Rave Runs of 2013
Each year, we experience a handful of runs that are unforgettable. While many blur together week after week – from treadmill speed work sessions to weekday short runs on the same neighborhood route – those special few become etched into our memories. These are the runs we clearly remember how we felt, where we were, what we saw and what the weather was like. These are the runs that remind us why we love running.
By this time next week, I will have logged about 850 miles of running in 2013. Although my mileage is lower than in previous years due to lots of added miles swimming and biking and because I didn’t run any marathons this year, several miles from those 850 stand out.
These were my rave runs of 2013.
February: The Bahamas

June: Running with Bart Yasso

June: The North Georgia Mountains

July: Florida Beaches

August: Oregon (Leg #2 of the Hood to Coast Relay)

September: Key West

September: Connecticut

October: New York City with the Brooks Running team

November: Utah

December: Washington D.C.

More ways to connect with rUnladylike:
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Daily Mile: http://www.dailymile.com/people/jesica
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Where were the most memorable places you ran this year? Do you have a favorite run from 2013?
I would have to say MCM in DC. I had never been there before.
Wow, you have some pretty great runs in there. I would have to say that some of my favorite runs were on the trails. There is a State Park where I live and although small it still feels remote. I love the feeling I get on a trail in the woods. It is really unexplainable. This park also happens to be where I ran my first Half Trail Run! I also really loved running in the NC Mountains where we visit often. The air and the beauty is magnificent. Lastly, Kiawah will always be etched in my mind forever for so many different reasons! I can’t wait to see the places I get to run in the year to come.
Wow Wow Wow…. you had some really great runs and sweet locations this year. 🙂
I love the picture in Utah! I did a 10 mile run just outside of SLC on a trail called elephant rock. It was my birthday 6/21 (Turned 55) and was on business. Decided to take the afternoon off and enjoy the mountains and view. The silhouette picture of me on my twitter background it from that day on the rock at Sunset. The sun setting over the lake was killer and then on the way down in the dark — a full moon. It will be run and day that I will remember for a long long time. The second rave run was on Turtle Island Fiji. A beautiful island with the best people, warm waters and great sunsets.. loved every day there.
Those both sound like AH-mazing runs! AWESOME!!! I want to run in Fiji 🙂
love all these pictures from your runs this year! What a great way to recap 2013.
You have ran some pretty amazing places! My greatest runs this year were in Florida along the Gulf coast. So beautiful.
Love the pics!! Such a fun way to capture the entire year!! I have to learn to take more pics!!
I was in Savannah this Spring, but we stayed across the river from the city. I went out of my hotel just looking for some empty road, and ended up running part of my run on an abandoned 2-mile auto racing road course. Pretty cool running down the front stretch, past pit road, and crossing a different kind of finish line, and looking for the checkered flag!
You ran at the Rez in West Hartford! Awesome! That’s my home turf.
Great post & pics as always: ) I agree with lacy our local woods is my favorite place to run no matter the distant or time of year. While our trip to Disney as a family this pass years was marked by all of us getting a bad stomach bug before I had a chance to run Disney all star resort property a nice little loop & certainly a neat place to warm up or stretch those leg if doing an event at WDW. Like you I spent more time on the bike & I am exceptionaly lucky to live in a part if the country where we have the 4 seasons, the ocean, the woods & close enough to Boston I can run long and enjoy those sights & sounds. Can’t wait for 2014 hope you have a great one wish you and yours all the best: )
The majority of my runs were in FL…since that’s where I live, but my first half marathon stands out (Princess Half), the Tower of Terror 10-miler, and a recent long run I did where a baby dolphin popped up and swam at my pace for half a mile. That was breathtaking.
Beautiful! I love all of the pictures! I’ve got some vacations to plan for 2014, hopefully I’ll be able to have some meaningful runs!
Reflecting on the races I ran this year has me feeling incredibly fortunate. In April I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler, in May the Broad Street 10-Miler and Marine Corps Historic Half, and then in June I did the Ragnar Relay Niagara Falls. 2013 was capped off by the New York City Marathon in November. My 2014 schedule has lots of room for more great races to look forward to.
Love the Utah photos – where were you? (reminds me of some of my favorite spots in Arizona so maybe I should check Utah out)
Thanks MJ! We were in a small town called Irvins staying at Red Mountain Resort. We loved it 🙂