Dear Running … Thank You.
As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow – to remember how extra thankful we are for the many blessings in our lives – I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on why I’m thankful for running (this is a blog about running after all).
A little more than 3 years ago, I was at a pre-race dinner (as a spectator) and had a conversation with a runner who told me, “If you can run 5 miles, you can run a marathon.” Little did I know how much that moment would change my life and spark an incredible journey. I would be remiss if I let this week of giving thanks pass without sharing why I’m thankful for running.
Dear running,
Thank you for …
1. Bringing incredible people into my life. My running journey has introduced me to friends I will have for a lifetime. Friends I may never have met if it wasn’t for Saturday morning long runs, bonding over IT Band Syndrome and GI issues and celebrating successes. These are people who inspire me, amaze me and make every runner feel like a rock star. I call them my “running friends,” but they’re really just my friends.

2. Helping me redefine what I thought was possible. If you had asked me if I could run a marathon or complete a half Ironman 4 years ago, I would have told you, “Hell no!” Running has taught me that I am capable of doing anything I really set my mind to and am willing to be disciplined about. It has pushed me outside my comfort zone and made me a stronger person mentally and physically.
3. Introducing me to the most supportive community on the planet. Running and blogging has opened me up to a whole new world of learning and support. I’ve met running bloggers and runners on Twitter and Facebook from across the world who I feel like I know and who keep me motivated and encouraged. I learn more about our sport from their experience and advice, and they are a virtual cheerleading squad available at any time of the day.

4. Inspiring me, day after day. Runners are truly ordinary people doing extraordinary things – from losing 300 pounds to running marathons or finishing the Boston Marathon with just 1 leg, the perseverance, determination and awesomeness of runners never ceases to amaze me. These stories give me perspective and inspiration – and remind me that no matter how bad a day or a run may seem, there are always people facing and overcoming much greater challenges each and every day.
5. Giving me new memories, moments and experiences. Thanks to running and racing, I’ve gotten to go on some wonderful trips and vacations with the people I care about. From a weekend in New Orleans with my mom, to a long weekend in Las Vegas with my husband and favorite running friend, marathons have given me opportunities to experience new travels and make memories with the people I love. These are memories that will last forever.

6. Providing me a channel to fight back. Running gives us control. Or at least a feeling of control when we may not be able to control anything else around us. Last year, I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon in honor of my father-in-law who passed away from lung cancer. I raised money to fight cancer in his honor and dedicated every mile of my race to his life and to my husband and sister-in-law who were grieving his loss. It’s small in the grand scheme of things, but when you feel like there isn’t anything else you can do to make a difference, pushing yourself to your physical limits to honor someone who has been through a lot or in memory of a loved one we’ve lost is a way to fight back. To make a stand. To remember. We’ve seen this in full force after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy in the northeast and the many runners who are dedicating runs and racing to honor everyone who lost so much in the storm.

7. Helping me de-stress. Running is an escape. It is the place where you can take out your frustration after a long day. It is the glue that can keep you sane when you’re hanging on by your last thread. It helps me channel my negativity in a positive way rather than filtering it to those around me.
8. Creating an indelible bond with my dad. As the daughter of an elite runner, I am thankful to my dad for introducing me to the sport and to always believing I have more left to give. I run because my dad ran. I don’t remember a time when it wasn’t part of our DNA.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. We have so much to be thankful for. Never let a day go by without remembering that.
Why are you thankful for running? What are the best things it has brought to your life?
Love this post SO much – and I agree with them all. Happy Thanksgiving, hope you have a great one!
Thanks for your kind words Megan! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I love running for the same reason! Such a nice list.. Happy Thanksgiving!
Great list! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Great post Jes! I am thankful for you too! Happy Thanksgiving!
HI Jess! Great post! I am thankful for runners like you that encourage us beginners and help us see our potential 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you so much Melanie! I’m so proud of all you’re doing and know 2013 will be great for you!!!
Loved this post! All great things to be thankful for!
Hey, I loved this post… I am so thankful for running too!! Though I only do a little I am thankful for what I can do. Great blog, and great post!!
AWSOME post! I can totally relate to just abou everything except for part about your dad!
I just started running this year and it has been SOO awesome!!! Started with a half marathon that I WALKED/ran in May and finished with a marathon that I ran the entire 26.2 miles (minus the water brakes).
I especiall agree with what you said about your running friends…words cannot express how I feeling about my running friends. They are AMAZING!!!
Love the post – the community of running/blogging was especially helpful to me as well. Happy Thanksgiving!