March Gladness: My Sweet 16
One of my mentors shared a piece of advice with me that has made a lasting impression on the way I think about everything – work, life and fitness. He says that every new day should start with appreciation and thankfulness. He believes that showing gratitude should be the first priority on our to-do lists each morning – no matter if our daunting list of tasks feels like a mile long.
As I look back over the last month, there are so many things I am thankful for. Some are big. Some are small. Some are silly. But I appreciate every moment.
Here are the 16 moments from March I am grateful for that make me really GLAD:
16. Experiencing my first trail race. Being with a great friend in a beautiful place doing one of my favorite things … it doesn’t get much better than that. (I could have done without the pooping in the woods part though #NotSoGladAboutThat)

15. Getting back in the pool. I’ve started swimming regularly again this month as I begin base-building for my half Ironman this fall. Swimming is typically one of my least favorite things to do, but I’ve found calmness and motivation from it so far this year. I am always amazed at how quickly you can improve in swimming. The first day feels like you need a shot of WD-40 in your joints, but then the next thing you know, you’re gliding like a fish. (Well, at least I am in my head. A swim coach would probably be horrified by my technique.)

14. Seeing friends and family that live far away. Mr. rUnladylike and I got to spend a weekend in Florida this month for a wedding. While we were there, we got to see my mom, my sister- and brother-in-law, niece, aunt and 3 of my very best friends. I am so thankful for the friends and family that make my life worth living.
13. lululemon. Everything about lululemon makes me GLAD. The clothes. The people who work there. The brand. I’ve have the incredible opportunity to work with the lululemon team this year to test some of their products and partner on some fun activities. They have so generously shared some of their most amazing running and yoga gear with me that literally makes me happy every minute of my workout – no matter how much I may be hurting – because I look and feel good in it. I’ve recently discovered so many new favorite running and yoga clothes. You need to run out immediately and pick up a run swiftly tank and hook me up sports bra, a scuba hoodie (what I wear everywhere these days … I would wear it to work too with high heels if I could *wink*), a pair of (or, let’s be honest, 2, or 3 or …) wunder unders and pretty much every cropped pant they have. There are so many things that go into running – both physically and mentally. Having someone who thinks about everything in your head before you do and delivers you a product that has already anticipated your every need and desire is simply awesome. Thank you lululemon. I’m so grateful we’ve found each other. You are helping make me a better runner.

12. Really ripe bananas. I’m obsessed with them. I love waiting until they are brown. Yum. And of course, I made these with Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. (Perhaps I’m less GLAD that I ate WAY too many in one sitting. #oops #AtLeastTheyrePaleo)

11. Hearing about other runner’s PRs. There is seriously nothing better than the joy that comes from a race high … the kind that makes every training run, every early morning and every sacrifice worth it. This month, I loved reading about some of my favorite bloggers’ amazing races, like Run Gia Run’s awesome new marathon PR , NYC Running Mama’s new half marathon PR and Running Bun’s new half marathon PR. Hmmm … maybe I need to move to New York!
10. Signing up for the Beach to Battleship Half Ironman (October 26)! There’s no turning back now!
9. Reading a good book. I bought 3 books this month and have enjoyed making time to be transported to another place through the words on the page. I just finished Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. Next I’m finally reading her book Gone Girl, and then I’m going to tackle Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt.
8. Finalizing my fitness mission statement. I try to read it often and remember my purpose.
7. Going to the Maroon 5 concert with some awesome ladies and one of my favorite triathlon training pals.

6. Mr. rUnladylike. I am reminded every day how lucky I am to have found this person who makes everything about my life better.
5. My hot yellow Brooks Running Pure Cadence (vintage edition – aka the 1s). You cannot say these are not cool. I think I might just look faster running in these.

4. Being interviewed and featured on 2 awesome blogs this month: Sneakers and Finger Paints and Digital Running.
3. Trying a new yoga class with a friend and then getting a spa treatment at Bliss afterward. Ahh …

2. Receiving an email from someone I’ve never met telling me how much they love my blog and how much it has helped inspire them during their training for their first marathon. “GLAD” is an understatement. “Humbled” is an even greater understatement. Hearing from awesome people like you and knowing that I might be making any kind of difference – even just a teensy-weensy one – is truly amazing. It is the reason I’m excited to wake up every day. I am grateful to every single person who reads about my journey and shares theirs. We are in this together. We will accomplish our goals together. And we will become the best versions of ourselves together.
1. Finding out I DON’T have a stress fracture in my foot. After about 10 days of obsessively worrying that I might be out for the count with an injury, I learned that I am 100% and can continue my quest for my half marathon PR goal next month. Let’s never take for granted the simple things in life, like being able to put one foot in front of the other (without pain).
What made you GLAD in March? How do you show your gratitude and appreciation on a daily basis?
I love this post! I think it’s so important to be thankful for what you have, but also what you DON’T have. For you, that would be a stress fracture 😉 What made me GLAD in March was being able to run again. Being injured was so hard but the come back feels amazing!
I’m thankful for so much especially on Easter! Can’t wait for April!
Oh I love all these great things from your month.I totally agree with that whole NYC runner’s being super fast and awesome! And holy wow I loveeeeeeeeeeeee those yellow PCs!
hmmm.. this month – I am exceptionally thankful for my 10k PR, fun run buds, My family that I got to see for a few days and spending time with my new niece…. and of course Mike! 🙂
[…] “He says that every new day should start with appreciation and thankfulness. He believes that showing gratitude should be the first priority on our to-do lists each morning – no matter if our daunting list of tasks feels like a mile long.” –from this wonderful gratitude filled post from rUnladylike […]
I came across your blog today and just love this post! Especially the part about starting every day being thankful. It’s something I think we forget about and take for granted when there isn’t something going “wrong” in our life (injury, illness, etc.).
I have a lulu question for you! I have been meaning to make my first purchase and would love to know which running crops you would suggest! I have been scared away by some reviews saying they are too sheer and want to make sure I am making the best choice!
Hi Emily! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words. I really like the inspire run crops. The pace crops are good too. Although the wunder unders are more multi-purpose, I really like running in those as well. They are all fabulous and feel like a second skin! I love their running clothes. There was only one yoga pant that was affected in the sheer production issue I believe. That is not a normal thing. I am also liking the Brooks Running Glycerin III running capris as well. Keep me posted on what you decide and how you like them!
Thank you so much! Clothing reviews always make me nervous because half the people love something and half hate it! I think I’m going to go with the inspire run as those were a pair I was looking into! I’ll let you know what I think when I get them. 🙂