The Truth about Running Friends & Win a $50 Gift Card to Road Runner Sports
Running friends. That’s how I typically refer to all the people I run with. Not friends, but running friends. My husband tends to put them in a category of their own too, as if they are only my friends when we are running. He once remarked that we never seem to do anything together outside of running. I thought about this. Is it true? We see each other so much for weekly runs, workouts and coffee or brunch after it never really occurred to me that we rarely see each other when we’re wearing make-up, clothes not made of dry-fit material and our hair styled in some other way than in ponytails slicked back with sweat.

As I’ve gotten older, the majority of my new friends are connected to me through running. It’s our social outlet. But more importantly, there is a bond that is created when your train and race with people working toward the same goals. People who understand the physical and emotional ups and downs of this sport. They see you on your worst days and are there to cheer for you on your most triumphant days. They analyze pace and mile splits and running routes with you, but also simultaneously talk with you for hours about life and relationships and everything in between.
When I think about it, my so-called “running friends” are often closer to me than people I’ve known the majority of my life. The miles are therapy sessions and verbal memoirs all in one. Call them what you may, but running friends are exactly the kind of true friends I cherish and am grateful to have.
Last week, we decided to get together for … yet another … running related event.

At least this time we weren’t actually running. My local Road Runner Sports hosted a VIP ladies night that we just couldn’t pass up. They were giving a discount on all clothes and shoes purchased and tons of raffle prizes.

As luck would have it, Brooks Running sponsored the event, so I was pleased to see so many people trying on my favorite shoes.

I also looked at my running gait and mechanics in my favoritre Brooks PureCadence while I was there since they were out of stock when I got my Shoe Dog fitting last month. All systems were a go!

Win a $50 Gift Card to Road Runner Sports Now
To honor all of the amazing friends running brings to us and the incredible community of people we’re a part of, I’m giving away a $50 gift card to Road Runner Sports.
Ready to win? Here’s how …
Post a comment below telling me about your favorite running friend and why he/she is special. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter and track all your entries (mandatory). Simply log in with your Facebook account or email. Once you’ve left your comment, check it off in the box below to unlock additional options to enter, such as sharing the sweepstakes on social media, following Road Runner Sports and me on social media and more.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This sweepstakes is open until 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, May 3. The winner will be chosen on Monday, May 4, 2015.
Good luck, and happy running (and shopping)!
No purchase is necessary to win. Must be 18 or older to enter. Open to people with a United States mailing address only. The sweepstakes is open from Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. Eastern time until Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. To enter, you must leave a comment below sharing about your favorite running friend and why he/she is special. To be eligible to win, you must submit your entries through the Rafflecopter widget featured on this page. To do so, you will need to provide your email address or log in with your Facebook information. One winner will be chosen at random and will receive one $50 gift card to Road Runner Sports. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. The winner will be selected on Monday, May 4, 2015, and will be contacted via email. Winners will have 2 days from the time and date of the email sent to claim their prize. rUnladylike, LLC, has the right to obtain the winner’s name through the Rafflecopter sweepstakes widget and via The winner agrees to allow rUnladylike, LLC, to share the winner’s name. The prize will be emailed to the winner from Jesica D’Avanza of rUnladylike, LLC. The winner and all sweepstakes entrants hold rUnladylike, LLC, and Road Runner Sports harmless in the event that the prize or sweepstakes in some way negatively impacts the winner, and the winner agrees to use the prizes at his or her own risk. This sweepstakes is hosted by rUnladylike, LLC, of Georgia, who can be contacted at Void where prohibited by law.
This post is the last in a series of posts sponsored by Road Runner Sports.
Tell us about your favorite running friend and why he/she is special (mandatory to be eligible to win).
My favorite running friend is Courtney since we’ve known each other since the first day of freshman year of high school. The shenanigans we have on our races are great:)
One of my favorite running friends is Jessica. Together we “force” each other to get out of bed and get those long runs done on the weekends! Even better, we compliment each other – she has the speed, I have the distance. It’s a great way for us to push each other!
I have 5 favorite running friends and I can’t single any one of them out! They are my #tribe and we support each other like crazy!
I usually run solo, but my favorite running friend is my dear friend Jackie. We trained for our first half marathon again, and though we don’t get to run together often, Jackie has been a constant source of encouragement and support through the ups and downs of my running.
My friend Francine is very motivating and considerate. She understands my schedule constraints but we make it work. We do most racecations together and even stop during runs to take it all in naturewise and occasionally for banana pancakes afterwards.
I recently starting going running with a running group at my local store, but my most enjoyable friend to run with is my wife. Not to be sappy, but that is one of the things we did a lot when we were in school and dating, it was one of the cheapest and healthiest dates for poor college students. Each time we run, it brings us closer together and brings back great memories.
My favorite running friend is my 2.5 year old. He loves coming with me on runs, and pushing the jogging stroller gives me a much better workout!
running buddies are the best. i trained with my friend katie here in nashville over the winter. since a lot of seasonal runners don’t hang in there during the colder months, we were each other’s only accountability partners. she rocks.
I usually run solo, but I started off with Couch to 5k, and the lady running it (Jessica) has turned out to be a great friend and motivator. Thanks, Jessica!
I would rather run alone
My fiance is my fave running buddy. I love that we challenge each other and love it when he cheers me on. Plus he always looks extra sexy post run….
My favorite running friend has pushed me to sign up for bigger and better things, I thought a 10k was my max until I ran a half marathon and then two more of those and most recently a trail 25k. Who knows what the next thing will be?
My sister is my favorite running buddy! If things get rough on a run, at least I know she won’t judge me 🙂
My BRF is Liz…we run every Monday and Friday without fail. We like to dress alike at races 🙂 We have a larger group that we run with on occasion, but I love it when it’s just the two of us pounding the pavement, solving all of life’s problems 🙂
My favorite running friend is my 8 year old daughter. She does not have the distance down yet but can rock a 5K like a track star!
Sometimes my best running friend is my music, sometimes it’s my breathing, sometimes it’s my thoughts, sometimes it’s my nephew in the jogging stroller and sometimes it’s a friend to share silly stories with while we get those miles in.
My best running buddy is my dog Mia! She loves going for walks/runs.
my favorite running friend is my husband! He is always encouraging me and helping me run faster! Even though his true love is cycling, he is a stellar runner and happily joins me for most of my runs!! And our first “date” was a run around our town! 🙂
I have a group of running friends: Kristin, Tammy, the Staceys, Aleisha, and my husband. They are all so incredibly awesome and encouraging. I love seeing them at races and I hope that we will start to train together more.
I don’t have any running friends yet but I am on the hunt for some!
Love running with my group. There are about 10 and we do a loop 3 times/week. With travel, illness, etc, 10 is great because there is still always some people that show up.
My favorite running buddy is my dog. I’ve run with her for years. She loves to run and we never have a schedule conflict! Now that she’s older, she can’t run nearly as far with me as she used to so I’m even more thankful for the times that she can run with me.
My favorite running buddy is definitely my friend Tom. We’ve had great talks while out on the run together…we run a great pace and I feel happy when we’re finished!
When I was thinking about this, I realized that I don’t have any specific just running friends. I have friends who luckily like to run 🙂
Currently I run with my boyfriend’s brother-in-law a few times a week because I live with him and my boyfriend’s sister! He used to be in the military and run every day but he had gotten away from it after getting out of the marines. When I was training for my half last Fall, he decided to join me once or twice a week. Then we started planning running times together. I wouldn’t have imagined that we’d become running buddies but it’s been really fun! It’s nice to have a guy out there with me when it starts to get dark and he definitely helps push me! He used to say he would only run up to 3 miles but a few months ago I got him to 7 miles with me so I know it’s a matter of time before we’re doing a half marathon together 😛
My favorite running friend is my wife. Although we rarely run together because we both get too competitive, she is always there to listen to the struggles, help juggle the schedule, and challenge the distance and pace.
My favorite running friend is Ruthie. She’s not only my running/training partner, but she’s been my mentor & biggest cheerleader. She’s the one that gave me the encouragement to start running half-marathons.
I usually run solo, but my favorite running friend is the one who got me into all this crazy distance running in the first place!
My best running friend is the one I trained for my first marathon with – Sharon! Weekend 20 milers = friends for life!
My best running friend is Rachael. We ran together through college and had many adventures including me leading us on many wrong turns (for which I am still teased about). Even though we live on opposite sides of the country, we still try and meet up twice a year to run a race together.
My favorite running friend is Sarah. I run with a run club and there’s several girls whom I typically run with, but Sarah is the one who I can talk to for hours on end about anything. Our friendship has begun to extend outside of running too – we both love reading and went to see Jodi Picoult speak!
I am lucky to have many BRFs! These include: Jillian, Carlee, Megan, and, of course, Jesica when I am lucky!! 🙂
My running buddy is Abigail. We met in a half-marathon training program, ran our goal race and then reconnected a year later at the same race. We run together a few times a month. We encourage each other to get faster and get out there (even in frigid winter temps), and for me it’s great having someone else who understands how important running is. The miles go by quickly as we talk about anything & everything.
My favorite running friend is Jenn. We don’t run together very often, but she always pushes me to be better and is an unbelievable support system. Her running and positive nature inspire me, so much so that I’ve just signed up for my first marathon. Training will be easy with her in my corner!
My friend Emma is awesome! She’s a busy mom but wakes up at 4am every morning to get her run in…dedication!!!
My favorite buddy is my husband. 🙂 We aren’t always at the same pace, but I just love getting out there with him!
My husband is my favorite running buddy! We enjoy going out running and finding new places to go. Sometimes we take our dog with us, too.
My wife is my favorite running partner. It never gets old, we always have fun together. We solve many of the world’s problems while pounding the pavement!
My sister! She can make time for me!
I always run with my dog. 🙂 She keeps pace with me and is always willing to go!
My fiance Paul is the best running partner I could ever ask for. He is supportive, fast, and we always have fun 🙂
I have 5 ‘Best Running Buddies’. Every Mon,Tue,Thur & Sat we rally at 530 am and head out on our run. We all push each other and we all lead at different times. With out the team commitment, I know I’d roll over back to sleep more often than get up to run.
I loved when my rrs had girls night! Bought glycerines that night!
I don’t have many people who will run with me but my mom always will. I love having conversations with her and spending that extra time with her.
My running friend is someone I met while running my first half marathon! We met during the race and kept each other pace throughout. Now we are training for our second one!