Sunday Confessional: I hit the snooze button. A lot.
For way too long, I’ve been making life harder on myself than it should or could be. I know the secret to fitting it all in and still choosing yourself … the answer to gaining that illusive “25th hour” we all so desperately desire.
It’s waking up before everyone in your house to work out.

But I’ve been choosing to avoid it by hitting the snooze button. Over and over and over. Even though it’s the last thing I want to do. And even though its consequences make me completely and utterly miserable.
Earlier this year, I committed to running in the morning more before work. I was becoming too mentally and physically exhausted by the end of the day to really give it my all (or want to give anything at all) and/or I had 2 workouts to fit in and couldn’t do both at the end of the day. While I was training for the Ironman 70.3 Augusta earlier this year, I had many successful early morning weeks. And you know how that made me feel? Powerful.
How have I felt lately when it comes to early morning workouts? Lazy. Weak. Undisciplined.
How hard is it really to get up 60 to 90 minutes earlier? I have been putting a higher priority on an extra hour of sleep than I have on my workout schedule, which causes me to either miss a workout or be forced to do it after work whether I want to, have time to or not.
As January looms just around the corner, I want to renew my commitment to training and running in the morning. I know there are things we can all do to make it easier, such as …
- Lay out your clothes the night before so everything is ready to go. (I know some runners who even sleep in their running clothes to make it easier).
- Schedule a morning exercise date with a friend to make you accountable. After all, you don’t want to stand up a fellow runner (in the dark), right? Sometimes this is the only thing that gets me out of bed early!
- Set your phone across the room away from your bed so when your alarm goes off, you have to get out of bed to turn it off. While you’re up, why not just go get dressed and get outside?
- Go to bed earlier. Duh!
- Stop watching so much TV in bed and/or playing on your technology. Instead, disconnect and start counting sheep.
Alas, at the end of the day, there isn’t really a quick fix or trusty tip to becoming a morning exercise person. I JUST HAVE TO DO IT. I have to stop making excuses. Stop telling myself I can work out in the evening. Stop making life harder by making the day shorter and more challenging. Do what I say I’m going to do. Be disciplined.
To help just a little, here is my new iPhone wallpaper. Every time my alarm goes off and I reach over to hit snooze, this will be staring me in the face. Wake up and just run.

When do you get your best exercise and running in? Are you a morning person? If so, what tips do you have to get running in the morning before the day starts?
I like working on in the morning and afternoon/evening. I allow myself to “sleep-in” some days and make myself get up other days. That way I’m not forced to get up EVERY day super early. It’s worked well so far. Good luck with your new goals!
Thanks, Jenelle. That is a great plan and probably what will work best for me as well. Happy almost 2013!
I may have to steal the just run pic for my background too. I am soooo bad about snoozing through morning workouts. And then feeling guilty all day. One of my resolutions is to go to bed earlier and wake up and just run!
Let’s keep each other accountable, Karen! I know we can do it! We have to harness the way we’ll feel when we get home and are on our way to work knowing we’ve already gotten a great workout in!
I wish wish wish I had the discipline to get up early and run…which for me would mean getting up at 5 a.m. Yes, 5 a.m…an hour no one should ever have to see. The only time I’ve been excited to get up and run that early is when it’s race day…heck, when I ran Disney I was up at 2:30 a.m. Add in the fact that my 4 month old wakes during the middle of the night each night and it makes it that much harder. Thankfully I recently changed jobs and have an 8 minute commute, so I’m home by 4:08 each day to get in my run at 4:30. Good luck with the mornings!
It sounds like your new commute is making all the difference in the world. Life will always find a way to challenge our workout schedules. Great job on figuring out what works best for you and making it happen!
I became a morning runner when I was in grad school since it was my only option with evening classes. It is definitely still a struggle some mornings. I find turning on a light as soon as the alarm goes off helps. I’m less likely to go back to sleep, even for a few minutes, if the lights are on. Good luck!
Great tip Maureen! I will have to try that!!!
Ugh I am so with you on this one. I hit snooze like my life depended on it. I’ve hit snooze for 2 hours straight before. Ridiculous. Not hitting snooze is definitely one of my 2013 goals
Sounds like we are snooze button soulmates 🙂 Let’s change that this year!!!
There is no snooze button when a two-year-old is climbing on you before the sun comes up. Lol
However, I need to make a commitment to run first thing. It wakes me up. For some reason I get headaches when I work out fist thing though. I don’t know if its a hydration thing. Any of you have this problem?
Also, I’m signing up to do my first 8k in March. Any advice for a novice runner starting from scratch.
LOL Michael. So very true.
Sometimes I wake up with headaches. It has actually been happening more lately than usual. I definitely think it is due to dehydration. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting adequate electrolytes. Electrolyte-enhanced water and Nuun tablets definitely help with your sodium levels.
Congrats on signing up for your first 8K. That is so awesome!!! Way to go! A few tips I would offer up: 1) Don’t try to do too much too fast. That is the easiest way to get injured. Start building a base where you are running at least 30 minutes a day 3 days a week. Don’t add more than 10% of the previous week’s mileage to the next week. It is ok to start with a run/walk combo. Jeff Galloway’s training plan is helpful if you are looking for a run/walk model. 2) The goal for your first race should be to finish feeling good. Don’t get too caught up in times and how fast you are going for your very first race. You can do that for your second race by incorporating speed workouts and tempos. The key is to be consistent. 3) Check out Runner’s World’s Web site for some great tips and solid training plans.
Let me know if you have any specific questions or want to talk more. So proud of you!!!
I always lay my clothes out the night before but really having a running buddy counting on you to run is the best way to stay accountable. I’n a terrible snoozer too!
I set my iPhone alarm to say “time to run!” or something else motivating.n It helps!
I agree Nicole. During the summer months, meeting a friend at the pool or at spin class was literally the only reason I managed to will myself out of bed. Funny how on Saturday mornings for long runs I can get up at the crack of dawn, but not on work days. It is a work in progress for sure 🙂
I like both early morning and evening workouts, but running in the morning is definitely great for energy! In the winter, I have been waiting until after work for the majority, but as winter starts slipping away, I’ll be busting out more 4-5am wake up calls! Especially with summer temps coming up, 4am is the only time bearable to run!
Good for you, Beka! Your discipline is admirable. And you are right. In Florida, I don’t know how you could stand the summer temps in the evenings. Morning is the only way to go. Great job!
Fabulous tips, those are exactly what I do in order to get up and do an early run. I have a couple early morning group runs that I absolutely love and they definitely help me get out of bed! Going to bed early is another key— gotta unplug!
Thanks so much, Katherine. Glad I’m at least mentally on the right track 🙂 Going to bed early is really the hardest thing for me. My word for 2013 is going to be discipline. And it definitely applies to this too!
Mornings are the best for me but I’ve been struggling with it for the past three or so month. I think it was mostly burnout and am turning the corner on it. Hope your new approach works well!
Thanks, Abbi! I think we all must go through ups and downs with morning training. Hoping January will be an “up” month for both of us! Happy New Year!
Going to print this and stick it on the mirror! Two half marathons coming up this Spring that I’d like to do and gearing up for the busy May-September events. Nows the time! Let’s do this! Happy New Year, Jes!
Can’t wait to hear more about your half marathons!!! You will do great! Yes, let’s rock this! xo
I started setting my alarm and leaving it in the living room!! Because I am such a light sleeper, I wake up every single time! However…even with that extra hour in the morning, I am still rushing out the door! Its so weird, I think I do things much slower with that extra time lol.