Come Run with Me at Rise.Run.Retreat. {Giveaway}
The greatest thing about running is not the running itself, but rather the people running brings into our lives. From knowing your running tribe will be waiting for you on Saturday mornings at o-dark-thirty to simply connecting with runners across the world through the keyboard of our computer screens, this community is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I appreciate it even more since moving away from Atlanta where my local community was large and always present, and now I feel like a lone ranger trying to find my tribe again.
As I’ve been running solo more and more lately, I’ve been counting down the days to Rise.Run.Retreat, an intimate retreat built around the idea that through connections with other women in the running community we can build each other up and all be stronger.

I’m co-hosting the retreat with the fabulous Sarah Canney from Run Far Girl who had the inspiration for the idea when we took a road trip together last June. It will be held this October 2-5 on the coast of Maine and is centered on building relationships through running … and of course, actually running together. Ten of the most incredible and inspiring female runners are coming together for an unforgettable weekend that will also include running the Maine Half Marathon.
And we want you to join us.
There is only one more spot available and we’re giving you the chance to win your way in! Before you decide to enter, here’s what you should know about the retreat:
When: October 2-5, 2015
Where: Wells, Maine (lodging is included in a unique house located on the coast of Maine)
Your hosts: Sarah Canney from Run Far Girl and yours truly
What: An intimate running retreat that connects female runners through inspiring conversation and running inspiration. Activities you can expect during the retreat include a yoga for runners class, running the Maine Half Marathon, inspiring guest speakers, collaboration and meaningful conversation, the most incredible schwag bag ever and much more.
Current retreat sponsors: Here are just a few of the retreat sponsors that have been confirmed and will be providing goodies to all attendees:
- Stonyfield @stonyfield
- LLBean @llbean @llbean_pr
- Garuka Bars @garukabars
- Lucy’s Granola @lucysgranola
- Dr. Cool Wraps @drcoolwraps
- Runner’s Alley @runnersalley
- Darn Tough Vermont @darntough
- Journal Menu: @JournalMENU
- Spandits @spandits
- Sabre @sabrered
- Pete and Gerry’s @peteandgerrys
- Tom’s of Maine @TOMS
Attendees: There are some of the most incredible runners and women attending the retreat. Coaches, moms, yogis, social media gurus and runners of all abilities. Be sure to check these fabulous ladies out! Sarah, Tina, Laura, Christine, Allie, Sandra, Jen and me.
Giveaway Guidelines
- To enter, you must share why you want to attend Rise.Run.Retreat in 200 words or less. You can leave your entry in the comments below, or you can email it to
- Entries will be accepted July 1 through July 10, 2015. The opportunity to win ends July 10, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
- You must be 18 or older and be available October 2-5, 2015.
- The winner will receive free retreat registration (a $120 value).
- You must be able to provide your own travel to and from Wells, Maine, and cover the cost of some of your meals
- You must purchase your own race registration for the Maine Half Marathon ($65 fee).
- You must be active on social media.
Each of the retreat attendees are also hosting a similar opportunity on their Web sites. We will each select one finalist from all the entries we receive and then choose the final winner based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrates why they want to attend and why attending a retreat with other female runners would be meaningful to them
- Conveys a sense of community and appreciation for collaboration, shared experiences and growing as a runner
- Is inspiring, creative or thought-provoking
- Has a blog or social media platform in which the winner could write about and/or document her experience
- Meets the additional criteria listed above regarding age, availability and ability to incur associated travel costs.
The winner will be announced on July 13.
Follow the fun on Instagram and Twitter at @riserunretreat.
This sweepstakes is void where prohibited. Must be 18 years or older to enter. Contest runs 7/1-7/10, 2015. Winners will be selected based on their response. Winners announced 7/13. Winner is responsible for all travel and meal costs.
Have you ever attended a running retreat before? If you’d like to enter and meet the criteria outlined above, tell me in 200 words or less why you want to attend Rise.Run.Retreat.
Sounds like a DREAM weekend! I live in South Africa, otherwise I would have entered, for sure!
sounds amazing! I wish I could enter…but I have this big race the following weekend…
I would love to be a part of this! I just ran my first Boston Marathon in April and am already looking for ways to improve for next year. I really enjoying following other female runners on social media because it is encouraging and inspiring. I’m not your typical “runner” body type and would love to start posting more of my own running adventures to maybe inspire others that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. This wonderful weekend in Maine running my 5th half marathon would be a great adventure to share. Thank you for considering me!
Sounds amazing!! I’ll be at a wedding in the Keys, otherwise I’d absolutely enter. Can’t wait to read about it!
Wow! I was just looking into running camp. I would love to fellowship with other female runners not only to make new friends but to become a better runner. The Maine Half would be my first half and it would complete the goal I have for 2015 (I have never run a half).
Twitter: stxandi
Insta: southernrunnergirl
I am not going to lie – I just Pricelined everything and even planned how I am going to beg to use 2 of my 3 personal days for this. Running is so much about community and I have never been able to go to a blog conference or retreat to experience that because I can’t afford it on my single teacher salary. Winning my way in would change all that. Looking at the line up of girls who will be there – WOW! It is like an allstar list of bloggers I follow (plus I really selfishly want to meet my coach, Laura, in person). In addition to all that I have never ever been to the Northeast, and what better way to see that part of the country than to run it with new friends.
PS – You know I will cover this all over my blog and social media if I win.
I am way too freaking excited. Fingers crossed! Okay, toes crossed too.
This sounds like seriously the best weekend! I’m running the Portland Marathon in Oregon that weekend, otherwise I would go. Hopefully next year!
No need to enter me. I choose to keep my social media private to those who I have personal connections with and choose to keep it that way. To choose a winner based on their ability to “disconnect” from a retreat experience and connect to a device nonstop is very off putting. My ability to find peace and form personal connections with other women through experience should not be tied to my ability to promote your blog.
I hope you have a great time and take a moment to unplug and reconnect with what will certainly be beautiful surroundings.
Hi Allie,
Hi Allie! I think this is really powerful and meaningful feedback and I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to share it. You’re right that we’re in an over-sharing world and I am certainly guilty of that myself. The intention is certainly not about promoting anyone’s personal blog or website. It is about connecting with others, although we do hope to share the learnings and power from the experience on social channels during or after the fact. I think we should and could take a day or time during the retreat to unplug from technology as you suggest and I’ll be sure we think through that for the weekend. Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback. Please know I take it to heart and really appreciate it. Happy running. xo
EXCITED and JOYFUL!! Jesica, that is how I feel about the possibility of going on a running retreat with you and all the amazing women runners you have invited! This DREAM running trip would mean the world to me for many reasons. It’s been a long year of doctors, waiting, 2nd and 3rd opinions, giving up running Boston and then having knee surgery just days before the Boston Marathon. To say it has been a crazy, tough year in terms of my running is an understatement. Patience, love from my family and wonderful friends and looking toward the future has pulled me through. Now, 11 weeks post surgery I am on my way! By the time October arrives, I will have had 2 months of running under my belt! Spending a weekend in Maine during one of the most beautiful times of the year – with incredible women runners that inspire me? AWESOME. I would be so honored to be chosen! I would gleefully jump on that plane at LAX and travel three thousand miles to run, eat, laugh and bond with you ladies.
Running is what makes me a better Mom, wife and friend. I thank you so much for considering me!!
A running retreat sounds like a dream. Especially in Maine! Wow, I would love to attend this retreat and learn, hang, run, yoga, eat and relax with all of you. Running has changed my life. I feel healthier and happier than I have ever been before. Why didn’t I do this earlier in life???? Oh well, better late than never! It would be an amazing honor if I get picked. 🙂
I cannot tell you how excited I am for this weekend! I can’t wait to hang out with all of you and to meet YOU in person!
I am so excited to enter and for the opportunity to continue to build this amazing community. I have Twin Cities Marathon that weekend – but would skip and look for another Fall marathon in a heartbeat to do this!
I love the community that you have all built around running and motherhood, and how building another woman up takes everyone up as a whole. I would love to join you for this fabulous and inspiring weekend. I’ve been running for over 20 years, but took 13 years off of marathons and racing to have my family. Three years ago I realized that I needed to have that part of me back, so I trained for and ran a marathon again. Now I’ve gotten my BQ and continue to take time for me to and spread my wings and make goals as both a runner and a mom. I’ve never felt healthier, and now love seeing my own daughters inspired to run! Also, while I’ve traveled all over the world – and to 49 States – Maine is the only State that I’ve never stepped foot in. What an incredible opportunity to take numerous(racing) steps in Maine with some amazing and kick-ass women as we take a weekend to refresh and restart and run together!
[…] for Loving the brainchild of Sarah and Jesica – the inaugural Run. Rise. Retreat. I’m not going to lie, I hope I win (and am also […]
This is such an great opportunity! I’m hoping we can enter on everyone’s blog…I really want to go! Here’s my entry:
I would love to attend Run.Rise.Retreat. It isn’t often that events like this come to Maine, though they should as Maine is an awesome place to live in and run! I’m so impressed with the group of women who will be in attendance. I am immensely inspired by every single one on the list, not just of their athletic accomplishments, but because of who they are as people. It would be so much fun to run the half marathon with a bunch of like-minded individuals and be with friends both old and new! The Maine Marathon course was my first full marathon in 2012, so it will always be special to me. I learned that I can truly do anything I set my mind out to do during those 26.2 miles and am proud that I could show my two boys that with hard work and a lot of heart, they too can accomplish anything.
[…] about this amazing retreat that some of my favorite running bloggers are hosting and presenting! Rise.Run.Retreat is a retreat for women runners in the other Portland (Maine) on October 2-5. I’m really hoping […]