Ice Bath 101: 8 Tips to Survive a Cold Soak
Chattering teeth. Goosebumps. Chills. Sound appealing? What if I added “less sore,” “faster recovery” and “injury prevention” to that list? Interested? During every marathon training season, ice baths become part of my training regimen after runs longer than 16 miles. I’ve posted pictures and comments on Twitter and Facebook in the last few months about this infamous – and sometimes feared – ritual. Many of you have written to me with questions about ice baths: “How do you do it?” “How can you stand it?” “I want to take an ice bath but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Any advice?” I thought I would share with you my step-by-step process for perfecting the art of the ice bath and how to stay distracted from how cold you feel. Just like running, taking an ice bath is often harder mentally than it is physically.

But first, what is the science behind ice baths? There are varying opinions out there. Many believe they are the go-to way to speed recovery and help prevent inflamation and soreness. According to Runner’s World, ice baths (or cold-water immersion) can help counteract the risks of injury and stress on the body that is caused by longer training runs. They help constrict blood vessels and decrease metabolic activity, reducing swelling and tissue breakdown after a hard effort. Additionally, they are said to help flush harmful debris from your muscles, speed circulation and jump-start the healing process. On the other hand, there are studies that show mixed results. Earlier this year, Competitor Magazine reported on a 2007 study showing that while “a 50-degree F soak after a hard 90-minute run showed that runners felt less sore in the days after, the ice baths didn’t lower the runners’ levels of creatine kinase, a marker of exercise-induced muscle damage.” My advice would be to limit ice baths to only your longest runs (18+ miles) during the peak mileage period of your training season, when you really begin to feel physically beat up.
Try These 8 Tips to Perfect the Art of Taking an Ice Bath
- Buy several pounds of ice (I like to use at least 20 pounds). Set the bags of ice by your tub, cutting open the tops so that they are ready to be easily dumped into the bathtub.
- Fill your bathtub with cold water (as cold as your faucet will go). There should be enough water in the tub to cover the tops of your thighs once you get in.
- Dress for success. I like to wear tight-fitting shorts, like lululemon’s Run Shorty Shorts or a pair of triathlon shorts to soak in, but getting in with any running shorts works too. Be sure to put on a sweatshirt or jacket to keep your torso and arms warm. Make sure it’s a jacket or sweatshirt you don’t mind getting wet, as the bottom of it may get damp from the bath.
- Get into the tub with the cold water only. Again, make sure it is covering your thighs and feet. I find it is easier to get into cold water than ice cold water. It might take your breath away for a moment, but you’ll get used to it.
- One by one, dump each bag of ice into the water with you. It will begin to get much colder. Experts say the water should be between 50 and 60 degrees F, but cold water that is warmer than that can still have positive effects. A kitchen or meat thermometer is useful for checking the water temperature. According to Runner’s World, “the most important factor in the success of an ice bath is consistent immersion over time, not the temperature.”
- Stay in the tub with the ice for 8-15 minutes. You’ll notice that your toes are likely to be the most sensitive of all the parts you have submerged. They get a little tingly/stingy by the end of your bath.
- Distract yourself. The best way to make the time go by quickly and not think about how cold you are is by taking your mind away from the ice. I have a waterproof case for my iPhone and find that tweeting, checking email and being on Facebook makes the time fly by. I’ve also read my Kindle, talked on the phone with my mom and even eaten a sandwich while ice-bathing in the past. If you’re someone who gets really chilled, consider sipping on a cup of tea while in the ice bath to warm you up a little.
- After your ice bath, bring your body temperature back down slowly. It is tempting to rush to take a hot shower (I’ve certainly been guilty of doing that many times). However, according to Andy Schmitz, a sport performance manager for USA Triathlon and elite coach for the world triathlon championship events and the Olympics, he says that the residual cooling effect and gradual warming are ideal. He suggests initial warming options of a sweatshirt, blanket and/or warm drink. I often hop right into my bed and get under the covers for 10 minutes, or during the summer, when it is really hot, I’ll go stand outside for several minutes where it’s nice and toasty. However, Coach Schmitz does recommend taking the shower if you are unable to warm yourself.

So, who’s ready for a cold swim? Milkshake anyone?
Do you regularly take ice baths after high-mileage long runs? What tips would you add? If you’ve never taken an ice bath, what other strategies do you use to speed recovery after long runs?
I love ice baths after my long runs! But I am totally guilty of taking a warm shower after. Usually because I am still a sweaty mess from my run and want to get cleaned up. Now I know better. Thanks!
I’m guilty of it too. I have such a hard time getting warm after that I just want to run to the shower 🙂
Excellent post! I love ice baths. I used to fear them, but man my legs rebound much better with them.
I don’t ice anymore mainly because of this and
Thanks for sharing Alex. Important information we should all have visibility to and take into account.
Sorry, but I’ll be hammering your blog with my comments as I am FINALLY to my own race day (nearly) and have become more centered again…time to catch up!
You know I tried an ice bath once, in fact I used to ice often. I just don’t see a huge difference but I’ve only done 13 miles as my longest. We’ll see if this is something that might help later with longer runs. 🙂
Thanks for the tips, gonna go try this now! But i’m using only two bags of ice!
[…] than at the Tough Mudder a couple years ago, but that wasn’t directly by choice). I followed this piece of advice from Runlikealady. Although, I found that I COULD NOT keep my toes in. It was decently […]
Im a sprint hurdler, and i like to take ice baths after really exhausting practices. Half way through the season all my sores start to show up (shin splints, knee issues, sore ankles). Ive noticed that a quick 7-10 minute ice soak really helps keep the owies away and my body doesnt feel so exhausted!
How soon after a hard run should u take the ice bath. Is it ok to wait a few hours?
Hi Sydney! Ideally you would take your ice bath as soon after your run as possible. While I still think the ice could have a positive effect after a few hours, it would be best to do it right when you get home from your run. At least that is what I have always tried to do. Best of luck to you!
Had my first ice dip today as i completed my first half marathon and was sore, stayed in for 15 minutes. It was so oozing, felt so relaxed. If you can control your mind, you won’t have any problems with the water being so cold.
[…] Want to give this form of torture therapy a try? Here are some good jumping off points: 8 Ice Bath Dos and Don’ts Ask the Experts: Are Ice Baths Beneficial? Do Ice Baths Reduce Muscle Soreness? Sport and Recovery: End of the Ice Bath Age? Ice Baths 101: 9 Tips to Survive an Ice Bath […]
My daughter was told to have an ice bath after her training yesterday. Few people had info on how to do. This information is great. She did a few things that could improve her taking one next time. Thanks for this well informed piece. Cheers.
I’m so glad this was helpful, Alexis! Good to hear she survived her first cold dip 🙂
tried my first ice bath today and had a weird reaction…the stretchmarks on my outer butt and thighs swelled up and itched like crazy when i got out…i nearly scratched myself to bleeding…did i do something wrong…has this ever happened to anyone else…
I’m sorry to hear that, Jessica. That has never happened to me. I have never heard that before, but maybe others can weigh in with their experience.
cold allergy…look it up
Yikes. That does not look pleasant 🙁 I have never experienced this and don’t know anyone who has. I hope you haven’t suffered from this!
Hi, thanks for the tips, how do you do your stretching after the run?? Do you ice bath then stretch? Do before the bath or not at all?
Hi Danny,
I do my stretching first since I have to drive all the way home from my long runs before I can do my ice bath and wouldn’t want to get in the car without stretching 🙂 Glad the tips are helpful. Good luck!
I just sat down in front of my computer, plunged my feet into an ice bath after having to count to three twice to screw up the courage and promptly typed in “How long does it take for your feet to get used to an ice bath?” I am doing the ice bath to help control plantar faciitus.
Read your piece and the comments and am five minutes in and I am doing OK. Prob b/c my feet are numb! Thanks for the distraction and happy trails.
@gin did the same thing (countdown and googling to see how long)! Thanks Jesica for the information – definitely helped me out today!
I’m not a runner, I’m a ballet dancer, but a lot on this blog works for me, too! I actually started taking freezing baths when I was twelve (I’m fourteen now) because my seventh-grade vanity had read that it was good for beauty…started adding more ice a few months ago for better dance performance. Don’t think I could ever add as much ice as you are in the pics!
I remember my first freezing bath, I was completely uninformed—filled the bathtub with cold water and a pot of ice from the fridge, got in like a regular bath. Ended up draining the tub and putting. On the hot water, lol!
Sat in an ice bath in the UK right now reading this blog. It’s got great tips and it’s distracting me from the perishing cold!!
I have found great benefits from ice baths, and pretty much do them as this post says. One thing i would add is a hot bowl of oats while bathing, but, as stated-anything to keep the mind occupied! I will usually move my legs around a bit also, after you have been in there a few minutes, you tend to acclimate, but, moving around brings the suck factor right back!
Why do you wear shorts???
Hi Claire. Yes, I wear shorts in the ice bath. Usually just the shorts I ran in but I like to make sure they are tight-fitting to the body. Sometimes I’ll throw on a pair of triathlon shorts for my ice bath. I suppose they make my lady parts feel a little shielded from the chilly water. Perhaps that is just a mental thing, but it seems to work 🙂
I just did my first ice bath today reading your tips and I’m proud of myself! It was very successful thank you (:
Congrats!!! Glad you were able to do it and that these tips were helpful. Thanks for finding me and stopping by 🙂 Happy running!
I do ice baths after long races and totally feel the difference! I hate it, but know it’s good for me 🙂
In the summer I will fill the tub up with water on Wednesday and let the AC get the water down to 76 F. Takes two less bags of ice to get down to 15 C on Saturday after the long run 🙂
You forgot socks! Put some wool socks on when you soak.
Great suggestion Jeff! My feet are always frozen 🙂
I sit in the tub while it fills with cold water with ice bag in but not opened. When tub is full I open up the bag (I use 20 lbs and stay until the ice melts about 10 min). I then stay in it while it drains. Then I shower. I also wear long sleeves and a towel over head and shoulders to stay warm
Chris, I really like your approach! I may try that next time 🙂
Just took my first ice bath using your tips… I’m an endurance cyclist, currently training for a 500+ mile ride. My masseuse recommended ice baths for me due to some old hamstring injuries. We’ll see what the long term effects are, but your tips were super helpful (would never have thought to wear shorts or a jacket). I was able to stay in a full 15 minutes, and I’m feeling great after my 75-mile ride!
I play a lot of soccer, and currently re-tweeked my ankle and injured my left thigh! So I have been playing music & having a cup of tea while I take my ice baths! I see a significant difference in the way I feel the next morning!
Guess it works for only some of us!
I just did my first ice bucket. I tried an ice bath a few years ago but just couldn’t hack it, so I adapted it to suit me and have two buckets with ice to put my feet and lower legs in. I find this is where I tend to get most of my muscle soreness after a run. I watched TV for the 15 minutes and it went by in a blink of the eye. My legs and feet feel great now too!
So I’m thinking of going in the coldwater spa that we use on the race horses where I work. Thought this blog might help my question is its a lot colder than 50 more like 35 only way to do it is to walk in then let it fill around you guess ill where a sweatshirt and bring a hot chocolate or is 35 too cold
Hi Jane,
I am not a medical expert, but I believe 35 will be too cold for you to stay in for any period of time. You may be able to stick your foot or leg in for a few seconds, but I think you will find it to be colder than the benefit it could provide and could potentially be dangerous if you stayed in long. Please be careful, and best of luck to you! xo
I play football, and training camp started today… This is the first time I’ve tried an ice bath, after a two-a-day practice I could barely walk, me being a wimp I had to get in and out of the bath three or four times. Finally I did a quick google search, and came across your tips. Soooo helpful, I’m writing this from the tub, and I’m sure my legs will thank you torrrow.
Haha Ryan! Congrats on finally taking the plunge. I’m so glad these tips were helpful. Keep me posted on if you recover a little quicker from the cold soak. Good luck with your season this year!
I don’t really run, but could this help me loose weight??
Meagan, I am not a weight loss expert but this should NOT be used for weight loss. This is a tactic that many runners use to help speed recovery only. Please consult your doctor regarding issues with weight and health.
I took an ice bath today with a few other people. After a few minutes, I got really dizzy, my vision got blurry, and my ears started ringing. This didn’t happen to anyone else. What could this be???
Hi Sarah,
Is it possible that you were dehydrated after your run when you got into your ice bath? Those sound like dehydration/heat exhaustion symptoms. Be sure to touch base with your health care provider to ensure your health and safety.
Hi, we did this fitness circuit mainly focused at leg muscles at school the other day. I know you said you try to go right after your run, but would it still be even slightly effective doing the ice bath a couple days later?
Hi Mel, Everyone is different and different things work for different people. For me personally, I would limit an ice bath to immediately following an extremely long or tough workout and use icing on specific spots for needs long after a workout or a few days later. I particularly like HyperIce to use ice and compression at the same time for icing specific trouble areas. Best of luck to you!
I love an ice bath after 16+ milers. I am soaking right now. I love the comments from athletes of all types. I need to recover from my long run because I have to climb on top of the house to put up Christmas lights this weekend.
Hi, I am not a runner. But I play Softball. I have shin splints in both of my legs, and a constantly sore elbow/ shoulder from throwing. . I practice every single day of the week (every once and a while i get Sundays off.) I also am a catcher so it is extremely important that my calves and arm are mobile. Would an ice bath be useful for me? Maybe i couldjust not wear a sweatshirt and soak all the way up the my shoulder in the ice water too?
Hi Grace. Thanks for stopping by I would suggest talking with a sports medicine doctor to determine what is best for you. It sounds like you may find spot treatments with ice more helpful than an ice bath (e.g. bags of ice on your calves and shoulder, etc.). You may find warm Epsom salt baths to be nice to loosen muscles too. Since I’m not a health professional and am not familiar with your particular issues and pain, talking to your doctor about the best approach for you would be my recommendation. Best of luck with your season. xo
Would doing this after American football conditioning be a good idea sence I have it Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I am usually better between Thursdays and Mondays but the overnight and one day recovery is hard to do so dose anyone recommend
Hi Brock! I would recommend talking with your coach or doctor to determine if this is something that would be appropriate for football training/conditioning.
I’m nursing a hamstring injury and ice baths make my legs so happy! Thanks for the post. I live near Lake Superior and have soaked a few times in there. Unfortunately the water is only 35* right now and even 5 minutes is a lot to handle with a down jacket and mug of tea!
Wishing you a fast recovery Nick! Thanks for reading and glad ice baths have been helping you!
Any insight on how beneficial it might be to wear compression sleeves on my shins after getting out of an ice bath?
Hi Logan, There is a lot of research out there that shows benefits of wearing compression material (tights, socks, sleeves) after a long run or hard workout to speed recovery.
Is it ok to take a quick coldish shower and then take an ice bath? I play soccer and I get so sweaty and hot. I’d love to take a shower first, but I’m afraid that the ice bath won’t work as well if I take a shower first.
Hi Kate! I’m not a medical expert but it is best to take your ice bath as close to your workout as possible. I love to take an ice bath in my workout clothes and then warm up in the shower after.
to be honest i like the tips but i dont think you should keep you clothes on. i think you can mentally beat the cold
i really think you should just handle the ice bath . dont wear clothes dont need my iphone i can mentally beat it without even feeling the cold to a point where my body natrually addapts to it. people dont understand how strong the human body is and what it can overcome.
I’m a gymnast and occasionally have ice baths, I was injured and was out for a while but finally went back the other night. I had really sore muscles and took an ice bath the next day I found it really helped taking it a day later then straight up.
Is one 20 pound bag enough to make the temperature cold enough. Or do you need to use all 7 bags?
One 20 pound bag should be adequate. The point is to try to get the water at 56 degrees or colder. You should reap the benefits with water that cold. Best of luck.
I have my foot in an ice bucket as I’m typing. I only take cold showers. But this time, with my foot ache from lifting barefoot, I’m desperate to reduce the pain. After my run, I tried to soak my foot in ice bucket. I had way too many ice cubes and my toe fingers were killing me. So I removed some cubes without comprising the tingling in my foot. I just paced the remaining ice cubes to maintain the temperature throughout 20 minutes. No thermometer here. But the temperature should be about 60+. I hope it works!