Attitude of Gratitude Instagram Challenge: 13 Things to do before 2013 Ends
November is a time when people often reflect on the many things they are grateful for. All you have to do is open your Facebook news feed to find a handful of friends posting about something they are thankful for each day during the month. But gratitude has to be more than just words. An attitude of gratitude should also be reflected in our actions.
I’ve thought a lot about this during the past few months. Actions are just as important as intentions. As an endurance athlete, people are constantly asking me how I find time to fit in all my workouts and still balance life. The thing about time is that we don’t find it; we make it. We will make time for the things that are truly important to us. And we will make excuses about not having time for the things that are not. When I was logging 10 to 11 workouts a week while training for the Beach2Battleship Half Iron Triathlon earlier this summer and fall, I made time for all those sweat sessions whether they were convenient or not. But I didn’t always make time for other things that were really important to me – like planning a special date night. Or sending a friend a random card to let them know I was thinking about them. Or cleaning out the refrigerator and pantry. It doesn’t matter if we have the best of intentions to do all of those things and more. If we don’t do them – don’t make time for those little things that are important and show our gratitude in our everyday life – then our actions speak louder than our words.
Last week, I stumbled upon an article from the Thought Catalog by Brianna Wiest called 18 Things Everyone Should Start Making Time for Again. Her list inspired me to create one of my own.
Between now and the end of 2013, I’m going to do each of the 13 things listed below (many hopefully more than once). I’m going to snap a photo that represents each action and share them on Instagram. I’ll report back to you before the end of the year with how my little experiment went in photos.
Want to join me for this Attitude of Gratitude Instagram Challenge? It’s simple.
- Post on Instagram each time you do one of the below 13 actions before the end of the year. Tag @rUnladylike in your post and use the hashtag #GratitudeInAction. I will send a special surprise to the person whose picture has the most likes (picture must include @rUnladylike and #GratitudeInAction in the caption; mailing address must be in the United States; surprise will be mailed during the first week in January).
- If you have a blog, spread your gratitude by taking on this challenge and encouraging your readers to do the same. Be sure to link to this post and include a follow-up post with all of the things you made time to do.

13 Things We Should All Make Time To Do Before the End of 2013
- Send a hand-written note to a friend or family member just because. (Christmas cards don’t count.)
- Plan a date night for your significant other. Make it a surprise. (If you don’t have a significant other, plan something special for another important person in your life like your mom or best friend.)
- Call someone you haven’t spoken to in ages just to say hi and catch up.
- Pick a house project you’ve been meaning to do for ages and get it done. This might be simple as cleaning out your closet or as big as finishing painting your guest bedroom or organizing your attic.
- Do something kind for a stranger.
- Disconnect from technology for an entire 24 hours. This includes text messaging, Twitter, Facebook, email, the Internet, etc. (You can use your phone to make a phone call.) Is it sad that this one terrifies me?
- Read a good book recommended to you by a friend that has nothing to do with running or what you do for a living.
- Go running with a friend. (Even better, go running with someone who is just getting started and who may need some extra motivation. Forget about pace. This is about helping someone else do something good for themself.)
- Support a local business in your community.
- Try a new recipe by cooking a meal for someone you love.
- Tell someone who has made an impact in your life the role they have played in helping you. Thank them for helping, inspiring or guiding you. This could be an old boss, a former teacher, a family member or anyone who has made a profound impression in helping you become who you are today.
- Do something thoughtful for a neighbor(s). It could be everything from helping them with something in their lawn or picking up a package to bringing them homemade cookies or inviting them over for dinner. It’s important to grow the community where we live.
- Take advantage of the beauty of the outdoors. Go on a walk or hike to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings. Go to a national park you have never been to. Take a walk to see changing leaves. Make snow angels somewhere beautiful. Take in how lucky we are to be part of nature.
Are you going to participate in my Attitude of Gratitude Instagram Challenge? If so, commit here in the comments below. What other actions would you add to this list? Bonus points for completing them!
I’m in! Great idea, Jes!
LOVE this idea so much!!
Love it!
This is a great idea! I’m not on Instagram, though.
Great idea!
I love this idea ! I really like the idea of calling a friend that I haven’t spoken with in a long time…I feel like with technology we let Facebook or a random gchat conversation be all that keeps friendships together but really we need face to face and phone time! Thanks for this reminder.
I’m down! I love this kind of thing if I can remember to actually document them. That is always a problem for me. I do love that all of these are low-tech. I have a real hard time breaking away from technology so that will be my hardest one.
Glad you will be joining me, Lacy. I agree that the 24-hours without technology will be toughest for me too. I’ve printed out this list and am carrying it around with me to cross things off as I go along. 🙂 Good luck with the list!
I love this idea!
This is awesome!! I do a lot of things already! I just have to check them off now! 🙂