the race)
- Bike helmet
- Bike shoes
- Bike socks
- Bike gloves
- Sunglasses
- Arm warmers (if it’s chilly)
- Race belt with bib number attached (you will keep this on for the bike and the run)
- Bike maintenance tools (This should be in a pouch of some sort on your bike that includes spare tubes, Co2 cartridges, a multi-purpose tool, and a tire lever in case you get a flat on the course.)
- Hydration (I have 4 insulated bottles: 2 filled with Strawberry-Lemonade-flavored Nuun and 2 filled with water. On hot days, it’s great to try to freeze half the liquid in the bottle prior to the start and then pour the rest in so your drink stays cool throughout the ride.)
- Nutrition (I bring cooked small potatoes covered in salt in a ziploc bag that I put in the top of my tri tank, pretzels filled with peanut butter, Honey Stinger Vanilla Waffles and Honey Stinger Gold Gels. I try to eat about every 25 minutes.)
- Medical or electrical tape to tape gels to bike bar for easy opening when you tear it from the tape
- Salt pills or packets to provide adequate electrolytes
- Disposable plastic shower cap to put on your bike seat to keep it dry if rain is expected

For the Run
- Running shoes (I wear the Brooks Pure Cadence.)
- Speed laces that require no tying to speed transition time (I prefer iBungee but have also used Yankz.)
- Socks (Bring an extra pair just in case.)
- Visor (I love the Head Sweats brand.)
- Nathan Hydration hand-held water bottle filled with Nuun
- Nutrition (I’ll have Honey Stinger Gold Gels and Sweedish Fish in my Nathan Hydration zipper pocket.)
- Salt pills (just in case)
- Small Aquaphor (to keep in your pocket or to reapply at transition)
- Disposible plastic shower cap to cover running shoes if rain is expected

Other Items to Keep in Your Transition Area
- Flashlight for navigating your transition area while it’s still dark before the race
- Large towel (to set all your stuff on)
- Hand towel (to dry off your feet after the swim)
- Aquaphor
- Sunscreen (I like the Neutrogena 100 SPF waterproof sports spray)
- Chapstick
- Mini-first aid kit (Carry this with you on the bike and run just to be safe. Include some Neosporin, an alcohol wipe(s), bandaid(s), Tylenol and a safety pin.)
- Bag that you brought everything in
Post Race Bag
- Flip flops
- Towel
- Change of clothes
- Compression socks
- Recovery drink/snack of choice (although there should be plenty to eat and drink at the post-race tent)
Whew! After all this packing one would think that was the race in itself. But since there are still 70.3 miles ahead of us, I leave you with 50 awesome tips for a successful race day from British triathlete and 4-time World Ironman Champion Chrissie Wellington.
Is there anything I’ve left off this triathlon race day checklist that should be included? I’m getting super nervous. How do you calm your nerves before a big race?
Wow, just totally bookmarked that! This is just awesome, thank you.
I don’t think I’ve done enough yet to get nervous about but I have my first duathlon in One month I plan to be very prepared for – and nervous!
Good luck ! I’m nervous for you!
Good luck! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you, but I know you are going to be amazing.
I love seeing all your gear laid out – I knew there was a lot involved, but still…wow.
Much love!
Good luck. I love how you listed everything.
I am thinking about doing sprint tris next summer and will be coming back to this because I am clueless!
Great list! I am going to tweak it a bit for my race and post it to our race page (and give you kudos)!
Thank you so much Lia! Glad you found it helpful! Good luck at your next race!
So glad you have this here. Getting to my packing last minute as always.I’ve collected a few piles, but this will help me not loose my mind in the morning as I pack. See you in Augusta!!!