Confessions of an Unladylike Runner
When I think about all the ways I would describe myself as a runner, there is one common characteristic that simply can’t be avoided: I’m unladylike. My unladylike running nature was the inspiration behind this Website, and I’ve probably initiated more inappropriate and unladylike moments while running than I care to admit. But with honesty and an uncensored approach also comes important lessons, meaningful experiences, a lot of fun … and of course, the most embarrassing running stories.
Which leads me to today: I’ve been keeping some secrets from you. It hasn’t been intentional. There just hasn’t been a logical time to lead with “Hey guys, I’ve been pooping in the woods and taking pictures in my underwear and fighting body odor. How are you?” So today, I’m fessing up to some of my recent unladylike moments. Dear God, why do I allow myself such humiliation!?!
Confession #1: Does a bear shit in the woods?
Would you poop in the woods during a run if you had no toilet paper? There’s a well-known saying that’s a sarcastic response to any question that has an incredibly obvious answer – “Does a bear shit in the woods?” (Yes, that’s really the official definition of this phrase from the Urban Dictionary.) And, it’s the only, literal, response to my question.
While I was at Acadia National Park in Maine at the end of July, I was on a trail run with Mr. rUnladylike just after sunrise.

I was running in the most inspirational and beautiful place when I realized something wasn’t right. At the turn-around point with two miles to the nearest bathroom, I knew I couldn’t run another step if I didn’t go to the bathroom. Immediately. With Mr. rUnladylike standing watch about 100 meters away, I found the nearest tree and patch of pine needles and took care of business. Mid-stream, Mr. rUnladylike thought it would be funny to shout, “Jes, there’s a bear. Look out!” I nearly fell back into my freshly laid, all-natural fertilizer. Thankfully, I managed to maintain my balance without reflexively standing up without my pants on. My tissues I like to carry for those just-in-case moments were conveniently located in the car several miles away, so it was a shake-and-pray-for-a-clean-break strategy. Two miles later when I finally made it to a real bathroom, I realized my skills at toilet paper-less squat-popping were award winning. Boom.
Does a bear shit in the woods? It sure looked like one did. *wink*

Confession #2: Stinking Up the Room
Some of you know that Mr. rUnladylike and I are building a house in Tampa. It will not be completed until spring of 2016, so we are living like nomads. For the past month, we’ve been staying at my parents’ house. Last weekend, my mom and I decided to throw some workout clothes in the washer. When I came in with my laundry basket, my mom nearly gagged. She could smell all my running clothes and all she could say was, “My running clothes don’t smell like that.” Some would call that a badge of honor. It must mean I run a lot. Either that or I sweat way more than the average person.
Confession #3: Running Shenanigans from Commando Commander
I don’t wear underwear when I run. There simply isn’t room for another layer when you’re wearing tight-fitting shorts with a 3.5-inch inseam. However, I have decided that I should probably wear underwear the other 23 to 24 hours in the day. The team at Brooks Running recently sent me some of their Moving Comfort seamless underwear to try (Out of Sight bikini and thong). Should one really love underwear this much? I can’t stop wearing them.

My mom forbade me from posting inappropriate photos of myself in my skivvies here, so I added a little artistic treatment to my underwear selfies so they aren’t so pornographic. If you like underwear and you like to run, you need these. Trust me people.

Confession #4: The Fight against B.O.
Nearly two years ago, I decided to make the shift from regular antiperspirant (that does an excellent job at preventing sweat and stink) to natural deodorant that doesn’t contain aluminum. While I’m happy to be using natural ingredients on my body that are non-toxic, natural deodorant doesn’t really work well. I’ve bought and tried three different brands so far. Mr. rUnladylike has not enjoyed this experimentation so much, especially with the brands that seem to cause body odor instead of prevent it. There was a two-week period when I tried a product called de-Odor that should be called “I stink so bad my husband wants to divorce me.” Needless to say, that one didn’t make the cut. Nor did the Ava Anderson offering that is a chocolate peppermint scent. Not only does it not work very well, but do you really want your armpits to smell like a peppermint patty right before they start smelling like B.O.? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
The best option I’ve found so far that seems to do the job is Schmidt’s All Natural Fragrance-Free, Aluminum-Free Deodorant. I found this at a market in Atlanta and recently bought a new jar the last time I was there in July. You scoop a small amount onto a little spatula that comes inside the jar, rub it between your fingers to turn it into a paste and then apply it to your armpits. Not the sexiest application process, but it seems to work much better than my other products. And I stink less … so there’s that.
That’s what I’ve been keeping from you the past few months. Always running, always unladylike. Embrace the #unladylike.
What are your most embarrassing running stories?
What are your favorite running underwear?
If you’ve tried an aluminum-free deodorant you think works, share it with me so I can try it!
Hey, sometimes a runner’s just got to go….not that I know anything about that (wink, wink)….
cracked me up! My husband would think yelling “bear” was funny too:-)
I run in the moving comfort bras and undies and love them.
#1 – natural deodorants definitely don’t work well (at least none that I’ve tried). I swear, they just make me sweat more, and in turn make me smell bad. It’s ridiculous.
#2 – I always used to wear underwear when I ran then about a year or two ago I stopped. And now I’m not sure how I ever did wear it. So much better without!
#3 – my dad has a series of four different questions for when the answer is obvious (in order of popularity): Does a bear shit in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic? Is a frog’s ass watertight? Does a chicken have a beak? So I love that you referenced that here!
Haha Sarah! Sounds like you and I (and your dad) would be peas in a pod 🙂 Happy (unladylike) running! xo
hahaah! This post made me laUgh. I have DEFINITELY been there for the wildnerness poo situation … More times than I’m proud of. But you gotta do whaT you gotta do!
This post made me laugh! Between hiking and running I’m no stranger to using the woods as a bathroom, and having a sense of humor about it makes it less embarrassing.
I have pooped in the woods with no TP more times then I can remember. My husband thinks it’s the most disgusting thing on the planet and hates when my running friends and I talk about it! I also never wear underwear, and I mean, not ever. I literally have about 4 pair for when I absolutely have to (dresses, skirts, etc.) but I hate it. And you are a better person then me for wearing that deodorant! I’ll keep putting aluminum in my body 🙂
I pooped in the woods once while I was running on the very popular, very crowded Dipsea trail in California. I was desperate. I found a tree to duck behind that, I convinced myself, was secluded enough no one would see me. Really, really hope I was right!
A friend of mine swears by Primal Pit Paste… She says it passed the “here, husband, smell my pits” test with flying colors, which all of the previous contenders had failed.
I have heard good things about this brand, too. My sister in law heard about it but neither of us have used it. This is just the push I need to try it out. Thanks for the recommendation. xo
Thanks to you countless of Chattanooga Ironman participants did not have to swim through my man-made “flotilla.” 😉
It takes one runladylike to know one. I’m happily in your camp.
Except for that deodorant. I will say Nick uses a natural one that works great! I’ll tell you the names as it’s a roll on.
I love it when you do these posts. 🙂 I also switched to natural deodorant a couple of years ago and I found arm & hammer brand to be the most effective. Well… “effective” might be a better way to put it.
I’ve been making my own deodorant for a couple of years now, and it works great! Controls stink and sweat, and my husband loves it too. Here’s the link, try it!
I have a similar running laundry story … I hate to put sweaty clothes in the hamper so I usually lay them on top or hang in the bathroom until dry then put them in the hamper. Well a couple weeks ago after my husband and I ran, I had this brilliant idea to hang them up in the hallway near the laundry. That night when we came home and opened the door we were immediately assaulted by the stinky clothes. They were bad.
I do not wear underwear when running or most exercising.
I use natural deodorant, I like the solid crystal forms or a roll on called Naturally Fresh. Does it work everyday? No but most days. The baking soda in most homemade deo’s makes me get a rash. This doesn’t. I don’t mind sweating a little. I also think it’s much easier on my clothing.
Haha Jessica. Thanks for sharing that story. I’ve totally had the same thing happen, typically when we are traveling and come back to our hotel room after a long day away to our still damp running clothes laying out. It is so gross. After I ran the Kauai Marathon last year, we had to move all my dirty clothes outside because they stank up the room so bad after the sweatfest of the race. LOL
Thanks for your tip on the deodorant. I’ve definitely gotten a little rash before so that is interesting. Happy running. xo
Once a cornfield was there for my rescue (don’t tell my husband, he thinks that urge can be controlled anytimes)
I use his aluminumfree Deo “Nivea for men”.
I like to use does the bear shit in the bike lane?! I was in Whistler prepping for the Ironman and there was poop all over the bike lane. turns out they don’t like to shit in the woods??!!!! 🙂
I haven’t used deodorant in about 10 years. I didn’t use anything for a long time just because i would forget to wear it! I have used the crystal off and on. Have you tried that? I am definitely needing something more these days because I reek!! I think that sometimes it has to do with the soap you use too?!! Who knows!
Wow! Now that is a good story! Haha! So gross but makes for a good laugh now. LOL
I love love love this!! I have done so many of these and I am NOT afraid to share it!. I pooped once next to a condo along bayshore..I am just happy I had tissues and a flashlight at that hour 🙂
For sure. I have also been there. Several times, indeed more times than I really like to think of. Mostly when training (luckily), but also some times during competitions. Squatting there, shorts at the knees, fertilizing the bushed. Feeling the relief but at the same time being stressed of the fear of someone yo come by. (Oh, I flush just by the thought.) Yes, it has happened, a couple of times. Luckily people are polite, pretending not to see. And I have comforted myself thinking they have been back there just for the same reason as me. Of some or another reason I feel it much more embarrassing to go in the bushes when running than when hiking. When hiking it is just a normal thing to pick up the roll of toilet paper and go for a walk alone. Every hiker knows all about it. But when running even in the woods, I think we have some expectation of finding a porta potty when the urge appears. But well, I must admit that I have used the woods occasionally even when porta pottie are around. Sometimes they are just so stinking and dirty. For sure, another time will come for me too. Therefore I always bring some paper in my pocket. Thanks for bringing up this issue. Deo, Biotherm, underwear no particular preferences.