An Unforgettable Evening with the Mayor of Running
“Never limit where running can take you.”
That’s what Runner’s World’s Chief Running Officer and running legend Bart Yasso told me last night. I didn’t just read those words in his book. They weren’t in one of his tweets I saw online. He told me that. In person. Face-to-face.
I met Bart Yasso. I ran with him. I had dinner with him. Yes … That. Just. Happened.

How do I begin to put into words what it was like to spend several hours with a man who has experienced – and accomplished – more through running than most of us will ever know in a lifetime? It wasn’t that he taught me something new about the sport that is suddenly going to make me a faster or more successful runner. Being with him simply renewed my sense of pride in being a runner. Bart is a living example that running is not about winning races. It is an outlet to achieve your best self. It is about being part of a community that you can only understand by joining it. And membership is free to everyone – whether you live in a big city, small town or a tiny village in Africa.
“Running may be the connective tissue, but the true essence of the sport is a passage to a bigger world. So open the door and run through. Just don’t be surprised if you arrive in a place you only dreamed existed.” ~Bart Yasso
Our evening started at Big Peach Running Company – one of my favorite local running stores in Atlanta. A group of about 50 set out on an easy 3.5-mile run. I was delighted to see some of my fellow Atlantans and running bloggers and meet others in person who I have only known on Twitter. The running community. Simply amazing.

Bart ran slowly toward the back of the pack. Sometimes alone. Other times with many of us around him, gawking asking questions and just enjoying being in his presence.

When we returned to the store, we had the pleasure of hearing bits and pieces of Bart’s running journey. He is one of a select few who has completed races on all 7 continents – more than 1,000 since joining Runner’s World nearly 30 years ago. He shared the ups, downs and lively adventures of races from Antarctica and Nepal to Boston and Death Valley. He even teared up telling us about his most memorable race in South Africa.

He also shared 3 of his top tips to being a successful runner, which you can watch here:
Most of us would have been thrilled for the evening to have ended there. But no. There was more.

My fellow Nuun Hood to Coast teammate and Atlanta running blogger friend Lindsay asked Bart on Twitter if he’d like to have dinner with a few of us after the run and seminar. He answered almost immediately.

Bart wanted Thai and lo and behold, there was a Thai place directly next door to the running store. I like to call that fate.

For the next 2 hours, we enjoyed hearing more about Bart. His life. His running adventures. His favorite races. Why and when he became a vegetarian. That he only gets about 4 hours a sleep each night. What it’s like to work at Runner’s World. What it’s like to be on a plane every week and in hotels 150 days a year. His thoughts on Twitter and Facebook (I think we may have talked him into getting on Instagram!)
He was funny and kind and open. He was like a next-door neighbor or a running partner you’ve had for years. He loves running and that’s all that matters. He doesn’t care if you’re an elite athlete, a well-known race director or a group of 7 running bloggers in Atlanta who are a bit awe-struck and completely inspired.
I left last night feeling more inspired than when I arrived. More fulfilled. More eager. More grateful to be part of this amazing community that is running. Because like Bart says, running can take us anywhere. There are no limits. Every day is a new adventure.

Have you ever met Bart Yasso? If so, tell me about it. What famous runner or member of the running community would you love to meet and run with some day?
Wow- That’s amazing!
How lucky for you! He’s so inspiring!
I met Hal Higdon at a race expo & had him sign my book. I thought that was pretty awesome, but a run with Bart! You Rock!
Dinner with Bart Yasso! That’s the kind of thing a girl puts on her bucket list! I’m so glad you had fun, and thanks for sharing his tips with us!
I can feel how inspired you are through your words. Never met anyone famous. I’m new to running so I don’t think I’m at the point of running with anyone that great or half as great, maybe not even 1/3…well, you get the point. But, I will keep running and enjoy what I get out of it!
Why yes I have met Bart Yasso! We had the pleasure of having lunch with him during the BMO Vancouver marathon weekend. He is such a genuine guy and so easy to chat with and for someone who has such incredible stories and advice to share, that’s pretty darn cool!
eee! so awesome! sounds like it was an amazing night! thanks for sharing with us!
What an amazing experience!
So my question, in reference to “running is not about winning races”, have you decided whether you will run Peachtree Road Race or not?
Hi Jill! Thanks for asking 🙂 Yes, I’ll be running the race on the Fourth. Just running it for fun.
4 hours of sleep?! That’s insane. I am excited to try the famed Yasso 800 challenge to estimate my time for my first marathon this year. He’s such an inspiration; I’m glad to hear he’s also really kind and friendly. So jealous!!
Dear Bart, please come to North Carolina and run with me 🙂 You can even bring your new from Jess because I like her too!
Awesome experience J! Glad you had an amazing time!
Wow that sounds like such an amazing experience! I’m very jealous 😉 He sounds like a nice guy too. What a dream job as well to work for Runners World :-O
How lucky and awesome is this!?!? I am definitely working on the tip about running my long run SLOW. I’m so used to just blasting through them for half marathon training, that it’s a completely new and different animal for the full 🙂 Glad you had a great time. I haven’t met any of my running idol “celebrities” yet, but I’d LOVE to meet Katherine Switzer!
I read Lindsay post! This is so cool! What an amazing experience! Love Bart!
Just got a chance to read this. Sounds like an amazing night! What a great experience you all had. 🙂