Why Running a Marathon is Like Dating an Unstable Boyfriend
Despite our 14-month break-up, I’m getting back together with the marathon.
This week, I signed up for my sixth marathon – the Albany Marathon on March 1, 2014, in Albany, Georgia. It has been more than a year since I’ve run a marathon. After finishing the Marine Corps Marathon in 2012, I told my family I was done with the marathon distance. I was a bit burnt out from the high mileage, and truth be told, the marathon had broken my heart 3 races in a row. I didn’t feel good during my last 3 consecutive marathons, and I didn’t meet my goal times at any of them. I needed a break.

During the past year, I’ve focused on long distance triathlons, half marathons and getting faster. In the afterglow of the amazingness that was the Beach2Battleship Half Iron Triathlon earlier this fall, I decided I wanted to return to the start line of another 26.2.
I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on the inexplicable pull this distance has over so many of us. Marathons are emotional, challenging and painful, and yet, we keep going back. We keep training and racing. Because running a marathon is something that allows us to test what we’re truly capable of, achieve our greatness and find our extraordinary. But it’s also a lot like dating an unstable boyfriend (or girlfriend). You all know the person I’m talking about. The person who was totally wrong for us but who we kept hanging out with anyway. The one who was often selfish, reckless with our feelings and didn’t deserve our love (not to mention the one our parents secretly hated). Think about the marathon. Sound familiar?
Running a marathon is a lot like dating an unstable boyfriend (or girlfriend). Note the similarities:
- They’re moody. Just like Mr. or Miss Wrong could be sweet as pie one day and completely selfish the next, we never know what we’re going to get on race day. We might select a race in late fall somewhere known for cool/cold temperatures, and race day serves up temperatures in the 80s (happened: Chicago Marathon 2010). We can put our all into training, and come race day, face 20 mph winds in the middle of a hurricane (happened: Marine Corps Marathon 2012). Every once in a while, the stars and moon align and we get a perfect race day (happened: Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans 2011), but most of the time we have to be flexible in adapting to the conditions and race day surprises we receive.
- We can’t change them. You aren’t going to change the habits of a bad boyfriend or unstable girlfriend. Most people are who they are. Similarly, there are factors associated with the marathon that are simply out of our control. We can’t control the weather. We can’t change the fact that the last 6 miles are going to be hard. We can’t control whether our digestive system will cooperate or rebel on race morning. We can’t subtract miles. We have to accept the things we can’t change and determine if we still want to be in the relationship with our long run.
- They hurt us. If you’ve ever run a marathon, you know what the second half feels like. You know about taking ice baths after long training runs, nurturing nagging aches and pains and having to walk backwards down stairs after races. You know all about IT band syndrome, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and runner’s knee. Love hurts.
- They can break our heart. When you train for 5 months, pour your heart and soul into something, give up Friday nights for Saturday morning runs and put your body through hell, you want it to all be worth it. You want to realize the goal you set out to conquer. You want to feel good on race day. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes it doesn’t. You don’t get a re-do the next weekend. Many of us only run 1 or 2 marathons a year. In the 5 marathons I’ve run so far, I’ve only felt good and exceeded my goal in one of them. I think my training approach is much stronger and more focused now, but nevertheless, smart training doesn’t always ensure a successful race. And when that happens, it breaks our hearts.
- And yet, we keep going back to them. While dating Mr. Wrong, how many times did you tell yourself you were not going to get back together or let him hurt you like that again? Despite the pain, despite the hard races and the tough finishes, we keep signing up. We keep restarting the training cycle. We keep pushing our body to see what we’re capable of. We have selective amnesia and forget about the hard parts. I said I was done with marathons, and now #6 is on my calendar and the credit card has been swiped. The high you get from a marathon finish – no matter how hard it is to get there – is unparalleled.
- There’s always another one waiting when we’re ready to start dating again. With nearly 400 marathons across the United States and countless more across the globe, there’s no shortage of options. And you never know when the next race will be “the one.”
In all seriousness, the marathon has changed my life. Yes, it takes a lot of hard work and a little pain along the way. There are ups just like there are downs. But when you experience that moment of crossing the finish line of something that should technically be impossible, there are few things more powerful than that. Here’s to another 26.2.
Do you have a marathon on your 2014 race calendar yet? If so, which one(s) are you running? Has the marathon ever broken your heart? What makes you keep going back?
So funny. Love this! I don’t have a marathon but i do have a Half Ironman. YIKES!
Yay for your first half Ironman! The training is much more time consuming and intense than a marathon by far, but the race itself is not as mentally or physically taxing as the marathon. I couldn’t believe it when people first told me that, but after doing 2 half Ironmans I can confirm it is true. Good luck!!!
Too funny! I am running my first marathon on January 12th! We will see how kind or unkind it is to me and I’ll have to go from there. I would love to run a second marathon next fall.
Karen @karenlovestorun
Good luck with your first marathon, Karen! No matter how it goes, it will always be special and memorable to you! Keep me posted on how it goes for you! Happy holidays!
You hit the nail on the head with this one! I have had my heart stomped on during a marathon yet I am going at it again this March for BQ attempt #3 after a DNF and then a 2nd attempt one week later last year. Even though it hurts I keep going back!
Ive never run a marathon but that uncertainty and heartbreak are certainly not moving me towards that start line any faster!
This is hilarious – but so true! After the Dopey Challenge, I’m taking some time off from marathons. I hope that, like you, it will fuel the fire for when I want to put in the training again!
Fantastic. Simply fantastic. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can’t wait to follow the next training cycle!
I love this!!! I’m already positive I’m running another one, and I haven’t even finished my first one. There’s just something amazing about knowing you are pushing your body hard, and while it may rebel occasionally, it generally gets you through it.
We can relate! 😉
I love this! Although I haven’t conquered the marathon YET, I think this is true for running in general. My favorite read in a while.
While I have only run one marathon, I think I’m going to do it again in Oct. It’s a beast but something I want to challenge myself to do again!
Oh Jesica :() I could not have said it ANY better. You described it so completely! It was 594 days since I had stepped to the line last Saturday (still writing my race report) and more than once I was asking my self “why the hell am I doing this?” and wondering “Do I really have any business doing this?”…but when I turned that last corner…(how is it there is always a last turn?) and crossed that finish line…well it’s nearly indescribable :)) It was happy tears…
My next one is here in hometown ATL – The spring Publix Marathon and my training starts in 2 weeks!!
Everyone that I know that has run Albany says it a good one! many Boston Q’s there. Raise that Glass and cheers!!!
This is absolutely the best description for the Marathon! My heart has been broken 2/3 attempts, though I have already decided I will be back again in the fall of 2014! I think it’s the fact that is so hard to master that keeps pulling me back! Good luck this Spring!
Hilarious…and very true! Can certainly be applied to all of running.
Every bit of this is true. What’s wrong with us that we keep going back, time and time again? You’re right, it’s emotional, but well adjusted adults are supposed to have those things in check, right?
Great post!
Well said. I’m excited for you as you start this journey from a new perspective!
Great analogy, I love this!
I am running my very first marathon in 2014 – and it is a biggie – The NYC Marathon! I’ve tried for 3 years to get in, so I was given guaranteed entry this year and I entered!
Little worried about it – but I am creating my training and race schedule around marathon training.
I finished my 30 week couch to marathon training plan in October, walked like a new born deer for a few days, then signed up for number two just nine days after crossing the finish. It was sort of awful but much more gratifying than I could have ever imagined. I’m running the Cincinnati Flying Pig in May!
I’m running my first marathon on Feb. 16, and I’m already trying to decide which marathon will be my second in October.
Yay Ben! Good luck with your first marathon!!!
Great post. I haven’t run a marathon in 3+ years. My last attempt ended in heartbreak (cramped up and missed my time goal). I haven’t gotten up the courage to try it again. I’ve got a 100-miler on the calendar for February, and ironically that’s less intimidating to me than a marathon.
This is so awesome and totally true!!! My biggest heartbreak (even though it was a PR) was Chicago ’13. It was suppose to be a perfect race! It wasn’t but I guess I like the challenge cause I always go back!! I’m doing RNRAZ in Jan, Big Sur, an IM marathon, and NYC to round it out!! It’s gonna be a crazy year!!
Can’t wait to see how you progress with new light in your eyes!! Are you going for a BQ?!
Your 2014 is going to be amazing!!! That is quite the race schedule! I am not shooting for a BQ. My qualifying time is much faster than what I really believe I can and should be running at this point. Guess I’ll just need to age more to qualify 🙂 Good luck at RnRAZ!!!
I have not run a marathon yet, that is the dream for me! This was such a funny post…I’m hoping that Spring 2015 will be my time!
[…] -Run Lady Like compares running a marathon to an unstable boyfriend […]
This is so spot on! I was signed up to run St. Jude here in Memphis and it got canceled because of the weather. The feeling was exactly like getting dumped by a crappy boyfriend. Like men though, there are plenty of other fish (races) in the sea!
Wow, Whitney! That had to be absolutely heartbreaking. Way to have a great attitude about it. I know your next race will be a meaningful one. Good luck!
Great post as always Jesica. I love the analogy. I ran my first marathon (Soldier Marathon) back in November, and this reminded me of when my wife asked me shortly after I finished if I would run another one. At that moment, the LAST thing I wanted to think about was running another one. Of course, by that afternoon I already started thinking about asking that crazy marathon out on another date. I haven’t picked the exact time or place yet, but we’ll be going out again in the fall.
So proud of you and your first marathon! I can’t wait to see where your next training journey takes you!
I absolutely love this post. After finishing the Kiawah Marathon I have felt all these emotions. The weather was perfect so that was good but many of the other factors of a bad boyfriend were definitley there. However, I am running the Rock N Roll Marathon in Savannah next year but I want to add one more to the calendar just not sure which one quite yet. I am amazed that I even want to do another one but I feel like I want to see what I can do and how far I can really push myself. I know I can do better and I want to acheive that. It’s crazy what we do for Love!
Savannah is a fun race and I think you will enjoy it! I shaved 40 minutes off my marathon time from the first to the second. We learn so much from that first experience. You are doing great! Keep it up!
Best of luck with the marathon training!!
Wow so many questions and so little space to answer it.
Yes each marathon has broken my heart. My lat one I met my goal by less than a minute. Yet so many things went wrong.
I met so many more of my goals in a half. I am looking forward to a potential fall marathon with some spring and summer halfs to get the year rolling.
Meeting traning run goals is so challenging when training for a full. So much time away from he family.
Hats off to those that manage to juggle it all and meet all their goals.
Great post!
Hello from Austria!
Wonderful post, so true. When I met Mr. Marathon we had 3 hot rendez-vous. But we broke. For 6 years I had no relationship with Mr. Marathon anymore, but in 2011 we started dating once again. It was hard right from the start. However, I didn’t give up, after three thoughies I’m going to run number seven in April 2014. In Italy!
Mr. Marathon is cruel, he hurts me, he breaks my heart. Oh yes!
But crossing that finish line after so hours is a feeling so empowering that I want to do it over and over again.
Great blog!
Hi Gabrielle! Thank you so much for stopping by runladylike.com! It sounds like we’ve had some similar experiences. Good luck in Italy this year! So exciting! I know you’ll do great.
This was a fun post. My last marathon was that boyfriend that makes promises and then doesn’t keep them. I’m hoping my new boyfriend on Sunday will fulfill a couple of the promises that last one couldn’t keep. I’m excited to hear you’re doing another. I can’t wait to follow the training. Seems like you’ve got a lot of your training so well in check now as far as distances and paces are concerned.
This is too cute. I feel the same way about the marathon. I love to hate it. And I just want to conquer it and walk away feeling…good!
Love it!!! Laughing! I wrote an article a few years about how the marathon is like marriage and dating! Hope you had a wonderful holiday! xoxo