Starting the Year Full of Gratitude
Four and a half years ago, I started because of the profound depth running brought into my life. Although running has always been part of me, it wasn’t until 2009 I discovered the power of long-distance running. I found myself learning lessons and feeling emotions I wanted to share … partly because I wanted to help others learn what took me a long time to learn for myself, and partly because we’re at our best when we’re supporting and encouraging each other. Many moons and hundreds of articles later, I’m sitting here in a very different place than when I started, simply feeling grateful.
As 2017 begins, the only way to start the year is to say thank you.

Thank you for sticking with me as my running has ebbed and flowed the past two years, changing with my life. As someone who writes about running (and triathlon) but did very little of it in 2016, I realize it was a lot to ask for you to keep stopping by. There weren’t high mileage training week recaps, goal race reports or powerful workouts to follow. Instead, there was a miscarriage, then a successful pregnancy, then videos about how my fitness was slowing, then announcing I could no longer run and finally all the lessons I learned from a year of no racing. It’s not what you signed up for, but it’s part of my journey, and it will be a big part of how I return to running in 2017.
For me, 2017 is about adjusting and prevailing.
Adjusting to a new life full of lots of exciting (and terrifying) changes, balancing being a new working mom and cherishing all the moments that are yet to come.
Prevailing by proving to myself and all of you that I will be stronger, grow more deeply and be able to dream and achieve bigger things in the months and year to come. {I’ll be sharing my 2017 running goals and target race this month!}
Thank you for your support, love and encouragement as I prepare to welcome Baby rUnladylike in a few days (due January 8). Thank you for joining me on this journey and for sharing yours. Thank you for returning to this corner of the Internet as we find our extraordinary together.
Here’s to an amazing year ahead for us all. xo
Lady you look beautiful. I commend you for your blogging and sharing which can be really hard when you are having a tough time in life or when you are a running blogger who can’t run (which I know about from being injured!). Cheers to a fab 2017!
Thank you so very much Lauren! I really appreciate your kind words. I hope your 2017 is off to an amazing start. xo
You and baby Bella will navigate new life lessons and adventures together 💕
Your belly is amazing!! You look great! Give you and your sweet baby time to adjust and you’ll be on your way before you know it! Excited for you! Best of luck!
Thank you so much Nancy! I was in that in-between stage for so long, so I definitely can’t say that anymore. LOL! I hope you are doing well! Thanks for your kind words and well-wishes. xo
Wishing you a safe and easy delivery of your baby girl. Enjoy every moment as it goes by so quickly!
Thank you for being you! Yes, I started reading your blog and following on IG to hear your running stories and to learn how to be a better runner. Not only did I get to learn that from you, you also taught me how to embrace the ups and downs, the good and the bad, and your honesty (whether lacking motivation or dealing with a miscarriage- both I have also experienced) made you even more likeable and inspiring.
Congratulations to you and Mr. Runladylike and I can’t wait to “meet” your baby girl and see what amazing things you do in the future.
Hi Leanne. Thank you so much for your tremendously kind words. I am truly humbled and extraordinarily grateful to have you as a reader and follower. I’m grateful running has allowed our paths to cross, and I look forward to going on this shared journey with you in 2017. xoxo
I want to THANK YOU and, everything you wrote about this year is exactly what we signed up for – it’s called life and then we run sometimes. It happens and it’s amazing. You probably helped more than you know by sharing all the non-running aspects of your very real life.
SO looking forward to the arrival of one amazing little girl!!! Good luck mama!!
Thank you, thank you! I just love that running has brought our lives together, and I sincerely appreciate you always being such a cheerleader. I can’t wait to follow your 2017 journey and big adventures too. Huge hugs!
Dear Jesica!
Thank you so much for being there, for giving advice and help with running matters, for sharing your life with us!
I’m thinking of you often and I wish and your wonderful husband the very best for the new, great adventure of becoming a family! Can’t wait for the first picture of your little girl – forza, forza, mamma!!!
Hi Gabrielle! Thank you so much for always being such a loyal reader and supportive virtual friend. I sincerely appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I look forward to achieving new goals together in the year to come. All the best to you as we begin 2017! xo
I can’t believe we’re nearly at the finish line! Congrats!!! So excited for you that you get to meet your baby girl in just a few days. Are you having as many crazy feelings, thoughts, and emotions as I am (still 4 weeks to go, GAH!)?? Much love and wishes for a safe, smooth, and easy baby arrival! xoxo
Thank you Becca. It is hard to believe the big day is almost here. I’m excited for you too and hope you have a smooth next four weeks. I am certainly getting a little anxious. There is a mix of excitement and a little fear of the unknown about how it will all go related to delivery. At this point, I just want her to be so healthy and I really, really want her to come out the chute without me needing a C-section or surgery or other complication. Here’s hoping 🙂 I’ll be thinking about you and hope you’ll keep me posted on your journey! xo
Happy New Year! Jes-you have looked amazing and strong throughout your pregnancy! One thing about motherhood that goes “hand-in-hand” with running is that it teaches us to adjust and prevail. Motherhood has brought out my deepest strengths and strongest desires to achieve in life, because I now had someone else to motivate and inspire! Trust your body and your instincts. Everything else will follow. I can not wait to see pics of Bella!! So glad we met face-to-face this year! Love that we share this journey of life and running! Excited for all your new adventures to come!
Thank you so much Kara. I just love your beautiful words and profound thoughts. THANK YOU! xoxo
That bump!!! <3 Looking forward to following your adventures this year, friend! xoxo
Set your goals and stick with them. I can’t wait to see where 2017 takes you