Running Romance: Planning Running Dates
There hasn’t been much happening here lately at the rUnladylike household in the romance department. That is, unless you consider hocking loogies, incessant coughing and mixed berry lozenge breath to be romantic. Between Mr. rUnladylike and me, one of us has been sick with the flu for more than 2 weeks. I’m on day 4 of no running. In fact, I haven’t stepped foot outside the house, worn makeup or even thought about wearing pants that don’t have an elastic waistband since Sunday.

Naturally, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about the 2 things I can’t do much of at the moment: running and romance.
The flu first entered our house the week of Valentine’s Day, when Mr. rUnladylike came down with a fever the Tuesday before the Hallmark holiday. I had planned the perfect running date for us. We were going to drive up to a local state park/mountain nearby and run a 5-mile loop followed by a short hike up the mountain, lunch at the top if it wasn’t too cold, hike back down and then go get massages at one of my favorite spas. My pals at Brooks Running even sent Mr. rUnladylike a special Valentine’s Day running outfit to help us celebrate (how sweet was that?).

Great afternoon, right?
What actually happened was I ran 10+ miles by myself while Mr. rUnladylike went to urgent care. No running date. No mountain. No lunch. No dinner. Instead he slept while I watched Mean Girls downstairs and went to CVS to buy soup and Saltine Crackers. It was, er, not quite what I’d planned.
As I sit here nearly 2 weeks later fighting the same ailment that destroyed our latest running date, I thought I’d talk a little bit about running dates (if I can’t run I can at least think about it, right?).

Benefits of Running Dates
- According to a recent survey from Brooks Running, 41% of runners say that going for a run makes them feel frisky, while 48% under age 40 said pre-race “relations” improve their running performance. Um, need I say more?
- For those of you just getting to know your running buddy, you can skip first base and go straight to seeing what your partner looks like in spandex. Even better, when you run together in hot temps, you can see what they look like during a wet T-shirt contest. How convenient.
- It’s a great way to talk and communicate without distractions. No technology. Nothing diverting your attention. Just you and your mate connecting.
Tips for Nailing the Perfect Running Date
- Agree to an easy pace. This will ensure you can talk and laugh comfortably and ensure the run is enjoyable. It’s more about the conversation and connection than the speed.
- Plan something around the run, like a post-run coffee date, massage, etc. That will extend the date and add some extra romance to the run.
- Discover a different part of your city together. Try a new trail. Run on the beach. Explore a trail. Pick somewhere with a beautiful environment to set the mood.
- Check out these great do’s and don’ts of running dates from Runner’s World.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your partner and go for a run. The rUnladylikes hope to be out running together again soon.
I am a Brooks Running Run Happy Ambassador and receive free products to test each month as well as a financial stipend I reinvest back into running education and
Share your best running date ideas. Does running make you feel frisky?
I love running dates and cannot wait until we can do more of them outside again! Treadmill dates really aren’t as fun…or frisky! 😉
Ugh, sorry you’ve both been sick! Running dates are harder for us to do now there are kiddos in the picture, but you’ve inspired me for when the deep freeze ends. 🙂
When both of you are fully recovered, you should still go on that planned running date! Sounds like a fun afternoon, and maybe the weather will be warmer 🙂
That is a great thought, Jojo. We will have to do that. It may snow in the next 24 hours here in Atlanta but then it is warming up next week. Thanks for the motivation to take the rain check. xo
Oh, Jes, I’m sorry that you are still feeling rough! Sounds like you are doing everything right, though. I hope you feel better soon.
I love doing running dates with my husband. We joke that we spend more money on sitters who are willing to come over to our house at 6:30 AM (or spend the night in our guestroom) so that we can head out to a race together! What we don’t normally do though, is tack on something else afterward. I’m going to suggest getting coffee or breakfast together the next time we are able to!
Thank you so much Katie! I am crossing my fingers that you are better and are not under the weather for your race this weekend. You and your hubby are the cutest running couple! Love that you guys get sitters so you can run together. xoxo
Running dates are so fun, especially when the weather warms up 🙂 My husband and I go on running dates about once a week during nicer weather and it’s so nice to get out, unplugged, and just spend some quality time together!
Hope you and Mr. rUnladylike are back to full health soon, with a rescheduled Valentine’s Day date too!
Funny thing – one of my very first “dates” with my fiancé was a 10-mile run. I didn’t know it at the time but he hadn’t run that long before, ever. We don’t run together much now, mostly because he runs for fun at 8:30-9 minute pace and I’m usually training for a race w/ 11-12 minute paces). However, I look forward to trail running and hiking dates once we move to California! Great way to explore a new area.
You’ll have to let me know what Mr. rUnladylike thinks of the 2-in-1 Sherpa shorts. Zach could use some new running shorts but I don’t know much about men’s running gear!
That is so funny Jess. What a great story. Oh, what we’ll do for love 🙂 Once you’re in CA you will have so many places to explore. Mr. rUnladylike loves the Sherpa shorts. He says they are super light and comfortable. He also loves all his Brooks tops that he works out in.
Get well soon!!!! You guys can recreate your Valentine’s run soon and the weather should be better then too!! Running dates are the best – my now husband asked me on one and just a little over a year later we were married! Its so fun to run with your best friend!
Hope you feel better. Sounds miserable. My spouse and I run together every once in awhile. He’s much faster than me. But we do mountain bike often together. It’s such great couple time!