A Different Train of Thought
When it comes to running and training, our mindset can be the difference between a lesson learned or disappointment, an opportunity or a bad day, triumph or failure. Lately, my mind has been playing a steady chorus of thoughts like this …
I never feel very good while I’m out running.
I’ve gotten so slow.* Easy doesn’t feel easy.
I wish I was training for a big race.
I’m glad I’m not training for a big race because I feel so slow.*
[*Remember, pace is different for everyone. Feeling slow may be someone else’s fast and vis-a-versa. It’s all relative.]
Last week, I had a bit of a revelation. I decided to stop judging my running, embrace the hard parts and re-frame my mindset. Here’s how my brain is taking a different stance …
I love all these strength training classes I’ve been taking. If I keep this up, I will get stronger.
It’s so fun to run with friends. I’m so grateful for all my new Florida running friends.
I love spectating and cheering other runners on, and I’m so proud of all the runners I’m coaching.
Waiting to train for/run a big goal race after we start a family if that’s possible will be so special.
I love my new neighborhood and life in Florida, and I’m truly enjoying every second of it.
I believe our mind directs our body. This past week, workouts felt easier and more enjoyable. My runs felt a little less painful and they were all fun. When we stop dwelling on what isn’t working and start focusing on what is working, we celebrate our small victories and re-frame challenges into opportunities.
Here’s what last week’s workouts looked like:
- Monday: AM: 1-hour strength training boot camp at True Grit Fit with four rounds of various strength training exercises for nine minutes each with great focus on areas that help runners like single leg dead lifts, lunges, squats, etc. Running was mixed in between each round. Soreness was a given after this one. PM: Walked 3 miles with Mr. rUnladylike
- Tuesday: AM: Ran 5.34 miles with friends at 6 a.m.; PM: 75 minutes of restorative yoga at Bella Prana Yoga
- Wednesday: 50-minute cycle and straps class at Barre Fitness Tampa. The class started with 25 minutes of spinning followed by 25 minutes of TRX. It was fun to change things up with this class.

All of the studio classes I take are part of my ClassPass membership where you can go to tons of different studios each month for one monthly fee. I love it so much that I became a national ambassador. You can get $25 off your first month with my special ClassPass link here. Please note that every time someone signs up using my link, I get a reduction off my own monthly fee I pay for my membership. If you’re ever in Tampa, come take a class with me! There are TONS to choose from.
- Thursday: N/A … I decided to sleep in, and you know how that goes.
- Friday: See Thursday. Boo. Hiss.
- Saturday: Ran 6 miles with a good friend … and then spent every waking hour of the rest of the day cooking grub for a big Masters party we hosted on Sunday. Photos of carbs = happiness.

- Sunday: Ran 6 miles and spectated at the Iron Girl Clearwater Half Marathon. My mom finished her ninth half marathon on Sunday, and it was so fun to get to see her! I parked about 1.5 miles away from where I was spectating. I ran to the turn-around point on the race course and then waited for my mom. I jumped in and ran just shy of two miles with her and then ran back to my car. It was a great morning, and I’m so proud of my mom for all she has accomplished. She went from not being able to run for 30 seconds without stopping to being a nine-time half marathon finisher and counting.

This week, if and when your mind starts to focus in on what you aren’t doing or what you wish you were doing differently, reframe the conversation in your head. Grasp onto the things you are doing well and embrace the shiny moments in the hard things.
Brag time: What are you proud of from your training last week? What is going well with your running right now?
Great post Jes!! So glad you’re changing your mindset. Last week, I’m proud of kicking off half marathon training with a strong week, even while travelling. Resting my injuries really made a huge difference and even though I know I’ve lost fitness, it’s clear my body is in a better place!
Keep up the good work!
I love your positive outlook – you are so right, I find that the body follows the mind, and my mindset really sets the tone for how my workout will go.
I’m going through the same thing, and have since I moved to Florida from D.C. But, about 6 months ago I started including “Three Wins” on my training calendar. At the end of every week, I jot down what my three biggest wins of the week were. It’s helped me remain more positive!
I think it’s easy to dwell and focus on the negative. Love your new stances. Might have to try some of my own. Happy to have found a good rhythm with running rift now – building mileage, actually strength training, and still no pain 🙂
Super post!
Congrats to your mom! You both have the same smile!
Positive thinking is so important. I tell myself “I’m getting better and better ” instead of “I am so slow”. Today I had a good long run. (it actually was a bit faster!)
Congrats to your Mom!!!!
I am working on mentally toughening myself up. I was injured for a long time so I lost a lot of confidence. Over the weekend I ran an 8 mile leg in a relay and PR’d my 10k time. Now I guess I need to look for a 10k race so I can make it official! haha!
Awesome Staci!!!! Congrats on your amazing run! Woot!
I love your positive approach! It’s so easy to be so hard and judging on ourselves. Running should be enjoyed 🙂 Congrats to you mom!
I’m proud of slowing releasing myself from “have tos” in training: I have to run this many miles per week, I have to include these workouts – even if I do ended up running x number of miles, it’s a lot better without the self-imposed pressure.
I really needed this post and appreciate your positive thinking! For the past 4 years, I have been a competitive triathlete, finishing 2 full Ironmans and dozens of 70.3’s, Olympics, sprints, half marathons, full marathons, etc…topping last season off with a podium finish at Augusta 70.3. My heart just hasn’t been in it this year and I have a breakdown every time I think about not having an “A” race! I raced a half marathon this past weekend and hated it! Today, I am trying to have a different outlook and a different approach to exercise – and your post really helped change my attitude! THANK YOU! 🙂
Hi Alexandra! I’m so glad it was helpful. I think sometimes we also forget that elites like you also go through these same feelings as us mere mortals 🙂 LOL! No matter who we are or where we live, if we train and race long enough the cycles and seasons come with the territory. Congrats on your amazing accomplishments. August 70.3 was my first half Iron in 2012. I did Beach2Battleship the next year and then stepped away to “just run.” I think changing it up and doing something in which we really find enjoyment is so critical to renewing our spirit again. That’s why I’ve been doing more strength training and different workouts lately that I really look forward to going to that stretch me in other/different ways instead of focusing just on what I’m not happy with. When it becomes a real chore, I find that’s when it is time to take a break and recharge. We will all find our way back to where we want to be when we are ready. Sending you a virtual hug and support. xo
Aw thank you! But believe me, I am NOT an elite! 🙂 Just had a few years where I was completely nutso about triathlon and lucky to have a strong swim and bike!
I forgot to mention, congratulations to your mom! She looks so happy in those photos!
Thank you again, love your blog and how you keep it real!
Your mom is so cute, wish I lived closer to my mom and that she was a runner! I had a little setback with my running in the last week. Trying to incorporate strength training and think I over did it. My legs were super heavy and I felt (and ran) some of my slowest miles in months. I just wondered if that happens when you initially add strength, could your pace slow down? I’m not fast but I’ve definitely improved over the past year.
I love the pictures of your mom! She must be such an inspiration to you. Great post. I also need to get rid of the negative thoughts in my head, but it is hard and it takes a lot of work and practice. I have some tempo miles today so I will try it then!
Sometimes I spend time thinking and wondering if I really like running or if I do because my friend Jess loves running or if I do it to not gain back all of the weight I lost – or if I really love it. I usually end up deciding I must love it or I wouldn’t have gotten my tush out of bed before dawn to run or train for another marathon. But – dude – sometimes I really wonder 🙂