Run Happy with a New {Free} Outfit and Shoes from Brooks Running
Running makes me happy. Even on those summer runs when I feel like I’m suffocating in humidity or on the days I feel like I’m dragging an 80-pound bag of cement behind me, I’m already looking forward to the next run. What gives us runners this twisted obsession? Why do we love to run?
Because it makes us happy. But what does it really mean to run happy?
When we think of running happy, we probably picture that run or race where everything fell into place. The one where we felt amazing – our lungs were full and our legs were light. That life-changing PR or that first Boston Qualifying time.
But running happy is so much more than that.
Running happy is …
Getting coffee with a friend after a Saturday morning long run.
Going on a road trip to a race with a running buddy who makes you laugh for hours about everything and nothing.
Finishing a race that broke your heart but taught you a lesson you’ll never forget.
Seeing the sun rise on a morning run because you chose to get out of bed before everyone else.
Feeling the emotions that overcome you when you realize you just did something you once thought was impossible.
Seeing hard work pay off.
Getting to give away free running gear to you and people I love. [I promise, I’m getting there!]
Meeting life-long friends you would never have met doing anything else.
The amazing team at Brooks Running gave me an incredible opportunity this month as part of my relationship as one of their Run Happy Ambassadors. Not only did they allow me to pick a race outfit of my choice for free (top, bottom and shoes); they allowed me to give an outfit and shoes away to someone who inspires me to run happy AND to one of you reading this!.
When I think about running happy, I think about my friend Teesha. If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ve probably seen glimpses of my good pal Teesha McCrae from race recaps and my race weekend road trips.

I recently received a new pair of Brooks Pure Cadence in the mail this week (happy dance!), and on the box it describes the shoe as the “Woo” to your “Hoo.” That’s Teesha to me – she makes running and the journey more fun. She is the “happy” to my “run.”
Teesha doesn’t just inspire me to run happy; she inspires me to run hysterically, with tears of laughter in my eyes and a smile on my face. She is one of those friends I feel so blessed to have met – a friend I would never have known if it weren’t for running.

Even though we don’t run the same pace, we will often meet to begin workouts and come back together at the end – proving once again that it isn’t pace or speed that brings runners together; it is the deep connection we forge on this spiritual journey called running. Teesha is one of the smartest, kindest, most amazing people I know. She also happens to be training for IRONMAN Chattanooga (September 30) and is in the peak of training. Not only did I think she could use some motivation, but I wanted her to know just how special she is and how much I appreciate her.
Here’s what we picked.

- My top: Brooks Pure Project Seamless Tank in pink. This might be my favorite new top to run and take barre class in. It is solid in the front and has a tribal pattern on the back. What I love about it most is that it is long, so it looks especially great with tight fitting shorts and capris since it offers more coverage. It is also incredibly comfortable. I’m already planning to buy the grey and white one.
- My bottom: Women’s Versatile 3.5″ Low Rise Woven shorts in black. I. Love. These. Previously, my favorite Brooks shorts have been the D’lite Racer 2.5-inch shorts but I think these edge those out slightly. I love the way they fit and the cut is perfect. At 3.5 inches they provide a tad more coverage and are very flattering.
- My shoes: Surprise, surprise … this is my 10th pair of Pure Cadence. These are the Pure Cadence 3s in the new fall color. How amazing are these? They have navy and hot yellow accents that are beautiful on the bright pink. To say I’m in love with these is a complete understatement. Brooks is making some big changes for the 4s that come out in January, including making the tongue unattached again as it was in the first addition. I can’t wait to try the 4s when they come out too!

- Teesha’s top: Infiniti Support Tank in coral with hot pink accents. This is one of my favorite shirts Brooks makes. I have it in blue and pink and have run my last marathon, half marathon and 5k in it (all PR races). It provides a built-in shelf bra and is looser fitting through the mid-section. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t move or ride up whatsoever while you’re running for total comfort and so you can focus solely on your run.
- Teesha’s bottom: Women’s Glycerin 2-in-1 3.5″ shorts in pink. I have yet to try these but they are one of Brooks most popular shorts. These have a built in fitted liner underneath the looser short.
- Teesha’s shoes: Pure Connect 3 in white, navy and pink. These are one of the lightest shoes in the Brooks Pure Cadence line and are ideal for racing middle distance races like 5Ks and 10Ks.
Enter to win your choice of any top, bottom and shoes from Brooks Running. Entering is easy.
Post a comment below telling me who inspires you to run happy and why. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter and track all your entries (mandatory). Simply log in with your Facebook account or email. Once you’ve left your comment, check it off in the box below to unlock additional options to enter.
This sweepstakes is open until 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, July 27, 2014. One winner will be selected at random and will be asked to visit to pick the top, bottom and shoes of their choice in the sizes and colors of their choice. The retail value of this prize will vary based on personal choices, but is less than $300. I will contact each winner by Monday, July 28, 2014, via email. Official rules are outlined in the Rafflecopter box above.
Good luck! Happy running!
Who inspires you to run happy and why?
Her name is Nikkis Spicer. And she inspires me because she has a don’t quit attitude! Love that girl!
I run happy to relax and take my mind off everything stressing me out in my life. It’s the perfect break!
and my friend Stephanie inspires me to run happy! We began our running adventure together, and she always encourages me that we can go father and go faster.
My kiddos! I love seeing the
Pure joy when they are running fast. They bring me so much happiness and while running is my me time, I want them to see that running and activity is fun and not a chore.
My BIL inspires me to run. He just ran his first marathon and the discipline and training were amazing !
My grandmother inspires me to run! She is the strongest, most positive person I have ever known, and having her at the finish line to cheer me on is the absolute best.
My dad and husband inspire me! I grew up watching my dad compete in races and tris and was there to cheer for him when he did an Ironman at the age of 56, it was awesome!
My son inspires me! He is only 11 yrs old but has the heart and strength of a runner! He inspired me to quit smoking, put my running shoes back on for the first time in years and get back out there! He is still kicking my butt on a regular basis but I am closing in. He keeps me going daily and keeps reminding me of how worth it this adventure we are sharing is! Every time we race together (and he beats me) to the long runs we do that I have to force him out the door for. It is one of the best things that I could have done for myself and my family….all because of him.
Oh I love so much of this!! Running friends really are the very BEST – no matter pace or race or training run. I absolutely LOVE my Pure Cadence (and I love knowing we’re running in the same shoes 🙂 and I would of course love a new Brooks outfit – who wouldn’t? My friend Chrissie inspires me and makes me run happy. She’s training for her very first full marathon and she’s going to kill it!!!
Definitely reading running blogs like yours before I run in the morning! I love all of the motivation, tips, and new ideas!
My friend Julie inspires me to run happy! We met when I joined the cross country team in high school and luckily she invited me to run with her and her friend the first day of practice. In the middle of college, I finally got on the crazy train and decided to run my first half marathon. I was lucky again when she agreed to do it with me! However 4 days before the race she found out she had blood clots in her lungs and had to go to the ICU. I thought I somehow gave her there (no doctor here) because of all our training but actually since we were training and she has having so much trouble breathing which wasn’t normal for her, they knew they needed to go get it checked out. 2 years ago I was running alongside of her during her first half, have done 2 more since then and plan on many many more 🙂
My teammates! I don’t get to run with them on a regular basis anymore, but the girls who ran with me in middle school, high school, and college made running fun. So many silly conversations, pranks, and just good time spent together. Whenever I have a hard time getting out the door, I think of them.
My entire running group Black Girls Run! I never thought I’d be a runner if I hadn’t gotten the courage one day to go meet these ladies. They have inspired me to run many 5K’s, 10K’s, half’s, a triathlon and now training for a marathon. Not only did my fitness change but it changed me as a person.
Awww thats exciting! I am loyal to my Saucony, but this is a great giveaway, and they do make great clothes! What makes me run happy? The fact that I can……it is a blessing and a gift to even be able to go out there, and so I appreciate that 🙂
I inspire myself to run happy–I never thought I would have the chance!
What makes me run happy and inspires me is my family. I want to live a long life and be the best and healthiest me that I can be for them!
My kids inspire me to run happy. I want to show them that running and leading a fit life equals happiness!
I have 2 people who inspire me to run happy, My Mom and my Dad. My Dad has been a big runner all of my life, and I remember growing up I always hated any form of exercise other than my dance classes. My Dad would always try to get my brother and I into all sorts of exercise from running to rollerblading. In the last couple of years I had picked up running and my Dad would always push me to get more miles in and I love the challenge. My Mom is also working at the same pace as I am and I love having someone I can compete with. It is so much fun.
My girls inspire me to run happy. I want to set a good example for them of a healthy life balance 🙂
I have a co-worker whose daughter recently lost her leg. Never once has she complained and she continues to remain active by horseback riding and skiing! She is amazing! Definitely a reminder for me to run happy.
My friend Lorie inspires me to run happy. Friday mornings are ours to escape the family and catch up during a long run. It may be the longest run of the week, but it feels the shortest!
My forever coach Cherie Eason has inspired me not only to be a better athlete but also to fall in love with running.
This is such a great giveaway – Brooks is one of my favorite brands! You’re a lucky duck to be an ambassador and have such great opportunities with them. That would be a dream come true for sure.
As far as who inspires me to run happy – that would be one of my best friends and neighbor Krystal. I met her about 5 years ago and she is the most positive uplifting person I know. I have honestly never met someone that I say is “good at life” like her ever. She has 3 amazing kids, 4.5, 2.5, and 9 months old and is running like she was before she ever had the first. When I started back running she is who pushed me to get back out there. I was never a morning person and for about 1 year she consistently asked me to come run at 5:00 in the morning and I never made it until one day I did. She has made me a better runner and a better person. I am amazed at her constant beaming personality every day and the fact that she stays at home with her kids, takes care of her family, gets up almost every morning and runs before anyone in her house wakes up, and still manages to always be on top of everything with a smile on her face. She never complains and always sees the best side of things. She has shown me that mornings are amazing and running in the morning is even more amazing. I’m so glad I met her and love that we are not just running buddies but also great friends. If I ever think I am too tired, or I just can’t make this last mile I know she will be there to push me along and make me realize that I can!
My friend Kim makes me run Happy! She’s the REASON I run. I met her while in a triathlon training group that I signed up for when i first moved to San Diego. With no intention of actually doing that triathlon – it was a way to meet people and learn my way around San Diego. Running was what I liked the least. I did do that Triathlon. But after, Kim asked me to do the Carlsbad Half Marathon with her. I had never run over 3.2 miles. I signed up and have since run about 8 half marathons. I couldn’t be more thankful for Kim. Even though I’m now in Atlanta and she is still in San Diego, we meet each year in a different city and run a half marathon together. It’s one of my favorite things I look forward to each year!
My friend Nura. She joined our local running group because of me and she said I inspired her to do it. However, she is now inspiring me because she is going to run her first half marathon this fall!!
My friend Grace! Not only is she a fabulous (and fast) runner, but she is always happy and puts a smile on my face!
While he is not a runner himself, my husband inspires me to run happy. He will walk the dog for me in the morning so I can get a run in and start the coffee so I can have a cup when I get home. He is at the finish line for every big race of mine and will surprise me with new running gear on occasion. He also brings me back up when I have a bad run with his practicalness. He and I both know that we may have separate interests (me: running; him: soccer) but we are always on the same team and encourage ourselves to do our best. I’ll be running my first marathon this February and I wouldn’t even think of being able to do it were it not for him.
My daughters smile after each one of my runs inspires me 🙂 that and she sweetly asks me as I tuck her in if I’m taking a run in the morning 😉 pure joy!
My Mom inspires me to run, she wasn’t really active when I was growing up but she hit her late thirties, and started then became the first grandmother to graduate the police academy! I’m in my early thirties and when I’m sore or tired or whatever – I think about my mom doing it!
My friends inspire me to run through our weekly group runs. Dessert menus also give me an added kick of inspiration 🙂
I am inspired by my Aunt Katherine. She’s nearly 50 years old, a stay at home other of 8 and they’re all home schooled. My Aunt manages to fit in runs and encourages my cousins to join.This past weekend she ran her first road race in nearly 20 years and she won her age class. My Aunt shows me you’re never too busy to take care of yourself and that it’s never too late to start running (again).
My kids! I love being a good role model for their health.
I inspire myself to run happy because I always surprise myself with how strong I am. My friends are big inspirations too because they push our group runs!
My daddy inspires me the most to Run Happy!! He’s been running every single day for the past 45+ years (with the exception of cancer surgery & 2 days for two hand surgeries…and even then he did brisk walks) rain, snow, hail – you name it! He is now 72 and looks a good ten years younger! He inspires my twin sister and I to run and is the reason we are also addicted to running! Anytime I need motivation – he gives it to me! Brooks is also his favorite running brand and he definitely Runs Happy (we pretty much exclusively buy him running gear as gifts and it makes him the happiest)!! Also, my incredible husband also inspires me to run & Run Happy – he fully supports &encourages my running and has lead us to many fast PRs and ran my 1st half marathon with me!!
Its actually not a person that inspires me to run, but a group of animals. I am a staff biologist at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge and I take care of over 100 tigers, lions, cougars, bears, and other small cats. All these animals are rescues from private owners who did not treat them well. One tiger was kept in a 4 by 6 by foot crate until we rescued him, never having the chance to run (or walk!) before. Back when the refuge first started, we didn’t have money to build big habitats so we had small concrete enclosures. We have slowly torn those down and only 14 remain in the small areas. The other animals have big, grassy habitats where they can run as much as they’d like 🙂 There is no greater feeling than seeing the cats run happy around their enclosures and it inspires me to keep running for the cats that don’t have that yet and for all the estimated 5000 tigers that are still in American backyards today that cannot experience the great life provided by the refuge. I ran my first marathon to raise money for the refuge and awareness for the exotic pet trade problem facing the country. Whenever I feel like giving up during training or a race I just think of the animals that would give anything to experience the chance to run!
My cousin Carrie, she has lost 55lbs running, while being a full time nurse going to school, and having her husband go through open heart surgery a month ago. She stays strong and positive through it all and has no idea that while she thinks of herself as “slow” I think she is amazing.
I would say my friend Jen initially inspired me to start running. Even though she has since had to quit, she continues to encourage me every day =) Good friend
I discovered running at the age of 36. I’ve always been terribly coordinated and the last to picked during phys ed. I’m still in disbelieve that I found a sport that I love. Everyone who runs for the pure love of running inspire me to run happy.
I would have to say that my former self inspires me to run happy… That might sound weird, but as someone who used to be very overweight, when I think of how hard it was to initially get moving and how hard I’ve come, I feel like I can get through anything.
My students/track team!
They inspire me to try harder and work to break those mental blocks. I am always telling them to not worry, attack the hurdles and go for it. I have to remember that myself too!
Last night a few members of my track team said that no matter how crappy their day has been, or how bad of a mood they are in – once they are at track everything suddenly becomes ok!
Sounds like you had a great time with Teesha (she looks like a fun gal!) As well, these Brooks top, shorts and shoes look great
I hope I win the Giveaway! I would choose ALL PINK stuff!
~Amy 🙂
My friend Raechel inspires me because she has come so far in her running in just a few years… she used to hate it and now enjoys it and keeps working at it!
My fiance Jeremy inspires me. No matter what crazy running goal I’m chasing he is completely supportive, but always keeps me balanced. Plus, he proposed to me at the finish line of my last marathon so now I have flashbacks to that race during so many of my runs and it makes me completely giddy 🙂
My friend Jillaine, who you featured in your 7/11 Friday FITspiration, inspires me!! She’s running in memory of her mom and to raise money for ALS research. She’s always got a positive attitude on our EARLY morning runs, and every day I aspire to be as happy (and as fast!) as she is!
My BFF Angie. She’s completing her 2nd Ironman this weekend in Lake Placid and is the one who got me running in the first place.
My kids — being able to run happy truly makes me a better mother
All my friends on Tumblr!
Certainly my running group of other moms. Running is more fun and they have inspired to work harder and get much faster during the last year.
I run happy with my long time (30 years) friend erica. Despite being on different continents we run together via runkeeper. We keep each other motivated and inspire each other
My dad inspires me to run happy…and so does my faithful running partner who greets me bright and early and pushes me to be better.
My running club friends inspire me to run happy because theyre always out there killin it
I have two inspirations: Rhonda and Jen. Both ladies push themselves to achieve new running goals.
My 65 year old mom inspires me to run.. She raised us three kids on her own, received her college degree once we all received ours, and has spent her entire life putting her hopes and dreams on the back burner while inspiring me, my brother, and sister to follow our own dreams. She recently began a run/walk program and is training with others to do her first half marathon in November. She loves running, and has made me realize that it is never to late to start. She also makes me realize that running is not about your pace, your placement in your age group, or your standing as long as you love it. She also recently ran a 5k with me and she placed first in her age group. Even though she was the only one in her age group, she was still estatic as she realized that it is hard, at her age, to get up on a 45 degree morning to run a 5k. I am so proud that she has started running at her age, and that she has fell in love with it. She inspires every run I have!
My dog inspires me to run happy because she gets the biggest kick out of going for a run and I love when she looks up at me with a doggy grin on her face. She’s the best partner I could have and I don’t think I’d be where I’m at today without her by my side.
See entry above, don’t know if I logged in correctly. Sorry Jesica!
I have a lot of people who inspire me to run happy but I will only name a few. My friends and coworkers Max and Sadye. They will run with me in the middle of the day instead of taking a lunch break. They also don’t mind when we have to split up because are paces are different but just like you mentioned we always come back together at the end of it. My other run happy inspiration is my mom who is not a runner but will ride a bicycle next to me while I run.
My friend Mike inspires me to run happy. We don’t get to run together often, but when we do, the time flies. My favorite running memory happened with him (naturally!): we were standing at a corner on a particularly hot and humid Florida summer day (probably not looking so happy) and this car rolled down it’s windows and this couple started singing “Eye of the Tiger” at the top of their lungs with no background music- just freestyle! They had some moves too! We were dying laughing and it definitely made us run with smiles on our faces for the remainder of our miles!
There are a whole lot of running inspirations out there, but 2 ladies that continue to inspire me are 2 of my original running buddies. When I joined Team in Training, the 3 of gravitated towards each other and found we had a lot in common, despite our age difference (I was 25, D was in her early 40’s and Marsha was in her late 50’s/early 60’s). We continued to push and support each other in various races, ran together, ate together after big races, and over 4 years later, are still great friends! They’ve taught me a lot over the last 4 years, running and just in life, and the advice they give me is invaluable!
My son inspires me to run happy. I’m a happier person when I run – which makes me a happier mommy – which leads to a happier son 🙂 Even though it’s time away from him – it helps me to center myself and come back to him ready to be the best mom I can.
My daughter inspires me to run happy – she cheers me on at every race and seeing her face when I come in from training runs makes me run happy!
How did I miss that it was Teesha doing IMChat? Duh. Lol! Good luck Teesha! (Please tell her that for me & I wanna meet her!)
My friend Becky makes me run happy. We have both survived cancer and we are now training for a half Ironman. She makes me want to train for the happiness it brings to my life. After losing 45 pounds and finding running, swimming and biking later in life, she has shown me that age is not the limiter on my abilities and drive.
My little sister Kamryn inspires me to run happy! This year she ran her first duathalon – no one besides myself and her run in my family and together we’re enjoying our bond over running. I live on the other side of the country from her and luckily we wear the same size clothes and shoes because whenever we find deals or have something we know the other will like we share it.
My mom inspires me! Before I started running, she trained for a half marathon all by herself, at age 50, after having a tough time being healthy as a working mom of 3! I knew that if she could get out there and do it, so could I. So we started running together and ran our first 4 half marathons together! It was so amazing to cross the finish line with her each time. Now that I’ve started doing fulls, she is out there every time to cheer me on and jump in and run with me when I’m having doubts. I am so thankful that she inspired me to “run happy”!
Hi! My bestie from high school inspires me! We ran cross-country and track together, and then were apart from each other for 10 years. When we moved to the same state 4 years ago, we challenged each other to get back in shape. I even paced her for her first half marathon!!! We’ve ran in three different states and continue to push to this day, even though we are now in different countries. Friendships + Running = Happiness!
My two little girls inspire me to run happy. I love coming back from a run to their hugs (even when I’m super sweaty) and seeing them do their own “races” around the kitchen island to be just like mom. Running and triathlons help make me a better mom.
One of my best friends Christen inspires me to run happy. She helps me stay goal oriented and keep a smiling face even after hard races. She inspires me to push beyond my limits but not take life (or running!) too seriously.
2 inspirations – First, My 2 boys so that I show them that hard work pays off and that if you want to achieve a goal, you must work for it. Second, My BRF’s! Best Running Friends! Each and every day I run with these amazing people they inspire me, support me, encourage me, laugh with me but most importantly, just run with me. No judgements, no distractions, just your feet on the ground, the wind in your face and the sweat on your brow.
My niece Michelle – she encourages me and helps me to train to go faster and longer and makes the miles fly by with her wit and humor.
My husband inspires me to run happy because he believes and supports me in everything I want to do. He’s allowed me to explore every hope and dream I’ve had in the past 2 years.
Yes! Running is all of that. This hits home, “Finishing a race that broke your heart but taught you a lesson you’ll never forget.” Which is why I’m so much more focused on my training this time around =)
My dog, Jax, inspires me to run happy. He is fairly low key…until he sees me getting my running gear together! Nothing makes him happier than getting some quality leash time =) His joy makes our runs together awesome!
I have to honestly say – I am inspired by you and the other women running bloggers. I look forward to your posts. Your hard work and accomplishments inspire and motivate me.
Thank you so much for your extremely kind words Mary. I am totally honored by your kind comments. You are so right that there are so many incredible ordinary people out there who are doing awesome things every day who inspire me too. Thank you! xo
My son motivates me to run happy. I am still fairly new to running, but it has changed my life! And my 4 year old son thinks mommy is the coolest mom ever! He is starting to run with me, and now says he wants to be a runner like mommy. It makes my heart happy that he is so proud of me.
Currently my growing little bean inspires me to run happy. I what to have a healthy relationship with my running and set an example for my future baby girl, so I am inspired to everyday to out there and run, even if it’s slower now that I am prego. My High Nuun running team also inspires me to run. They have been so encouraging and I always have the most fun with them when we all get together. They all have amazing talents and are inspirational with their running, overcoming obstacles.
My kids inspire me to run happy. I love seeing my boys at the end of a race. It gives me a big push to finish. I also hope I’m inspiring them to do whatever they want in the future!
I run for my husband who lost his life while training for the New Orleans ironman, for my BIL for who was also injured, and for my girls who never give up!
My mom inspires me to Run Happy. At 53 she is training for her first half marathon and I have decided to run with her. She reminds me that it’s all about checking your Garmin a ten times a mile. It’s about enjoying the journey!
Correction: that it’s *not* about checking your Garmin. Haha!
My girls! When they were little they would ride their bikes with me while I ran. Now they are older and run with me. It’s a challenge to keep up with them!
My totally awesome husband inspires me! He was a collegiate runner when I met him, and I had never run a day in my life (well not seriously anyway). After seeing his passion for the sport and the happiness it brought him I figured I should give it a shot. Now its part of our relationship. Going for runs together is our time to catch up on the day, talk about weird things, or just be together in silence… or in my case silence broken by very labored breathing! I look forward to our runs together every single day!
My kids! Staying healthy and demonstrating an active lifestyle is so important. My oldest (9 years old) recently asked to run a 5k with us. This makes me ridiculously happy and PROUD!
My clients who aren’t able to run due to physical limitations!
My training partner. He’s always so positive!
My mom – a super hard worker who went back to work as a nurse about 15 years ago when my dad became disabled. She’s always been a huge inspiration to me to work hard and not complain!
My friend Becky Hanger inspires me to run happy. She changed me as a runner forever when she taught me that running is meant to be enjoyed. I always used running as a punishment but she taught me that it didn’t matter how fast I ran but that I covered the distance (she laughed at me when I ran in place at a stoplight, she told me it was ok to stop and I was in shock that someone that had run 10+ marathons would stop unless they were done).
Becky also taught me to appreciate my surroundings – a professional photographer by trade, she always stopped to take one photo during her runs. Running with her taught me that it was ok (and even encouraged) to stop if it meant appreciating the running not just the run being over.
I’m a different runner because of my friend Becky – because of her I really learned how to run happy.
My dad inspires me to keep running. Though he doesn’t run, he is dealing with a loss of nerves in his arms and trying to regain them. He does therapy for 4 hours every single day and just seeing him work towards things he can’t see the benefit of everyday, pushes me to keep going.
I have a bunch of long time (and new) running friends in NYC and Chicago who inspire me to run happy. My friend Kristin and I just did our first ultra together and last year we did our first trail half together. My friends Stacy, Molly, Wendy, Kim, Rhys, Meryl and Sarah and I have traveled all over the country doing half marathon racecations. My friend Marie in NYC inspires me to run happy and to be a better person. I could go on and on. I run happy!
My friend, Stephanie started sharing her half marathon experiences with me. I had been running short distances and she encouraged me to join her. I did. Now, I have run 4 full marathons and many half marathons. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be running happy!
My friend Kim inspires me. She is older than me (late 50s) and still runs at an awesome pace. I hope to run as well as she does when I’m that age. She is always upbeat and encouraging. We have so much fun on our road trips to races.
I wish I knew the gentleman’s name… At the age of 25, morbidly obese and clearly completely out of shape, I went to pick my parents up at the finish line of a marathon-length endurance hike. I had attempted it the year before, convinced that it would help me lose weight. I did nothing for it and ended up dropping out at mile 9 after nearly 6 hours of crying and hauling my 250-pound body up and over mountains. I refused to sign up for it the following year and instead volunteered to pick up my mom and dad. As I was pulling into the finish area, I saw an older man with a prosthetic leg crossing the finish line. I felt horrible about myself. Here I was, 25-years-old with a fully functioning body and all of the reasons in the world to do this but couldn’t because I wasn’t taking care of myself… and there was this man, with every reason NOT to do it crossing the finish line. I don’t know his name and I’ve never met him, but every run I do is for him.
My fiancé inspires me to run. Although he really doesn’t enjoy running, he always encourages me to run or sign up for a race. He encouraged me to sign up for my first marathon which is this November. Even though he doesn’t enjoy it, he realizes how much it is apart of me. He even proposed at the 10k finish line in May which was so special because it was something I love. He inspires me because even though he doesn’t run, he understands why I enjoy it and encourages me always.
My fiance’ inspires me to run happy! He’s been my support system and often tells me I am HIS constant inspiration so I run to continue to “wow” him:)
My four year old Justine inspires me to run happy because running is one of her favorite things to do. She always talks about how she wants to run the fastest. I hope one day I can keep up with her.
My running buddies make me run happy! Never regret an early morning run with them!
My boyfriend. He has continually supported me since I started running. He has even gotten into running and will run with me. He has been gracious enough to allow me to turn our vacations into runcations so I can run marathons in other cities. He keeps track of my training schedule and encourages me to stick with it when I don’t feel like running. I couldn’t have gotten as far as I have without him.
My running group inspires me to run happy!
My other blogger friends inspire me to run happy. They’re so motivated and positive, and it’s awesome to be able to interact with other people on the same journey as I am, even if we’re far apart!
How nice for Teesha!
My friend Marrie inspires me to run happy. I’ve been going through a really rough time and she has found great motivation in races and goals that are keeping me motivated to get out an move, instead of staying in and moping. Which is, admittedly, what I’d rather do sometimes!!
I’m inspired to Run Happy by so many people, so I’ll just pick Matt Long (the guy who was hit by a bus and came back to run again). If he didn’t give up, why should I?
My friend Jennifer inspires me. She is a much stronger runner than me but she’ll stick with me. She motivates me and I hope to be as strong as her one day!
Honesty, I inspire myself to runhappy. I run for ME. I run for MY health. I run for MY happiness.
My husband inspires me. He is the one that encourage me to start running and to stick with it when it got tough. Whenever I have a tough run and beat myself up about it, I remember some of the things he said to me when I was starting and it helps me power through and enjoy all the runs…even the bad ones.
My running friends inspire me!
Honestly, I inspire myself to run happy. I went from a “non-runner” who couldn’t last a fourth of a mile to finishing my first half marathon in May. I’ve learned so much about myself through running and cross training. It makes me happy to be able to achieve something that I never thought I could do.
I have many BRFs (best running friends) who inspire me every day. But lately I would have to say my daughter tops the list as my running inspiration. She is becoming a strong, confident, athletic tween and she is one of my biggest supporters as I train for my first Ironman. From staying home with her brother while I train to her big smile when I return. I feel that the two of us are sharing something special that I hope she’ll take with her through her life – a love of running and the desire and drive to work hard to achieve her dreams.
I am inspired by my parents. They started running in their 50s and got me into the sport. 4 years later, they are running marathons and half marathons, beating people my age, and setting personal PRs. (My dad even wins overall awards quite often). Major inspirations!
I run very happy with my friends from Lifetime Run Club Cary especially Ana and Octavio who inspire me every day with their personal story of fitness and their love of life.
My friend Doug has inspired me. He just started running last summer and now he kicks my butt. He ran his first half marathon in January and will be running 2 this fall along with his first marathon in January 2015. I can’t believe how far he’s come!
Initially, it was my husband who inspired my running as he trains so hard for his big races and has been running a long time. I wanted to prove to myself I could run too and join him in races. I have two friends that also inspire me, they are 10-11 min/mile runners and still train hard and race half marathons. Honestly, I don’t think I would have the courage to if I ran at that pace so they really inspire me to run no matter what and just enjoy it!.
My friend Jess inspires me! I started running years ago, and she has just recently started the last few years. To watch her grow from an occasional 5K runner to a marathon finisher (and going to attempt her second this fall!) has reinvigorated my love for running. No matter how hard it gets, she puts a smile on her face and takes another step towards a new running goal
My husband inspires me! He manages to fit running into his busy schedule and motivates me to do the same. He always supports me and is my biggest cheerleader on race day.
She doesn’t know it but my wife inspires me..because at 63 I want to be there for her all our life as it keeps unfolding, and running will keep me fit and healthy for a long life with her.
I am inspired by my fellow runners to run happy. Whether they are friends, people from the running group, elites, bloggers, they all inspired me. Seeing others run happy inspires me to run happy!!
My daughter inspires me to run happy. She has been running for 6th grade – 11th grade. It has been fun to watch her learn from trial and error, to find coaching that works, drinks to empower, win races, beat fast adults — but she’s also come back from injury, surgery, and been teased at school. And yet she still runs. Even if it means waking up early on the weekend during summer vacation.
My running friends are who inspire me to run happy! Their constant encouragement is what helps me to push past what I think is unattainable. Not to mention, runner friends “get it”! 🙂
My friend Tiffany. She has never seen herself as a runner but she gets out there and runs 3 mikes today and 2 1/2 mikes tomorrow. There are days I don’t feel like running and I see her post about sweating out a run and it makes me lace up my shoes.
My cousin Daniel inspires me. He’s lost over 100 pounds and taken up running. He posts his runs on facebook with the tag #runhappy. Every time I see that, I think, “if he is running in the crazy San Antonio heat, I need to get moving too.” The struggles he has overcome and his infectious optimism inspires me daily.
Everyone who runs faster than me!! (most people) 😉 It makes me happy and motivated!!!
My kids! Especially my 7 year old who goes running with me and gets super excited about it. I want to give them a love for running and fitness that I never had growing up 🙂
The thrill of the finish!
First, my kids. They love to watch me race and my daughter is my biggest cheerleader. In a few weeks, she will be doing her 1st race, a biathlon. She is more excited about the training than the race. It’s so cute.
Second, I love the sense of accomplishment.
[…] is giving away an entire outfit from Brooks (including shoes!). Ends […]
My sister inspires me to keep running. We would run together before the arthritis in her feet got so bad she can no longer run. As hard as I know it is for her she is at every finish line I cross. She is the best.
I keep myself running happy because it makes me feel so much better. My days always feel better when I start with a run! And I love tracking my progress and seeing how much stronger I’m getting!
I am inspired by those who fit the running in – even when life gets crazy!!
My husband! He was not a runner to start and now is awesome. He is motivating, and running with him each day makes me happy 🙂
My children inspire me. I teach them never give up that your mind is stronger than you think. Just like in running.
I’m inspired by all the triathletes in my tri group and all the awesome challenges they sign up for!
My five kids! They are so proud of me and love telling their teachers and friends that I run!
I’m inspired by a few high school friends who all started running well after school, as I only recently started to get into it myself. They motivate me to do my best and help me to not compare myself to other runners and to run just because it makes me happy!
I’m inspired every time I run the Peachtree by all the patients at the Shepherd Center who are fighting to walk. I’m blessed to be able to run and that’s the best reminder
I am inspired by my mom. She is barely able to walk but is still there to support me when I run.
After years of struggling with health issues and lack of confidence, I decided to get up and get out running. A few months on and I LOVE it! No matter what the Scottish weather throws at me and no matter what life throws at me, you will find me running my local roads. So, who inspires me to run? Simple! EVERY single person that has made that decision to get out and put one foot in front of the other, be that fast or slow! Who cares! A particular shout out goes to the elderly lady I see most mornings. She is very overweight but it doesn’t stop her trying her best. It is obviously hard and a real struggle, but she pushes and never gives up!
During the week, my dogs are my running buddies and they don’t just run happy, they run joyfully. Their energy and enthusiasm is always contagious. My Saturday long run buddy is Sheryl and she makes the miles fly by as we chat, laugh, or commiserate, and coffee afterwards is the well earned reward.
Running makes me happy because I can spend time with friends, get healthy and enjoy the outdoors. Running changed my life! A little sweat equity for a happier, healthier life.
My sister, Taylor, inspires me to run happy. She ran two 5Ks despite the fact that she’s blind and suffers from a fatal, debilitating brain disease. Whether I’m battling through injuries or running in the elements (heat, cold, wind or rain), I know the obstacles she faces are far greater, and she always ran with a smile. That’s why I run for her.
hope this is opened to canadians! that menu is so adorable!!
Good luck Carmy! The contest is open to those living in the US and Canada 🙂 Official rules can be viewed by clicking on the link at the bottom of the rafflecopter box!
My niece, Gwyneth, inspires me. She lives in London so I don’t get to see her too often, but luckily there are plenty of races in London as excuse to see her and my sister!
My friend D. She was my running buddy for a year and she recently moved. I miss her dearly. Hard to go back to running solo.
Running is my escape from work and family life. Its the only thing I do thats truly for me. I feel so happy when i have reached a goal for hit an awesome pace. I am currently training for my first Triathlon and would love a new outfit for that special day!
I am inspired to run happy by the many amazing runners that I have been able to connect with in recent months via social media and in person. There are so many incredible people out there in the running community and they inspire me to be the best that I can be!