Race Recap: 2013 Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon
Training for endurance events is a commitment that often requires making sacrifices. Sacrifices that affect you. Sacrifices that affect your family. Sacrifices that affect your body. I’m currently training upwards of 10 hours a week for my half Ironman this fall, and it’s easy to ask ourselves (or perhaps most people ask us this): Is it worth it?
Races like the one I finished today confirm my resounding answer: YES!

Races (and many training workouts) are often not comfortable in the moment. One side of your brain is taunting you to quit when it gets really hard, while the other part is telling you to dig deep and find your guts. You’re often not sure what you can do until you do it. Surpassing what you thought you were capable of and proving to yourself that you can be more. Better. Your best. Not every time. But on the good days. Training and racing isn’t easy. Most of the time it rudely elbows its way around our everyday life, sometimes even bullying our loved ones. But at the end of the day, when we can see hard work pay off, it’s always worth it. Strong mind. Strong body. Stronger heart.
Today, I competed in the PT Solutions Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon. This past week has been a recovery week for me (every 4 weeks I reduce my mileage about 10% to recover from the previous 3 weeks of hard training). Since my weekend brick (bike + run) only called for a 1-hour bike followed by a 20-minute run, I thought it would be the perfect time to do a sprint triathlon and get in a little transition practice. I was also curious to see how my training (which has been more intense and more disciplined than any other triathlon season) has been paying off.
Apparently, it’s working.

Somehow, I ended up on the podium after the race today. And not just for a funny photo opp. I know, I know. This is NOT familiar territory for me. I’m momentarily dismissing the fact that this race has a smaller field of just 400 women, attracts a lot of first-timers, newbies and more casual triathletes and does not have an elite field. I’m sticking to the story that I placed in my age group because I’m training hard and getting stronger, not because all the fast people don’t do this race. *Mysterious voiceover: “Enough with the self-deprecation, already!*
Top Highlights from Race Day
(Warning: Some contents of this list are unladylike and may not be suitable for prudes.)
- I placed 3rd in my age group and 15th overall. I feel this result is directly correlated with my strong training plan and discipline this season. The first place woman overall was 8 minutes faster than me.

- I ran a 7:53 average pace during the run on a very hilly course. Have I mentioned I despise hills and typically avoid them at all costs?
- The porta-potties were shockingly clean with no lines. (Thank you women’s only races.) I would know because I went 3 times before the race started. And without pee all over the seats from the gentlemen, it made pre-race pooping a lot easier. Just saying.
- I got to meet Swim Bike Mom while waiting for the swim to begin and then again after the race. She is one cool chick and you should check her out. Meeting other fitness bloggers in real life makes me happy.
- I got to see my friend Stacy and her husband who got me into triathlon back in 2006 and taught me everything about the sport when I first started. We haven’t done a triathlon together since 2009. I also got to see many of my triathlon friends from the Atlanta community who came out to cheer us on. Awesome spectators make such a positive difference.

- I got kicked in the head during the swim. Thankfully, it made me temporarily forget how hard I was breathing.
- I peed on my towel in T1 (transition between swim and bike). Yep. When will I stop going to the bathroom during races when and where I’m not supposed to? I had to pee before the race and I had planned to go in the lake while I was swimming. But for some reason my body would not allow me to pee while swimming. So I did the next best thing. I peed on my transition towel while putting on my cycling shoes. I got 3rd in my age group by just 10 seconds. That’s what I get for being so unladylike. At least no one can call me dehydrated!

- I got tie-dyed race bling. How cool and unique is that?

- After the race, I ate a small cheese pizza. In the car. While driving the 4 miles home from the pizza place to pick it up. Question #1: Wouldn’t most normal human beings be able to wait the 10 minutes to get home before devouring an entire pizza? Question #2: Did I really need to eat a whole pizza after completing a race that only lasted 1 hour and 16 minutes?
The Swim (400 Yards): 00:7:20

The swim was a wave start by age group, requiring us to run into the lake and swim a rectangular course.

I started at the front of my wave and had good personal space for most of the swim. Even around the buoys it wasn’t too crowded. I was breathing heavy during the entire swim. I exited the water after 6 minutes and 58 seconds. The total swim time includes the run out of the water and around the gates into the transition area.
Transition 1: 00:01:32 (Yes, this includes peeing in my transition area and could have likely been about 15-20 seconds faster.)
The Bike (13 miles): 00:42:17/18.5 miles per hour
The bike course was quite hilly, with both some small gradual inclines and steeper sections. I rode the majority of the bike in aero position since there were very few turns. I felt winded throughout the majority of the bike and my quads were burning a bit. I tried to catch my breath on the downhill sections but refrained from doing any coasting. The bike is where I want to focus my greatest attention during the next 2 months. I would love to consistently finish in 19 mph or faster.
Transition 2: 00:00:52
The Run: 24:29 (7:53/mile)
Thank God I had completely blocked from my memory how hilly this run course was. From the very first half mile, we climbed incline after incline. Luckily, the weather remained overcast despite high humidity. The only person who passed me on the run was the girl who came in second in my age group during the last 600 meters or so, beating me by 10 seconds. I tried to hang onto her but as we approached the final hill, I mentally and physically let her go. I’m still kicking myself a bit for that, but I’m glad to have run sub-8s. The hills were also good practice for Hood to Coast later this month.
Total time: 1:16:29
The last time I did this race was in 2007. It was the 4th triathlon I ever did. It was fun to look back at my time for that race, which was 1:24:07. Big improvement from 6 years ago!

Nutrition and Hydration:
Many of you have shared that you’d like to know more about fueling and race day nutrition. Here’s a quick peek at what my nutrition and hydration plan looked like for the Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon:
The night before the race:
- 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast, a heavily salted baked potato and French bread (nearly no fiber, good protein and carbs)
- Throughout the day, I drank 50 ounces of Cherry Limeade Nuun and several bottles of water)

2.5 hours before the race:
- 1 scrambled egg for protein (heavily salted)
- 1 cup of steel cut oats with 1 banana (carbs and low-glycemic sugars)
- 12 to 16 ounces water (spiked with half of a tab of Cherry Limeade Nuun)
During the race:
I consumed 100 calories of Black Cherry Clif Shot Bloks during the last mile of the bike (around the 51-minute mark) and an entire aero bottle of Cherry Limeade Nuun during the 42 minutes I was on the bike. Both contain a little caffeine.
Immediately after the race:
The Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon has a lovely post-race tent with a beautiful homemade spread that even included a chocolate fondue fountain. I kept it simple though.
- 20 ounces of water
- 6 ounces of yogurt
- Berries
- 1 mini blueberry muffin
All in all, it was a successful training day at the Acworth Women’s Sprint Triathlon. Another brick completed and a tie-dyed trophy. What more could a girl ask for?
What is the coolest race bling you’ve ever gotten? What races do you have coming up on your race schedule?
This is the first of 3 years that I have been doing triathlon that I didn’t do this race. It is a favorite of mine, save the run. I hate the run because it is always hot and hilly. I love the camaraderie and proximity.
Own the AG victory! Last year I had 3rd AG. Remind yourself that while there are a lot of beginners out there, a lot of experienced triathletes are racing as well. The top echelon of athletes are the top racers in the area. So, good race, a job well done!
And I love that you peed on your towel in T1. This gives me ideas. It could literally save minutes of time in the half. I burned 3 minutes running to the port’o’potty in my first half ironman. Now I know that I don’t need to 😉
Podium?Wow great job lady!! You work hard and it does payoff everytime.
Podium?! Wow that’s awesome!! Great job!
Congratulations overall on your placing and all your times. I love reading all the TMI details! I was waiting for you to say you peed on the bike or something after reading your Facebook post teaser. I am super interested in your nutrition. Is that pre-race breakfast what you eat before your long rides and runs as well? Do you feel weighed down at all? I have a hard time getting down half a bowl of oatmeal. Do you just make yourself eat it? My nerves get me.
Hi Meghan,
That is actually not what I typically eat before most of my long rides and runs, but I wanted to try something a little different today since I was really just treating this like another training day (and I already knew my stomach could handle it). The key is being able to eat 2-2.5 hours before the race starts so you have adequate digestion time. If you have that kind of time, you can eat more. We should eat between 200-300 calories per hour before the race (based on body size), at least 2 hours in advance — preferably including low glycemic fruits and a little protein, low fiber. So I was trying to eat about 500 cals 2.5 hours in advance. I had plenty of time to go to the bathroom. I felt good during the race and had a lot of gas left in the run. On a lot of my training days I don’t wake up early enough to eat that much, so instead I’ll do a Lara Bar and banana or something like that. Other good things are applesauce with protein powder, as well as hard boiled eggs with fruit. I’ve had good luck with Clif Bars too.
Jesica, That is so awesome! Congratulations. Ever since I started following your blog I have now gotten the bug to try for a Triathlon eventually. I even started riding my bike more. really because I can’t seem to get over the awful shin splints that keep rearing their ugly heads. Very Frustrating! However, it has given me the opportunity to ride more. Mountain biking is really hard for road racing though. Oh well, it’s what I have. So thank you for the inspiration to push myself more. Swimming is a huge weakness so haven’t quite gotten the guts to start yet. Congratulations again and can’t wait to hear about Hood to Coast. That is a dream race of mine.
Hi Lacy! Thank you for reading my blog and I’m excited you have been biking. I’m sorry to hear you have recurring shin splints. When is the last time you bought new shoes? Often times shin splints occur because it is time for new shoes or because you’re in the wrong shoes. You may want to go to your local running specialty store to get that checked out. It is good that you’re doing more cross training to rest and recover rather than continuing to run and make the problem worse. Ice is your friend too 🙂
The cool thing about swimming is that you can improve really rapidly. It comes faster than success in running. I know you can do it! Thanks again for your kind words. So glad to have you as a reader. xo
Great race! Congrats on placing in your age group. The race bling looks pretty sweet. I did a tri today as well 🙂
Congrats on your race Jenelle!!! Can’t wait to read about how your tri went!
Congratulations!!! I’m planning on my first tri next year so reading your tri training/experiences has been great.
I love that you peed on your transition towel. You gotta do what you gotta do! Did anyone look around and notice?? haha
Congrats on placing and a great race over all!
Awesome race! I love the Irongirl tris! They are so well run and they have great medals and prerace swag! And I agree, I can never pee during the swim either. It’s like my bladder is confused.
So true about the trials and tribulations of training. I remember last year after my first half I said I would never do it again and now I’m training for a full!! It’s just so worth it and gives you some perspective each day.
Congrats Jes! Youre so awesome and deserved to reap your rewards! Haha peeing iisssss your favorite 😉
Congrats that’s an awesome achievement for ‘just’ another brick session! 😉
Congrats on a great race and p
Acing! I love the TMI updates! We are all human after all 🙂
That is an awesome trophy!!! 🙂
Congratulations on your 3rd place AG finish. You rocked it! It is always exciting when you can get on the podium.
I had a sprint tri last Saturday, and I’m doing my first Olympic tri this Sunday!
Thank you Kristen! Congrats on your tri last weekend and good luck this weekend! Can’t wait to hear how your Olympic goes. I’m probably going to throw an Olympic into my schedule in early September. xo
Congrats on an awesome race! you’re right…it is worth it…sacrifices and choices–it pays off. Love the bling!
I’m not sure what my favorite bling is… I have a few clay medals from smaller races that are cool, and I love my Cog medal from my 70.3
I have a 5k this weekend and a few halves between then and my next marathon. I like to keep a busy race schedule.. it keeps me on my toes and motivated
Thanks, Laura! Good luck at your 5K this weekend!!!
Wow awesome job! And nice move with the towel thing, i think.
Hot damn!!! Congratulations!!!! Super exciting!!! P.S. I may need to discuss IM training plans with you come November…
Thanks Beth! Always happy to talk about training anytime! xo
Congrats on your race! You own it girl and don’t ever try to downplay it! Many racers in sprints are just like you, training for longer endurance races, so be proud of yourself! All of your times were very impressive, and keep training on your bike, you will get past that 19 mph hump! Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much for all your encouragement and positive thinking Angie. It means a lot! xo
Nice job!!! That’s awesome!! And I LOVE that you peed on your towel…fantastic. And I always use the porta potty situation as a gauge to judge how well I’m going to do in a race…to poop or not to poop….that is the question!!
Oh yes. If you don’t poop, race day could potentially be a disaster! I always breathe a sigh of relief for a successful pre-race porta potty visit 😉
Hey way to rock!! That is awesome! No cool race bling but I am signed up for the savannah half in November.
Awesome!! Way to kill it!! Obvs…your training is going well especially because you are training for a longer distance endurance tri!!! Congrats!!
Next on my list is HTC!! Go Team Lemonade!!!
Coolest race bling: I have done a lot of RNR races and Ragnar Relays and I would say they both have the best!! Well my Ironman medals are pretty good too!! Tough Call!! 🙂
Awesome job! I love the bling you got. I have a triathlon on 8/17/13 (Beaver Lake Triathlon). Also my b-day. Hooray for getting up super early to race on my special day. You’re a fast swimmer. Swimming is my least favorite part.
Thank you Tara! Good luck at your race next weekend. I hope you’ll let me know how it goes! And happy early birthday!