Be Stronger Than Your Excuses
There’s nothing quite like a marathon or half marathon to fill your inspiration tank. When you’re questioning your strength or when quitting feels more desirable than continuing, all you have to do is look around you at a race and see everyday miracles happening at every turn.
That’s exactly what happened to my friend Leslie Hutcherson during the Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas Half Marathon this past weekend. Leslie, a mom of two, started running long distances after college. Like many of us, running has truly transformed her life. On Friday, she sent me a message from the Dallas race expo saying that she was under-trained and under-prepared but ready for a fun race. I wrote her back and told her that sometimes when our mind is relaxed and our expectations are low, we often surprise ourselves.

And surprise herself she did. Leslie ran a 2-minute personal best yesterday. After the race, she wrote some powerful reflections from her experience that she is letting me share with you today. Her words ring so true, no matter who you are or where you are in your running journey. It’s easier to find reasons to NOT make good choices because we are too busy, too tired, too overwhelmed. But choosing to be stronger than our excuses is the best choice we will ever make.
“It was a gorgeous day, sunny and bright but cool and very windy, making the course a tad challenging. Still a glorious day to be running!
I was alone with my thoughts today, and as I looked around the crowd I noticed …
The first timer, terrified and nervous who trained her heart out with no idea of what to expect.
The seasoned fella with wrinkled skin and grey hair, limping from years of life, even before the race had started.
The new mama giving one last kiss to her new baby before taking her place in the corral.
The sweet, middle aged couple pushing their young adult and severely disabled child in a wheelchair.
The group of teachers spending their spring break together running the #texmex (Texas this morning and Mexico tonight).
And the thousands of weekend warriors with day jobs, kids, injuries, board positions, kids’ sports to attend, meetings to lead, travel to balance, first steps, last steps and everything in between.
And two things struck me …
Fitness is a journey. We are all in a different place. Some taking their first step and some are weathered and worn but on a journey nonetheless. Everyone out there today had an excuse. Everyone had a reason why this would be too hard, why we couldn’t, why we shouldn’t, why we’re too busy. Every single person out there HAD an excuse, but we made a choice to overcome them! To win over the excuse!
Today we won!
We believed in ourselves. We had fun. We pushed. And pushed some more. We cheered for each other. We laughed. Some cried. We celebrated.
YOU don’t have to be a runner, but if YOU have an excuse that’s holding you back from your own journey, don’t let it anymore! Choose to overcome.
Just start with one step. One small change. One positive thought. You just might surprise yourself!
Today was a good day!”

What resonates most with you from my friend Leslie’s words? How are you going to be stronger than your excuses this week?
Congrats to Lesley! My sister also ran RnR Dallas yesterday and it was a PR for her as well. Congrats to all who ran!
It’s good to remember that we are all different and are at different places in our own journey. I need to remember to not compare myself to others… all it does is make me frustrated instead of enjoying my accomplishments.
Hell yes!!
I just love how inspiring the race atmosphere is and how she took the time to notice and appreciate it!! Congrats on a HUGE PR Leslie!!
Such a great message! And definitely a message I need right now!
Thanks for sharing Leslie’s reflections – this is one of the most wonderful accounts that I have seen!
Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing this and for Leslie for lending you her words. So powerful and so very true. Keeping this on my heart the next time I race.
What a great message to take to my next race start line!
Congrats to Leslie on the big PR! I love her message and I love how races bring together people at various stages on their fitness journeys to celebrate together.