A Running Rite of Passage
Yesterday I discovered that I’ve officially transitioned from normal runner to hard-core runner status. It actually happened 3 weeks ago, and I didn’t even know it.
Those of you who read my Marine Corps Marathon race recap last month know that Hurricane Sandy made her debut after the race, shutting much of Washington, D.C. down for the 2 days following the marathon.
Being holed up in a hotel room with my mom and brother for 48 hours forced us to desperate measures find creative ways to keep ourselves entertained. One of those please-help-me-from-going-crazy activities was giving ourselves manicures and pedicures (don’t worry, we didn’t make my brother participate). There was a CVS that opened for 5 hours one day, and I bought some dark teal and gold nail polishes (what a racecation!).

Right after the marathon, the nail on my second toe of my right foot was tender. I had experienced that before but really noticed it as I was painting my toes. The tenderness of course went away after a day or 2, and I haven’t thought of it since.
Fast-forward to yesterday. After 3 weeks of Essie’s So Overboard on my toes, it was time for a change. As I was taking all the polish off, I saw it. My running rite of passage. A black toenail. Well, actually a grey toenail.
No. It can’t be.
But alas, it was. My first black toenail. (I will spare you the photo. You’re welcome.)
I’m not going to lose it, but I feel it is a rite of passage nonetheless. The proof that I’ve officially gone from ordinary runner to bad-ass runner. Ok, that’s dramatic and ridiculous, but you know what I mean.
Looks like it is time for some new polish!
Have you ever lost a toenail or had one turn black from running? What other running rites of passage have you experienced during your training and racing journeys?
Oh my gosh, I had that a few weeks ago! Took the black nail polish off my toes and my big left toenail stayed black. Didn’t notice til I was in the bath, told everyone. They were all like ‘Ew’ and I was all like ‘So coooool!’ Heheh. Total rite of passage 😉
I got my first black toenail about 3 months ago. I didn’t lose it but it is still growing out and I feel like it is taking forever. Then on Saturday I noticed that half of my big toenail (on the same foot) looks bruised. I guess I have also joined the ranks of hard core runner.
I don’t know why I’m so scared of this.. Maybe more of the toe nail falling off! But still!
Yay for you! I lost my big toe nail once and it was freaking me out because it was summer/ flip flop time. I glued it back on! DO NOT do this! My mom had to have an intervention with me and my stinky toe.
Yay! A black toenail. Yes. I’m in week 11 of marathon training, and though my shoes are super supportive and do me so well for the races and don’t hurt, my toes are constantly blistering. I’ve lost one full toenail, and I’m in the process of losing another. I don’t even worry about it, though, because like you, I decided that it’s a right of passage and means I’m hardcore. 🙂 Congrats on your first!
Hard core! I love my black toenail, dodgy toenail and major blisters. Your feet love running 😀
I have a bruised toenail as well. I washed my sneakers and they may have shrunk as a result which I think is the cause. Oops! Also, I am currently rocking the same color on my toes.