This Could Have Happened to Me & A Running Safety Giveaway
It was a Wednesday. I was on a business trip and was at my desk finishing up a few things for the day when my phone suddenly went off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Ding. Ding ding ding. Ding. Ping. Ding. Ping. Almost simultaneously, I received a slew of text messages and private Facebook messages in rapid succession. What was staring back at me on the screen was almost beyond my comprehension.
It was a local news story. Several stories, in fact. A man I knew had been indicted for allegedly stalking a woman he had been training for a triathlon with by placing a GPS tracker on her car. The news story said the woman became suspicious when he started showing up at many of the same locations she was at quite frequently.
I was shocked because the man was a friend I’d trained with quite frequently for a year. He was someone I met through the local running and triathlon community and regarded fondly as a supportive training partner – someone who was encouraging, helpful and pushed me during many tough runs. We often chatted about our families and work, but most of all running.
I have no idea what has transpired since the story broke several months ago. I don’t know if he is guilty or if there is a logical reason to explain this scary story (I certainly hope that is the case). But either way, I realized that this could have been me. This man and I met frequently to run together, including when it was dark out and not always with other runners. We ran on paths and trails that while busy, could be secluded.
Since I’ve moved to Florida, I’ve felt safe for the first time in a long time. Although I’ve never shared openly on about the crime in Atlanta, Mr. rUnladylike and I were the victims of a lot of unfortunate and upsetting situations during our years there – from house and car break-ins to auto theft to being held up at gunpoint. There was never a time I wasn’t constantly looking over my shoulder.
When it came to running alone, I was even more vigilant.
Today, I feel safer than I have in years. But the story about my “friend” is a reminder that no matter where we live or how safe we feel, dangerous situations can happen to all of us. We must be vigilant to protect ourselves. I’ve written a lot about staying safe while running and marathon training. Taking a self-defense class for runners and carrying personal safety products are two things I think are important. You can read more about staying safe on the run here:
9 Tips to Stay Safe on the Run
Become a Running Powerhouse: Self-Defense for Runners
Last year, I began working with a family-owned company called SABRE that has more than four decades of experience in the personal safety industry and makes a variety of personal safety products, including a line for runners and athletes. I have their products with me the majority of the time (note, I’m receiving NO compensation or incentive to write about SABRE in this post).

This chilling story that hit too close to home made me think this is the perfect time to give away a personal safety product to a rUnladylike reader.
Running Safety Giveaway: How to Enter
Visit and check out their line of personal safety products for athletes. Then post a comment below telling me which of the following items you want to win:
Pepper Spray Alarm with Key Ring (This is one of my favorite things and it is always on my key chain.)

Cyclist Pepper Spray with Adjustable Bike Strap

You must use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter and track all your entries (mandatory). Simply log in with your Facebook account or email. Once you’ve left your comment, check it off in the box below to unlock additional options to enter, such as sharing the sweepstakes on social media, following rUnladylike and SABRE on social media and more.
This sweepstakes is open until 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, June 12. The winner will be announced by Monday, June 15, 2015.
Good luck, and run safe.
No purchase is necessary to win. Must be 18 or older to enter. The sweepstakes is open from Monday, June 8, 2015 at 1 a.m. Eastern time until Friday, June 12, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. To enter, you must visit and leave a comment below sharing which product you would like to win: Pepper Spray Alarm with Key Ring, Runner Pepper Spray OR Cyclist Pepper Spray with Adjustable Bike Strap. To be eligible to win, you must submit your entries through the Rafflecopter widget featured on this page. To do so, you will need to provide your email address or log in with your Facebook information. One winner will be chosen at random and will receive the product of their choice from the three mentioned above, with a maximum total retail value estimated at $13.99. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. The winner will be selected by Monday, June 15, 2015, and will be contacted via email. Winners will have 2 days from the time and date of the email sent to claim their prize. rUnladylike, LLC, has the right to obtain the winner’s name through the Rafflecopter sweepstakes widget and via The winner agrees to allow rUnladylike, LLC, to share the winner’s name. The prize will be emailed to the winner from Jesica D’Avanza of rUnladylike, LLC. The winner and all sweepstakes entrants hold rUnladylike, LLC, and SABRE harmless in the event that the prize or sweepstakes in some way negatively impacts the winner, and the winner agrees to use the prize at his or her own risk. This sweepstakes is hosted by rUnladylike, LLC, of Georgia, who can be contacted at Void where prohibited by law.
Visit and leave a comment below sharing which of the three items featured in this post you want to win.
This is completely freaky!! I’m so sorry this happened and ‘held at gunpoint?’ REALLY? I usually carry pepper spray when I run but I’m loving that keychain/alarm. It seems like a must have, even where I live!
Great idea Jesica! This is rally important, and you are right, we do all think that we are invincible. I am the most guilty of all for this. That must be so scary for you, but just goes to show that you never know. Glad you are safe!!!!
I always joke about running around Lakewood, but I am always looking over my shoulder, knowing who is out and about and “emergency escape routes.” The running pepper spray looks good.
the pepper spray! Chilling story but wake up call. Thank you!
What a scary story! No wonder you “86’d” Atlanta. Also, make sure everyone wears a light for safety reasons too! #IamNotaStalker
The Personal alarm is a great idea. I’ve seen something similar before, but the price was outrageous. This one is at least affordable!
also, the runner’s pepper spray is a great idea…but I’d be too scared that I’d accidentally set it off while I was running! eep!
Hi Caitlin! Thanks for your comment and I love the personal alarm. The runner’s pepper spray actually has a “lock” on it so that you can keep the nozzle closed or open, and the spray faces away from you. SABRE also has videos to show you how to shoot it safely and practice spray so you can practice on your own to emit it safely. That’s one of the reasons I really love the company because if you don’t know how to use it, it could backfire on you. They offer resources to prevent that from happening.
This is the first town we have lived in where I actually run by myself. I have never felt safe enough before. But your story reminds me that that even here I need to be vigilant.
That said, pepper spray is illegal here without a permit, so I guess the keychain/alarm would be my best option.
Wow Jesica that is so very scary!! Atlanta can definitely be dangerous! I think it is SO nice that you finally feel safe where you are running! Its really sad that people do not feel safe meandering around and have to be victims of crimes – makes me angry! Fortunately I live in a very safe city and feel safe running in pretty much all areas, but I still get spooked from time to time and run by homes and businesses of friends/family just in case! I have to always remind myself to be alert when running in different cities, because you just never know. My husband bought me the Sabre running spray and its really nice and adds a sense of security to carry. I love how you have to flip a switch to spray and the strap it has on it.
Oh my goodness, this is frightening and eye-opening. I run on Saturdays when I do my long runs and I have wondered what I would do if something were to happen. The path I run on is paved, but mostly goes through the woods (it’s an old rail trail that was convered into a “carriage trail” for cycling and running), so lots of beautiful trees – but quite secluded at times. I’ve been thinking about getting pepper spray for a while but haven’t gotten around to it. This article is just the “push” I needed. Thank you for posting.
THis is so scary!!! Your blood must have run cold when you read about that man. I’m going to share this all over the place – such an important reminder for women runners.
i run after work during the summer because of the heat, which means I have to run at 3:30am! The pepper spray would be great!!
First, I’m so glad you’re living somewhere now where you feel safe! All those things that happened to you and Mr. Runladylike are so scary, as is finding out what happened with your friend. It upsets me so much how dangerous some cities are becoming in America – whenever I visit my family in St. Louis, I only run the 3/4 mile loop in their neighborhood because there’s been shootings and carjackings by my old trail there.
I always run with Sabre Runner’s Mace. It’s so lightweight I barely notice it’s there, and it’s worth a great deal of peace of mind, especially as I’m getting used to running in the Seattle area. Thanks for hosting this giveaway so more women are aware of runner’s safety!
Getting attacked on a run is one of my biggest fears. I am constantly looking around me and will not stop for anyone who approaches- male or female. It’s so sad in this day and age that we have to be so cautious, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. This is a great article and thanks for the giveaway! (Pepper Spray Alarm with Key Ring)
I “feel” safe where I run but you never know… Good reminder Jes.
Wow, Jesica! Thank you for reminding us to always be vigilant. I’m looking into the runner’s pepper spray or the duathlete version.
Holy cow! That’s one scary story! I’m so glad it worked out for you but also sorry your friend went through that. I guess you just never know. I am probably far too complacent, I must admit.
That is scary! I have to go to California for a week in the summer and I have no idea how I’m going to get a run (or three) in – I’ve been to this town several times and no one runs there. There are more people running in Ottawa on a -40C day than there is in this town – unless people run early in the AM to avoid the heat? Anyways, totally not comfortable with that.
I would like to try and win the runner’s pepper spray 🙂
I hope you can find a treadmill Rebecca! Be safe. xo
will be making sure Carrie reads this later when we are at home, we always talk about what route she is going to run, how she feeling to have an idea how long it may take and running with her phone, can never be to safe.
the pepper spray looks pretty compact & easy to hold, might be a great place for her to start.
That is simply terrifying about your friend and the GPS. Gosh, I feel like no sooner than we start to feel safe, weird things start to happen 🙁
runner pepper spray
This story is so scary and can happen to anyone.Stalking is very real. I am glad nothing happened to you!!! If I won I would like to win the alarm.
The keychain alarm
I am really not needing the giveaway as I think there are others more deserving and needing then me. However, I can personally say, I work in law enforcement and guess what brand of pepper spray we use? Sabre. This stuff is absolutely awesome and I can honestly say, I would take a taser over pepper spray any day! Sabre REALLY makes a good product! So there you go 🙂
Hi Tim! Thanks so much for sharing Tim! I knew SABRE was the #1 choice of law enforcement but it is awesome to hear from an expert that you use it and like it.
Thanks for the reminder to stay safe. It’s aways in the back of my mind, but I never carry anything defensive with me. Time go rethink it.
Wow, how scary! As a runner, I try not to run alone, especially when it’s dark. But unfortunately, in this day and age, crimes happen in broad daylight, and sometimes by people we trust.
I would love the hand held pepper spray, it’s crazy to think that I’d need it, but you can’t be too careful.
Great post, I’ll definitely be visiting more often. (found you via FB).
Thank you!
Thank you so much for stopping by Amanda! Great to meet you virtually! Happy running! xo
I just started running and would love to win one of these items. That is such a scary story.
I carry pepper spray when I run, as well. I love the pepper spray/keychain combo!
Thanks for the post. I am buying both the runner pepper spray and cycling pepper spray, don’t even care about the give away. No one should feel safe 100% running and biking alone. Thanks Jesica!
I thought of you when the news broke out. And I was appalled as I’d been on many group runs together.
I think the Personal Alarm Key Ring would be best for me, but had a question about how easily the pin pulls out? I’m the queen of yanking my keys out from the bottom of my purse, but worry I might accidentally pull the pin out and set the alarm off! So the pepper spray for runners is a close second 🙂
Hi Sheena,
Thanks for your comment and question. The pin pulls out easily if you are trying to pull it free to make the loud noise (I test mine from time to time), but I’ve NEVER had it accidentally come unpulled when I didn’t intend for it to go off (meaning it is easy but not that easy). Hope that helps 🙂
We also had a similar thing happen over the last year or so. A guy was going to the best neighborhoods/areas in town and randomly attacking women while they ran or biked 🙁 It was always during the day and in the more affluent neighborhoods where there generally is lower crime. Super scary!
Wow! That is very scary. I hope everyone is ok. In my situation, this was a person I actually trained with regularly and “knew well,” which made it hit really close to home. Stay safe out there and happy running. xo
Definitely! The scary part was the guy that was arrested (I don’t know where it went from there) worked at a local gym that we ALL frequent AND in the childrens center 🙁
Definitely! The scary part was the guy that was arrested (I don’t know where it went from there) worked at a local gym that we ALL frequent AND in the childrens center 🙁
Hi! I am a runner in Baltimore and try to be sure that I’m constantly aware of my surroundings. I’ve never had a problem, but I started trail running a little over a year ago and there are many secluded (but beautiful) areas where I love to run. The pepper spray/personal alarm would be something I would be interested in purchasing, even if I’m not chosen as a contest winner!
I would love to have the runner pepper spray! I often go on 4am runs here in the city of Denver where we have had a ton of problems with women being attacked while running. Often I have friends and family that ask me to carry something to protect myself. I have searched many of the running stores around me and no one carries it! Either way I will be checking out Sabre so I can put everyones mind at ease.
I could use a new runner pepper spray – I run with one every time I start my morning runs before the sun is up, but it expires this summer!
I would use the runner pepper spray. My mom has always wanted me to run with this stuff since I run on this trail in MD that has been a spot for some pretty scary events.
I’m interested in the personal alarm key chain. I’m an early morning runner, and while I’ve felt safe for the most part in my neighborhood, I know that I could be more prepared for personal safety.
This would make me feel so safe..I love the runner pepper spray..what a great post to make
oh my gosh, I’m so glad it wasn’t you! That is super scary. I would say the alarm key chain!
Thanks for sharing. I’d be most interested in the Pepper Spray Alarm with Key Ring because it looks like it would be the most versatile.
How upsetting! I run with a group of friends so I only run alone on occasion. I would love the Runner’s Pepper Spray for those solo runs and walks with my pup.