Running for Two: Baby rUnladylike Arriving January 2017
In 2014, my husband (Mr. rUnladylike) and I decided we were ready to start a family. We were sitting at an outdoor cafe in June of 2014 when I told him I wanted to run one more marathon before we got serious about trying to have a baby. I ran that marathon, my fastest to date, which lit a fire under me as I began to dream about big running goals that once felt impossible but now seemed within reach. I tucked those running goals and dreams high away on a shelf to be revisited after Baby rUnladylike made its debut. And that’s where they’ve stayed for a year and a half.
I always thought getting pregnant would be easy. I wouldn’t have to track anything. It would just happen. Like many women, I soon discovered that it doesn’t happen by magic, and it rarely ever happens how you think it will in your head. I’ll spare you all the details, but irregular cycles after getting off birth control and then many months of bad timing due to work travel prevented us from getting pregnant for more than a year. When it finally happened in December 2015, it lasted only six weeks. It wasn’t meant to be. The outpouring of support, stories and women who wanted to talk openly about what they’ve been through was beyond anything I could have anticipated.
When we were able to try again, this time, it worked. I was supposed to be running the Boston Marathon in April. Instead, I conceived a baby that day. I guess the saying “everything happens for a reason” isn’t a cliche after all.

I’m happy to announce that we’re having a baby girl who is due January 8, 2017. We are so very excited.

I’m afraid she doesn’t like running all that much just yet. She prefers me to lift weights, go to barre class and get my cardio on lower impact stationary machines, but she still wants to eat all the carbs.
We had a gender reveal party for our families last week and are so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing friends and family. It is the very best thing about living in Tampa and being so close to people who love us so much.

I made a special cake to announce the big news. It was four layers filled with pink MnMs that came spilling out once the cake was cut to reveal if it was a boy or girl.

Here’s a video of everyone finding out for the first time. We gave my mom the honor of cutting the cake. You can also see Mr. rUnladylike, me and my dad in the frame with my brother on Facetime, which is why my dad is holding the phone.
The cake aftermath …

Now you know why I haven’t been posting regular training recaps or mentioning long Saturday morning training runs. It has been difficult to keep this a secret from you guys for more than 17 weeks. I promise you this blog will always remain a website about running, health and fitness. I won’t suddenly be talking about parenting or breastfeeding or fertility issues. But you will hopefully see more pictures that include a small unladylike person and how being pregnant and having a child impact my life and running.
Hi from Baby rUnladylike. See, she likes you already!

Thank you for following me along on my journey the past four years and for joining me for the next chapter. xo
Congrats!!!! Very interested to hear about your pregnancy and how you’re feeling with running/working out and what changes! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy 🙂
Thank you Jess! I will be sharing soon the changes I’ve seen to my running already and will keep you guys posted. What I thought I’d be able to do and what I can actually do are two different things 🙂 Thanks again!
I have a big silly grin on my face! So happy for you! What a joy! Your whole family looks so happy too.
My baby (waiting on the gender till it comes out) is due mid October. Third trimester so far has been the most challenging but I’ve been able to run though less miles and much, much slower.
This is a wonderful time. Congratulations!
Hi Veronica! Thank you so much for the kind wishes. I’m so excited to hear about your baby!!! You are so close. My running is 360 degrees from where it was 18 weeks ago. I am only running once or twice a week and very slow, but I’ve found lots of other activities that my body is enjoying to try to stay as fit and healthy as possible. Thinking about you and wishing you a happy and healthy last few months and delivery. xoxo
Congratulations! That’s fantastic news 🙂
Such exciting and happy news!! Congrats and sending the best vibes for a healthy pregnancy!
Thank you so much Kara! I can’t wait to meet you finally in two short months! Looks like I’ll be a spectator for our race. xoxo
Congratulations! I’m very excited for you!
Congrats!!! I am pregnant with our first child due December 5th. We are having a baby boy! So excited for you all and can’t wait to follow your journey! I’ve been running still 5-6 days a week but it’s SO much slower and sometimes a struggle but just doing what I can!
Thank you so much Sara. Congrats to YOU and your baby boy. Looks like we are about a month apart. I hope you have been feeling well. I’m super impressed you’ve been able to keep running so much. My body hasn’t loved running since I’ve been pregnant but still enjoys lots of other workouts. Or maybe my mind just doesn’t like the way I have to slow down so much. LOL! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery. xo
Congratulations! What exciting news! So happy for you guys, you deserve all the best! You are now the third person I know who is due that same week! 🙂
Congrats to you, your husband and your families! You will make a wonderful mom!
Congrats on the exciting. So happy for you and your family.
The best news ever!!! So very happy for you and love how you revealed the gender with the sweet cake!!! Huge congrats and much love from NH 💗💗💗💗💗
Congrats to you and the Mr! That cake idea was pretty clever!
Congratulations!! LOVE the cake reveal! What a great idea! Can’t wait to meet you in a few months and see the baby belly!!
Congratulations!! That cake looks delicious!
So excited for you! Best of luck and make sure to enjoy every moment of the journey!
This is the best pregnancy post reveal I’ve ever read. It’s probably because I am SO excited for you guys, but it could also have to do with that cake. LOL Congrats again friend. I’m THRILLED the Runladylike fam is nearby. (And you get a built in Auntie Beth babysitter!)
Congratulations! So excited and thrilled for you all and praying for a safe and healthy rest of your pregnancy!
I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!!
I am SO happy to hear this wonderful news, Jes!!! Congratulations, enjoy this special time. xoxo
Congrats!!!! This is so so wonderful!!!!!! God bless!!!
Dear Jesica!
I’ve been waiting so long to read your first pregnancy post!
(And I was wondering….. when I read your post about your vacation in Oregon… about that sweet little curve in your belly….)
Congratulations and furthermore a healthy and wonderful pregnancy!
Best wishes!
Thank you so much Gabrielle. I have so appreciated all your kind comments, support and encouragement through the years. I love how the Internet connects us from all over the world. I hope one day we’ll get to meet, preferably at a race in Europe 🙂 xoxo
Congratulations!!! I was hoping that was why all was pretty quiet on the running front!
LOL! I wasn’t as sly as I thought, eh? Thank you so much!
Congratulations!!!! Super exciting news!
I had my suspicions after the US Trials 😉 Lol, I see someone above had the same thoughts as I did.
How exciting – fantastic news! Your Mother’s reaction is the best.
When you did the “confession/revelation” post I actually was wondering if maybe you were pregnant 🙂 Congrats!!
Funny that she was conceived on Marathon Day. My 2nd (coincidentally named Cadence), was born on Marathon Monday 2015 and my husband was supposed to be running it. 🙂
What a fun story Amanda, and love the name Cadence! Thanks so much for your kind words. xoxo
I’m just so very happy for you! Sending you lots of love and hugs and happy pregnancy vibes. And I can’t wait to hear how you’re feeling with running through pregnancy 🙂
Congrats!!! I very much suspected this so I’m glad to hear I was right! 🙂
I’m so excited for you!!! Enjoy this time and don’t worry too much about running. It’ll be there when you’re ready.
And I wouldn’t’ mind hearing about some of your parenting/breastfeeding/pregnancy adventures but that’s just me! It’s your blog so you should just write about what you feel comfortable sharing.
PS I love that she was conceived on the day you would have been runnign Boston. Fate!!
Thanks so much Nicole. It has been so fun to see how you have come back so strong with your running after the birth of your beautiful baby. You guys have the cutest family ever and I love seeing your journey! One day I hope we’ll find ourselves as the same race. xoxo
Congratulations to you and your husband! Love the cake! 🙂
Congratulations!!!! SO excited to read this post!! Look forward to reading more about your running post baby! Good Luck with all your activities during pregnancy! I keep hearing staying active will help delivery. (I’m 37 weeks and other than having a rather large basketball extending out my stomach, my workouts haven’t gotten much more difficult…hoping its the same for you!)
Congrats to you Audrey!!! You are almost there! It is so great to hear you’ve been able to stay so active. Fingers crossed I’ll be the same way. My doctors are very supportive of me continuing to exercise (without getting overheated) for as long as possible. I’ll be thinking about you and wishing you a healthy and happy delivery. xoxo
Oh Jes I am so so happy for you! We recently lost our first baby as well at 9 weeks and it’s been a tough process to grieve that loss and move on. Seeing stories like this gives me hope that we’ll be celebrating a new life soon. Best wishes to you for a healthy and happy preganancy! xo
Oh Christine. I am so very sorry you and your husband just experienced this loss. My heart is with you and I am sending you a huge hug. I was amazed when I shared my miscarriage experience how many people reached out to share a similar story. It felt like every woman had been through something similar. I knew the statistics were high, but it was overwhelming to see the outpouring of love and support from others who understood. I know you guys will be successful, and you will be in my thoughts. xoxo
Congratulations!!!! I am so, SO happy for you! Your family’s reaction is so sweet and filled with joy! Wishing you all the best for the remainder of your pregnancy!
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and your family – what a blessing! I love the gender reveal cake. I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy! I can’t wait to meet you in a couple months!
Ahhhhhh…. A girl rUnladylike baby! As the mom of two teen girls, I’ll be honest, there is a ton of drama, but they continue to amaze me and make me proud to be their mom each and every day. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy!
Yayy Congratulations!! I’m So excited for you!
Congratulations! I’ve been following your blog for a few years now and I’m so happy to see that you’re expecting! I am also due with our first on December 29 (plus or minus), and like you, baby does not enjoy running. I’m looking forward to following your journey and hopefully getting some new fitness ideas during pregnancy and beyond. Congrats again!
Hi Ariana! Thank you so much for reading for so long. That means so much to me. And congrats on your pregnancy. That is so exciting and our babies will be so close in age! Here’s hoping we’ll be fitter and faster after they arrive sooner rather than later. LOL! Hugs.
Congratulations! Very happy for you both.
I am sitting here in Big Sky having a glass of wine, watching my kids run races on the lawn and I started to tear up while reading your post.
I am so happy for you Jes!! We’ve never met, yet I feel like I know you and can’t wait to hug you in less than 2 months!! Congratulations on this beautiful miracle!!! This baby is so blessed!!! Xoxo
Congratulations!!! I am so happy to read this!! Your blog has been an inspiration to me as I have walked through my own infertility journey. I’m excited to read about your fitness through pregnancy. Congratulations on your rainbow baby!!!
I seriously could not be more excited for you both! Your life is about to begin… xoxoxo
Congratulations!! What awesome news! And to conceive on the day of Boston! I thought something was up when I read your Oregon posts and thought a bump was maybe there. All the best to you as you wait for the little girl’s arrival in the coming months!
Congrats! Your little girl has a special guardian angel looking out for her. Just wait until you can start signing her up for kids races and fun runs.
Yayayay congrats!! So excited for you two. You are going to be great parents!
Omg I just got caught up on your blog after a crazy summer and saw this post! I am so happy for you abd cried at the video of your mom cutting the baby gender reveal cake! So sweet! It took me 2 years to get pregnant after my husband and I finally decided to have a baby so I know how painful that can be. So happy for you both!
Thank you so, so much for your sweet words and comment Angie. I really appreciate it, and so glad you were successful after so much time as well. Hugs!