300th Post and Giveaway
Next month, runladylike.com will celebrate its second anniversary. What started as a personal goal to share my unladylike adventures of running and triathlon training and stimulate dialogue about our shared journeys has turned into 300 blog posts (you can see the first post that started it all here). Some have been funny. Some have been serious. Some have been thought-provoking while others have been mindless. Some have confessed failures while others have reveled in triumphs. Most have included makeup-less, unflattering pictures.
What better way to celebrate 300 posts than to share more unflattering and unladylike pictures?
Everyone who knows me in real life knows that when it comes to running and triathlon, there’s nothing I hold back. And I don’t mean on the course or during training. I will discuss and do just about anything regardless of how uncomfortable or unladylike the topic may be. During the past year, I can proudly admit to all of the following:
- Peeing on myself multiple times during races (and trying to get the resulting stink out of my shoes)
- Sitting down on a curb at the finish line of a race and peeing in my pants
- Peeing all over my transition area in a local triathlon while putting on my bike shoes
- Going diarrhea in the middle of the woods during a race
- Helping a friend determine the best way to race with a tampon problem
- Talking with a friend about the importance of pre-marathon pooping while pooping in public restroom stalls next to each other
- Cleaning up after a run or long workout simply by wiping down with baby wipes instead of showering
- Changing in porta potties … among other things
- Blowing snot rockets, as well as blowing my nose on any available item – my bare hand, my tank top, etc.
And last, but not least, publicly defacing Mother Nature.

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go. These are two unladylike pictures that never made the blog that I thought would make you laugh. I don’t know what’s worse: That I never wait to find a bathroom when I have to go, or that Mr. rUnladylike snuck up upon me and thought it would be funny/appropriate to capture this on camera. Who’s really weirder? *wink*
A 300th Post Giveaway
But of course, my 300th post wouldn’t be good with pictures of me popping squats alone. No. Of course there must be a giveaway! To thank you for being the best readers on the planet and the awesome-est running friends I know, I’m giving away 3 Brooks Running Headbands and Hair Ties that you can’t even buy online yet to 3 lucky people.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below by 11 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, June 16, 2014, about the most unladylike or (for the guys) inappropriate thing you’ve done while running or racing. 3 people will be selected at random and notified via email on Tuesday, June 17, 2014. I will mail the winners either a blue, pink or hot yellow Brooks Running head band and matching hair tie. Unfortunately, only people living in the United States or Canada are eligible since I’m mailing these myself.
Thank you x 300 for being part of the rUnladylike family, and making my own running and triathlon journey so incredibly meaningful. Here’s to the next 300 conversations on the sports we love!
What is the most unladylike or (for the guys) inappropriate thing you have done while running or training? (Must comment by Monday, June 16, 2014, by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time to be eligible for the giveaway.)
Snot rockets during races are definitely unladylike, but they work! 🙂
I haven’t done enough races yet to have done anything really unladylike (peeing in a wetsuit doesn’t count as I imagine everyone does that! Right?!) but certain other triathletes I know well have pooed themselves on the run of a triathlon! Fingers crossed that never happens to me 🙂 And this post made me laugh so thank you.
Those pictures have me cracking up!! I’ll pop a squat when needed but haven’t worked up the courage to pee on myself during a race. 🙂 I will blow my nose on whatever I have handy when running.
Peed myself while running at a high school cross country race then got heckled with a “pssssssssssss” from a boy on the bleachers when I finished. It was like something out of Seventeen magazine.
I might be the most ladylike runner on the planet, considering that I once hiked 17 miles with my eyeballs floating to avoid peeing in the woods. But I HAVE been known to go on a long morning run, “clean up” with a baby wipe and treat my friends and family to my natural goodness for the rest of the day. 🙂
I wish mine were as awesome as yours, but mine has to be a snot rocket gone wrong. All over my face, leg, and lulu capris. So much snot, not enough strength in my wimpy rocketing skills :/
Ganeeban, that is AWESOME! I love that. LOL! Definitely unladylike for sure.
I used to get in trouble in high school for snot rocketing on the indoor track. When you can’t breathe during a race, you’ve got to change something, right? I’ve also been known to poop behind trees and/or stone walls as necessary. Running brings out the best in you.
Congrats on the milestone! So glad you’re still writing and running 🙂
this is TRULY unladylike but…pulled off a panty liner (it was the very end of that time of the month) and threw it in the woods.
OMG Lauren! I love that! You may have me beat. #unladylike 🙂
I spent 4 miles in a race looking for a porta potty before getting diarrhea right before opening a porta potty door. I still had 3 miles left in the race
I love how open and honest you are — those pictures are great!!
My first big race, I had to pee so bad the entire last mile and apparently couldn’t hold it when I finally finished. Thankfully I was wearing a black skirt 🙂
I have TRIED to pee while running but alas, my bladder refuses to let go. So that leaves my most successful runladylike thing…farting. I can pass gas on a run like no other! haha!
Oh Ali, I totally should have mentioned that. There are few runs where farting is not involved, right? 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad I’m not the only one to pee herself in a race. I just did it in the last .2 of a marathon. I didn’t even feel like I had to go when my bladder just decided to release. It was almost worth it because I told my teenaged son, and he was so mortified that it amused the hell out of me.
Spitting, snot rockets, and I bad about picking at my underwear when they ride up my butt. I secretly wish that the creepers who drive by and honk notice me partaking in these acts so they will stop honking. I have no shame!
nature poops!
I didn’t think there was anybody behind me in a race so I blew a snot rocket….turns out there was someone right behind me. Ooops, sorry random guy!
Snot rockets and I love it!!!!
I’ve totally peed my pants mid-race. Ain’t no shame in my game.
The only “un-lady” like thing I’ve done is snot rockets and spitting! Not too crazy! 🙂
Race peeing, MANY times. Regretting stopping at a port-a-potty to pee because I didn’t feel like squishy shoes and losing 30 sec (DANG a race time that ends in :04!). I try not to fart, though, because you can’t trust a fart.
This is hilarious. I have spit snot all down my cheek but been too miserable to reach up and wipe it off. I proceeded to run for miles with a huge wad of snot on my face.
Thought I was being sly by peeing behind a tree during MCM last fall so my fellow racers couldn’t see… Turns out the boaters on the Potomac River behind me got quite a show.
I use my sleeve as a kleenex all winter long. Gross, I know, but my nose is dripping in cold weather.
Congrats on the big milestone and this post is hilarious!
My most unladylike move was attempting to pee on the bike at Ironman CDA – but I couldn’t fully let it out so I ended up stopping to use the bathrooms anyway. I rode basically 100 miles with wet shorts and had THE WORSE rash on my ass because of it! It was more painful that my sore legs in the week following! Hahaha.
I just finished a race and the first bathroom stop I accidentlly pee’d on my shorts. So to try to cover it up I took some water and poored water all over my shorts. I proceeded to do this multiple times. 🙂
I think the worst thing I’ve done is blow my nose on my sleeve.
Fantastic post!! I’ve had the poop in the woods problem. It was early and I was afraid a deer was spying on me.
I’ve peed in the bushes.. when you have to go, you have to go!
I am pretty sure I peed myself during my bike section of my tri last year.
Is it weird that I’ve never done a snot rocket? I spit all the time – sometimes I’m not successful and it gets all stringy
I don’t know if this is considered unladylike or not but in the middle of one long run, I stopped at a park for water. The human water fountain was not working but the dog one was, so I got down on all fours and used that. What can I say? I live in AZ, and it was HOT that day!
I drank WAY too much water before a 5K once. I was about a year postpartum after my 3rd, so my lady business area wasn’t super strong and on the back end of the loop course I just couldn’t keep it in!!! Every step a little bit would sneak out!! I was mortified! I crossed the finish line, quickly explained to my husband what had happened and then sprint-waddled to the nearest bathroom!!
Happy 300th post! So happy I found your blog on the way 🙂
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Definitely farting.
And spitting!!
Happy 300th! And mine would be farting…whoops!
Oh my gosh we are like peeing/pooping twins! lol. seriously. my list is exactly the same.
Definitely peeing in the woods or behind any object where I think people can’t see me. Also, spitting! That habit goes all the way back to high school track.
On one of my first long, long runs during marathon training I had to hop off the trail and go in the woods- and I had no toilet paper!! So I had to use a leaf…I carried TP from then on out for every long run 🙂
I love this!! I would say the most innappropriate thing I’ve ever done while running is excessive farting(while running with others) peeing in public! I’m not all that adventurous..,:yet!
I’ve definitely been too lazy to find a tree or rock and have peed on the side of the road during a run!
Probably it would have to be finding some woods to go to the bathroom in, and there were lots of bugs! OUCH!
Happy 2 years and 300 🙂
Lots of farting, and blaming it on my dog if I’m running with her, or the nearest squirrel. I guess I’d rather look crazy than be caught passing gas the entire run…
While running, I’ve had to run off the beating path to relieve myself in the trees as there were not any restrooms or portable toilets in the area.
I didn’t feel like waiting in line for a porta potty before a marathon, so I popped a squat instead. The most unladylike part is that I was at the Pentagon before the Marine Corps Marathon.
Lots of farting and always right when I run by someone…peeing a little bit at a time throughout my first 1/2 marathon, peeing in my wetsuit and most often peeing in my bike shorts bc they are so absorbent! Ha!