The Running Mind
Home for the holidays. Why is it that even though I haven’t lived with my parents for many years, I still say I’m “going home” at Christmas time? I’ve built my life in another state, but I still call going back to where I grew up “home.”
As I went on a journey down memory lane today, I was reminded how much running has always been a part of me, even when I didn’t realize it.
This afternoon, I had lunch with my best friend from high school who was also “home” for the holidays. A funny story sparked us to find our high school year books. My dad managed to find all 4 of them, and we spent about an hour going through the old photos and shockingly embarrassing messages that seemed so cool at the time to write (but clearly were not 15+ years later). After my friend left, I continued rummaging through the boxes of old “Jesica” stuff my parents had labeled by elementary, middle and high school and stowed away in my old bedroom closet (which is now an office … so much for home for the holidays mom and dad! Ha!).
Lo and behold, I found a notebook full of random things I had written as a teenager, including 3 articles and poems about running. I was probably a freshman in high school when I pasted this in my inspiration notebook.

I have no memory whatsoever of the words or finding this in some magazine I stumbled upon. But the words rang true today. I am different, but somehow I am still that same little 14-year-old girl who felt something powerful when I thought about running and when I read those words.
The Running Mind
My heart beats at a faster pace
A drum with a powerful moving beat
Body and soul free
as I run.
Faster and faster my feet fly
Wandering mind
Friends with the wind
My spirit
Clears my mind
It soars
across the sky
My heart will run always.
-Malinda Dzurisin
When did you discover your love of running? What are your favorite running quotes, sayings or poems?
Oh, goodness! You are brave! You couldn’t pay me to share any of my adolescent poetry, online or otherwise!
My love of running started much more recently (try last year). There are so many great quotes and sayings out there. I have favorites depending on my mindset.
Have a great trip “home.”
Jenn, I wouldn’t share any of mine either. This one was cut out from a magazine and pasted in a book I had written poems in as a teen … and they were all so painful to read. I was saved by this piece about running. It is so funny to read about “heart break” from boys and friends way back then. I don’t even really remember it that way today. Ha! Have a great holiday! xo
I discovered my love of running after nearly dying at my first half marathon. I finished, with major GI troubles, and was sick as a dog for days. But the thrill of pushing myself past my limits kept me coming back for more…And since then I’ve completed 4 halfs and one full marathon!!
Wow Joanna. I’m so sorry your first race experience wasn’t a pleasant one, but so glad you are ok and have continued running. I look forward to reading more about your journey! xo