Humid with a Side of Hotter Than Hell: Weekly Training Recap & Link-up
Since moving from Atlanta to Tampa in May, I’ve become an obsessive compulsive complainer about the weather. In a not-so-good-shut-the-eff-up sort of way. I talk a lot to my fellow runners and coaching clients about focusing on “the controllables” when it comes to running. Because there are so many factors outside of our control during big runs and races, we should direct our energy toward controlling the little things we can actually impact (e.g. sleep, rest, hydration, food/fuel levels, stress, etc.). The problem is, in life I’m often someone who tends to dwell on the things I can’t control. It’s always easier to SAY don’t focus on what you can’t control than to actually DO it. Am I right?
So, I’ve been bitching complaining a lot about the weather here. But I think I’m slowly getting over it, turning a new leaf and moving on. I’ve started to accept the fact that even when I get up to run before 5 a.m., it is in the 80s and the humidity is close to 90 percent. In Atlanta this morning (yes, I still check the Atlanta weather because I’m insane), it was 62 degrees. I do not live in Atlanta anymore. I am not going to live in Atlanta. I live in Florida. STOP. BEING. IN. DENIAL. ABOUT. THE. WEATHER. JESICA. SHUT. UP. MOVE. ON. JUST. RUN. I can learn to deal with it, work around it and make my runs as best as possible in my new conditions, or I can drain my mental strength to the point that I give up. I choose the first option.
This is my new mental outlook when it comes to running in tough weather:

Changing my mental perspective seems to be changing my running. Last week, I had a quality run where I averaged 8:06 despite the weather. Today, I ran 4 x 100-meters and 4 x 1-mile repeats with the repeats being in the 7:35 average range (slower than if I was training seriously but good for where I’m currently at fitness-wise). I’ve started to tell myself the same thing I do before a marathon when thinking about the last 6 miles: it is going to hurt and it is going to suck but you are going to do it anyway and it is going to be awesome. Mantras, people. Mantras.
Here’s what my past week of training looked like.
Getting Sweaty and Stronger
My fitness goals for 2015 are to stay in half marathon shape year-round (20-30 miles of running per week and long runs of 8-11 miles) and get stronger (2-3 strength training and cross training workouts each week).
- Monday: 3 miles easy
- Tuesday: 1-hour at Orangetheory Fitness, including 3.1 miles on the treadmill alternating between easy pace, tempo pace and 200-m sprint pace, 1,000 meters on the rowing machine and two rounds of strength in the weight room
- Wednesday: 3 miles (8:21, 7:55, 8:05)
- Thursday: REST
- Friday: 1-hour at Orangetheory Fitness, including 3 miles on the treadmill with hill runs at tempo and interval pace alternating between 3 and 5 percent incline, followed by 1,600 meters of rowing and 10 minutes in the weight room
- Saturday: Ran 8 miles before sunrise with new and old friends (See details about the run with pictures here)
- Sunday: 75 minutes of restorative yoga at Bella Prana Yoga via ClassPass
It has been a while since I’ve shared a recipe. On the clean eating front, I’m loving this Chicken Salsa Casserole lately. I’ve eaten it twice in the past two weeks. It is super simple to prepare and makes great leftovers. Be sure to follow me on Pinterest while you’re there to see all the recipes I’m making and pinning and other running inspiration and tips.
What I’m Most Proud of
Finally getting over the weather situation. I don’t have to like it, but I do have to live with it.
I’m also proud of starting to try some new workouts via ClassPass in my area (I’ve been to three new studios in the past few days). {I’m obsessed with ClassPass and am also an affiliate.}
Also, big shout out to one of my coaching clients who ran a 5K PR at the beginning of the month. She’s three weeks out from her goal marathon and her challenging summer training is paying off!

Where I Struggled
Sleeping. I’m having a lot of trouble falling asleep every night. That means I’m not getting enough Zzzzs and waking up early to workout with not enough rest. If you have any pointers on falling asleep easier, send them my way!
Thought for the Week Ahead
“Today is my tomorrow. It’s up to me to shape it, to take control and seize every opportunity.”
― Unknown

How was your week last week? How did your training go? What are you most proud of? Where were you most challenged?
I am the worst when it comes to summer running. Anything over 80 degrees (running or not) and I start to complain. I also firmly believe that I shouldn’t be sweating when I go outside unless I’m working out! I’m trying to be better about it but I won’t deny that I’m super excited for Fall! Glad your runs have been getting better!
Just think how envious folks will be of you when everyone else is bundling up in a few months for an outside run and you will have loving the mild temperatures in Florida!! Glad you are finally adjusting to dealing with the tough summers in Florida!
I am so with you! I live in Central Alabama and have whined all.summer.long about the humidity. I thank heavens my running friends have put up with me this year. I just couldn’t seem to push through it. Part of my problem is I didn’t have a new goal race. Sure I am running the same marathon I always run but there is nothing new and exciting. Definitely need to find a new motivation!
Oh man, I am the opposite with sleep these days! I can’t STOP sleeping! 13 hours last night. dang!
And I feel you on the weather. I’m in SoCal, so luckily it’s just (mostly) dry heat, but I still hate running in it. I’ve been getting up at 4am to get my run on!
Not much training going on around here – Just some cross/strength training, but even that is limited. BUT – next week I should be able to do some running *hopefully*. I’m having to wait a million years to get imaging done for my leg – last year, by the time I had a bone scan done, I had stopped running for over 6 weeks and my stress fracture was pretty much healed when I got the results, lol.
You’re doing s great job despite the heat! I need to try orange theory after baby- it sounds awesome!
I empathize with you on not getting enough sleep! Even though I’m at the peak of training my body seems determined to not sleep for more than 7 hours, when I’m sure I need at least 8 or 9. Melatonin works wonders for me, as does relaxing bed time yoga. Hope you catch a good night’s sleep soon!
This last week was not that great marathon training. I ran 6 miles Tuesday but then donated blood, and neglected to eat for 3 hours after donating (while running errands) and practically passed out in Whole Foods (luckily I laid down on their bench before my head hit the floor)! So running has been slow and exhausting since. My sister told me to not donate blood during marathon training, but my race is 2 months out and if I have a slower pace for 1-2 weeks during training, that is ok if I save someone’s life. So I am ok with slower training, I am still getting the miles in! Great job on your breakthrough runs, I love your new attitude!